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What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Printable Version +- Generational Theory Forum: The Fourth Turning Forum: A message board discussing generations and the Strauss Howe generational theory (http://generational-theory.com/forum) +-- Forum: Fourth Turning Forums (http://generational-theory.com/forum/forum-1.html) +--- Forum: Current Events (http://generational-theory.com/forum/forum-34.html) +---- Forum: General Political Discussion (http://generational-theory.com/forum/forum-15.html) +---- Thread: What will happen if Clinton is elected President (/thread-354.html) |
RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Eric the Green - 08-05-2016 And guess who has been making a lot of RIGHT predictions? ![]() I don't know if the current Trump meltdown and Hillary bounce will continue. They are both weak candidates, so the election could still be relatively close. However, I think it will look pretty much like 2012. Trump might make Ohio closer, and Florida is always close. PA has often trended strongly Democratic this year, as it's doing now, and so is NH. Trump is in danger of losing North Carolina, and maybe Arizona. I'd say the most likely result is that Trump squeezes through in AZ, but Clinton squeezes through in FL and NC, meaning that Hillary will do better than Obama in 2012 and get 347 electoral votes. It could be 346 if the Maine 2nd CD votes for Trump. I would predict that won't happen. Iowa is also close this year; I predict it will stay blue too. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - playwrite - 08-05-2016 (08-04-2016, 12:10 AM)MillsT_98 Wrote: What will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected president? I made this poll just like its parallel thread: "What would happen if Trump is elected president", with the same options. By the way, thanks, Mr. T for setting this up! I really really wanted to write "Mr. T" ![]() RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - playwrite - 08-05-2016 (08-04-2016, 01:17 AM)MillsT_98 Wrote: I would definitely disagree with you. Hillary will not be impeached (even if the Republicans try it will fail miserably). She is actually more honest and trustworthy than Trump, and definitely less dangerous than him (not to mention how unpredictable he is). With her being elected, she will try hard to push her progressive agenda, especially since the Democratic Party has been driven left by Sanders and the like. I'd be fine with her running as Obama's third term, because that's still better than Trump, but even so, I believe she will be a successful President. As I said elsewhere, if the House remains in GOP hands (looking less certain these days) I really really hope they try impeaching her. That worked so well for them with Bill in the 90s; I can only imagine the backlash of a male-dominated GOP going after the first woman President. I can't think of a better way (maybe making the SCOTUS Progressive for decades to come) of accelerating the inevitable decline of today's Right into a regional rump party. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - playwrite - 08-05-2016 (08-04-2016, 12:32 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Successful one-term President -- issues of age and health. And should that scenario play out, the big difference between her and Bush 1 will be that the GOP will not have an evil twin of Bubba to follow up with in 2020. Just the demographics of the White-male-over-55 years-old-voter cohort being 2% less of the electorate every cycle makes that almost a certainty; add-in more female and urbanized, it seals the deal. With Georgia and North Carolina firmly behind the Blue Wall and Texas leaning Blue, the race will be all about the Dem primaries and the General a formality - sort of like a District of Columbia election on steroids. The DNC needs to get its act together before this becomes obvious. They need to jettison the biggest voter suppression tool in their nominating process - the caucus. That needs to take priority over ending closed primaries and super-delegates. Anyone telling us otherwise is just playing out a political calculation for their narrow political views rather than what's in the best interest to the country. