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Full Version: Democrats organize to fight back
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Well, it looks like maybe they have settled on a Deal.
(07-27-2017, 03:34 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: [ -> ]Well, it looks like maybe they have settled on a Deal.

It's a start.  I'd feel somewhat better with a more explicit positive agenda...
(07-27-2017, 04:41 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2017, 03:34 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: [ -> ]Well, it looks like maybe they have settled on a Deal.

It's a start.  I'd feel somewhat better with a more explicit positive agenda...

For some reason, Democrats either offer too much detail or none at all.  They lack the gut-punch narratives the GOP uses all the time.  It may have to do with the RW press, since they hone the GOP message for them.  Dems need to get better, and fast. 

2018 is either a bellwether or the death knell of the Democratic Party.  If they can't win big against a blowhard and feckless opponent, they need to exit the stage.
(07-30-2017, 07:26 AM)David Horn Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2017, 04:41 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2017, 03:34 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: [ -> ]Well, it looks like maybe they have settled on a Deal.

It's a start.  I'd feel somewhat better with a more explicit positive agenda...

For some reason, Democrats either offer too much detail or none at all.  They lack the gut-punch narratives the GOP uses all the time.  It may have to do with the RW press, since they hone the GOP message for them.  Dems need to get better, and fast. 

2018 is either a bellwether or the death knell of the Democratic Party.  If they can't win big against a blowhard and feckless opponent, they need to exit the stage.

Good diagnostic, David.

The attack oriented negative image building is a decent part of it.  Clinton 42 was the Teflon president.  His opponents would go after him tooth an nail, but he had enough positive points to defy and ignore those trying to 'go low'.  He had his own ethics, or lack thereof, and was ready to thumb his nose at any who wished to go the low road.

Hillary and Trump aren't Teflon coated.  Hillary isn't as bad as her opponents portrayed her.  Trump?  I feel he isn't as bad as folks are pretending, but I'm not greatly impressed either.  He doesn't seem to have the people skills to pull it together, with or without a press loaded up on a hostile world view.  With the current notion that it's OK to attack and diminish, it's almost like a Teflon saint is needed.
(07-30-2017, 12:29 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-30-2017, 07:26 AM)David Horn Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2017, 04:41 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2017, 03:34 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: [ -> ]Well, it looks like maybe they have settled on a Deal.

It's a start.  I'd feel somewhat better with a more explicit positive agenda...

For some reason, Democrats either offer too much detail or none at all.  They lack the gut-punch narratives the GOP uses all the time.  It may have to do with the RW press, since they hone the GOP message for them.  Dems need to get better, and fast. 

2018 is either a bellwether or the death knell of the Democratic Party.  If they can't win big against a blowhard and feckless opponent, they need to exit the stage.

Good diagnostic, David.

The attack oriented negative image building is a decent part of it.  Clinton 42 was the Teflon president.  His opponents would go after him tooth an nail, but he had enough positive points to defy and ignore those trying to 'go low'.  He had his own ethics, or lack thereof, and was ready to thumb his nose at any who wished to go the low road.

Hillary and Trump aren't Teflon coated.  Hillary isn't as bad as her opponents portrayed her.  Trump?  I feel he isn't as bad as folks are pretending, but I'm not greatly impressed either.  He doesn't seem to have the people skills to pull it together, with or without a press loaded up on a hostile world view.  With the current notion that it's OK to attack and diminish, it's almost like a Teflon saint is needed.

Or, a horoscope-favored saint. Same thing?

Bill Clinton: 21-3
Donald Trump: 9-4
Hillary Clinton: 9-11.

I am even less impressed, and more shocked at how bad Drump is, than I thought I would be, or "pretended" he would be. He is worse than even I could have imagined. And he shows no sign yet of the flexibility or ability to deal or to learn that he bragged of having.

These two have some teflon coating, aka charisma, strategic skill, people skill, etc.
Landrieu, 15-2
McAuliffe: 11-2 or better.

The others? Some of them have a thin coating; others about the same or less than Hillary. Democrats will need to choose someone with teflon to beat Trump, who has a thin coat that covers his base. Plus another indicator in his favor in 2020.
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