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - playwrite - 08-05-2016 (08-04-2016, 02:01 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: To me, the critical question for the hypothetical Clinton 45 presidency is how badly Trump messes up the Republicans. Can he possibly disrupt the GOP to the point where the Democrats can break filibusters? Obama's problem has never been coming up with progressive ideas to fight the Robber Baron dominated Republicans, it's been getting his ideas through Congress. Trump is messing up the Republican unity big time, and more than a few thinking Republicans will be shifting to Hillary, but Trump would really really have to be very Trumped up to give a supermajority Congress to the Democrats. A Clinton win will change the SCOTUS to Progressive for decades to come (once the 2016 election is in the bank, be sure to start sending those McDonnell's coupons to the Thomas household again!) and that will start to reverse both the Citizen United, voter suppression and gerrymandering rear guard actions of the declining Right. We can take them out in the early 2020s if the Dems can pick up state governorships/legislations prior to the 2020 Census. If not, it will be more of slug fest with the GOP House and with Red States attempting various levels of sedition for much of the coming decade but it will become increasingly apparent they are literally dying out. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - playwrite - 08-05-2016 (08-04-2016, 07:04 PM)Kinser79 Wrote: Well since I'm essentially ignoring Playdude's existance...primarily due to the fact that talking to him is like talking to a brick wall (only the wall is more intelligent, and also more well researched), and since Odin has little more than insults to fling about I'm going to address a point brought up by Bob. You and The Donald share a lot of 'attributes' like living in a fact-free zone. Maybe you two should get a room? RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - playwrite - 08-05-2016 (08-04-2016, 07:20 PM)Kinser79 Wrote:(08-04-2016, 06:49 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:(08-04-2016, 12:40 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: First let me say that I highly doubt she will be elected. Her post convention bump was far lower than Trump's, and her unfavorablity is growing, also it is quite likely she will not fare well in the debates. Seriously Grouchy Commie Grandpa (Sanders) trounced her on a regular basis and he wasn't even really trying to hurt her. Trump won't be nearly as nice, and HRC's reputation as being a hard as nails political animal negates her gynocentric advantage. Gad, this fact-free horseshXt is simply hilarious -20% of Sanders voters going to Trump; Clinton scandals that mean anything to normal people; Trump has a shot at FL, OH, PA; Kaine is hated in VA (this is the most bizarre)??? We actually have our very own "The Donald" on this forum! Maybe a moniker change? The K-Trump or maybe K-Dump? Or maybe you can be "The Donald's Brain" and on election day you can mutter around about how Clinton's win just can't be true because the polls are skewed? You sure you're not "JustPassingThrough?" RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Mikebert - 08-05-2016 Looks like Kinser has jumped the shark into Unskewed Polls territory (these were the folks in 2012 who were *sure* Mittens was ahead and had been all campaign and the polls were biased against him). The Donald is in trouble. His poll position looks awful right now, but we are still in the choppy period around the conventions. The poll average two weeks after the last convention (i.e. a week from now) will tell where the general election will start. It should be fairly stable after that, barring unexpected events, until the debates, if they happen. Right now, if nothing changes, it looks more or less like a repeat of 2012 where Clinton wins, but Republicans hold the Senate. However, I have faith in The Donald. I think when the dust settles it will be closer to the 2008 outcome, Clinton will win easily and Dems will just eke out a Senate majority. I’m not into conspiracy theories, but the folks who say Trump has been in cahoots with Clinton from the start are looking less crazy. I still think they are certainly wrong, but I won’t think of them as loons anymore. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Mikebert - 08-05-2016 As for Clinton will do, there are two many unknowns. Will she have a Democratic Senate? How will the rest of the business cycle unfold. What does she want to achieve as president? I can see outcomes ranging from very frustrating to good. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Odin - 08-05-2016 (08-05-2016, 04:49 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote:(08-05-2016, 04:11 PM)Mikebert Wrote: Looks like Kinser has jumped the shark into Unskewed Polls territory (these were the folks in 2012 who were *sure* Mittens was ahead and had been all campaign and the polls were biased against him). Trump is a classic sociopath, which is not the evil mastermind of popular imagination but an impulsive monster. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - pbrower2a - 08-05-2016 (08-05-2016, 10:01 AM)playwrite Wrote:(08-04-2016, 07:20 PM)Kinser79 Wrote:(08-04-2016, 06:49 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:(08-04-2016, 12:40 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: First let me say that I highly doubt she will be elected. Her post convention bump was far lower than Trump's, and her unfavorablity is growing, also it is quite likely she will not fare well in the debates. Seriously Grouchy Commie Grandpa (Sanders) trounced her on a regular basis and he wasn't even really trying to hurt her. Trump won't be nearly as nice, and HRC's reputation as being a hard as nails political animal negates her gynocentric advantage. 1. I see polls with the Libertarians getting 10% or more of the vote. Many of those voters are not hard-core Libertarians; they are orthodox Republicans. Millions of orthodox Republicans find Donald Trump a demagogue and dangerous for that. They may disagree with me on what the best alternative is, but they know that Donald Trump is untrustworthy. In many states such will allow Hillary Clinton to win with 45% or so of the vote. This could throw Hillary a bunch of states that just do not vote for Democratic nominees for President. Donald Trump is a horrible match for states whose people don't like flamboyance. I have seen that pattern in Utah. Gary Johnson and William Weld have political assets that no pair of third-party or independent nominees have had since 1912: they both have held one of the two usual penultimate elective offices for an elected President: Governor of a state. (the other is US Senator). Both Johnson and Weld have far more experience in elective office than does Donald Trump. 2. The Democrats gave copious material for negative ads against Donald Trump -- and against anyone who chooses to support him. That could be a double-whammy for many incumbent Republicans. Unlike the case with the "Willie Horton" ads the Democrats can rotate ads so that people don't get sick of them. Yes, negative ads work -- and Democrats have them to use if necessary. 3. Disgruntled Sanders supporters will go to Jill Stein and her Green Party. Donald Trump has little to offer them. 4. I have never been in Florida, so I can't refute you directly on that. Deny the significance of polls if you wish -- but in the years in which I have followed statewide polls they have told a story that held up. There have been bad pollsters, but see enough and you see patterns. Hillary Clinton can win without Florida. At this point I see no evidence that Hillary Clinton will not win all seventeen states (CA, CT, DE, HI, IL, MA, ME, MI, MN, NJ, NY, OR, PA, RI, VT, WA, and WI) and the District of Columbia. Those states account for 243 electoral votes. A composite of Presidential elections, 1976 and 1992-2012: Deep red -- Democrats win every Presidential race. 243 Medium red -- Democrats win all but one Presidential race. 15 White -- always went with the winner 23 Pale blue -- went for the winner in all election, but in that exception went for the Republican 38 Yellow -- twice Democratic, but seeming to now drift Democratic 13 Green -- twice Democratic but seeming to drift Republican (Missouri in a light shade because Obama was close in 2008, others deep green) 38/48 Medium blue -- Republicans win all but one Presidential race. 58 Deep blue --Republicans win every Presidential race. 98 NE-02 is the middle box in Nebraska even if the district is Greater Omaha. Mass dissatisfaction with the Republican party is strong outside core GOP areas. Republicans will need either a catastrophic failure of the Obama Administration or a quickly-forming cultural trend (like a right-wing religious revival) in most Blue (Atlas Red) states to create an opportunity. (comment: That seems not to be happening. The Millennial Generation is not amenable to religious revivals). The political cultures that make Republican wins of those states is well entrenched. OK, one might trade Nevada for Iowa... but that leaves the Republican nominee with several must-win states (Colorado, Virginia, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina), none of which will be certain. The states The winner of the Democratic nomination gets the Obama campaign apparatus intact. ... Hillary Clinton has plenty of ways to win. With 29 electoral votes Florida puts Hillary Clinton over the top even if she gets no other state outside the Blue (here Red as this map comes from a source that still uses red for Democrats and blue for Democrats. I make no waves there over that). The Blue Firewall (on my map maroon) and Florida put Hillary Clinton over the top at 272. If she wins all three of the states that have gone no more than once for a Republican nominee for President, then with this she is at 258 electoral votes. At that point, Colorado and Nevada put her at 272 electoral votes. Virginia has her at 271. Ohio puts her at 276. So why don't I discuss Arizona? Because she is not going to win Arizona without also winning Colorado and Nevada. North Carolina? She's not going to win North Carolina without also winning Virginia. Georgia? Not without also winning Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina. Indiana? Not without also winning Ohio. 5. The argument that the only poll that matters is the one on Election Day? I have typically heard that from electoral losers. Good politicians do not play up polling results because complacency creates losses. Why do you think politicians campaign actively? Bad polling results indicate that something is very wrong with the politician or his campaign. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Anthony '58 - 08-07-2016 The key will be the 2018 midterm elections - after two years of everything Hillary proposes ending up dead on arrival in the Republican-controlled House, assuming the Democrats even get a majority in the Senate this November - hardly a given. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Marypoza - 08-21-2016 (08-04-2016, 03:16 AM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:(08-04-2016, 12:10 AM)MillsT_98 Wrote: What will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected president? I made this poll just like its parallel thread: "What would happen if Trump is elected president", with the same options. What Rags said. As for your options I can't decide between impeachment or the coup. Maybe both if, as Kinser has pointed out, the impeachment is unsuccessful. There may also be widespread rioting in the streets @ some point Repugs will further consolidate their stranglehold on Congress in 2018. A wingnut will become Prez in 2020 RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Marypoza - 08-21-2016 (08-07-2016, 03:48 PM)Anthony Wrote: The key will be the 2018 midterm elections - after two years of everything Hillary proposes ending up dead on arrival in the Republican-controlled House, assuming the Democrats even get a majority in the Senate this November - hardly a given. Highly unlikely. Voter turnout will be low, which favors repugs. If the Dems really wanted Congress back they would of ran Bernie, instead of stacking the primaries against him RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Anthony '58 - 08-21-2016 Diane Keaton and Al Pacino were going on about the immediate political future the other night, in the event Hillary wins the election: "There will be no way, Michael (Pacino played Michael Corleone in the Godfather movies, Keaton his wife), no way the Democrats will get control of the House back until 2022 at the earliest - not with this gerrymandering thing that's been going on for ..." Whereupon Pacino slapped her hard across the face. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Eric the Green - 08-21-2016 (08-21-2016, 08:46 AM)Marypoza Wrote:(08-04-2016, 03:16 AM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:(08-04-2016, 12:10 AM)MillsT_98 Wrote: What will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected president? I made this poll just like its parallel thread: "What would happen if Trump is elected president", with the same options. Bernie was better, but Hillary is much, much better than you give her credit for. None of the things Rags said will happen, except #3. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Eric the Green - 08-21-2016 (08-21-2016, 08:48 AM)Marypoza Wrote:(08-07-2016, 03:48 PM)Anthony Wrote: The key will be the 2018 midterm elections - after two years of everything Hillary proposes ending up dead on arrival in the Republican-controlled House, assuming the Democrats even get a majority in the Senate this November - hardly a given. We are going to keep chugging along, not going very far, until the people wise up and vote, and vote the Republicans out, and progressive Democrats or others in. It's up to the people. Bernie winning would not have changed a whole lot. Hillary winning will not change a whole lot. Down ballot voting, and peoples' activism, will determine how things go. RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Marypoza - 08-22-2016 (08-21-2016, 06:30 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:(08-21-2016, 08:46 AM)Marypoza Wrote:(08-04-2016, 03:16 AM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:(08-04-2016, 12:10 AM)MillsT_98 Wrote: What will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected president? I made this poll just like its parallel thread: "What would happen if Trump is elected president", with the same options. -- wrong! I don't give that cheating skanky thief any credit RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Odin - 08-22-2016 (08-22-2016, 05:42 AM)Marypoza Wrote: -- wrong! I don't give that cheating skanky thief any credit Jesus fucking Christ, you sound just like the PUMAs in 2008. ![]() RE: What will happen if Clinton is elected President - Eric the Green - 08-22-2016 (08-22-2016, 05:42 AM)Marypoza Wrote:(08-21-2016, 06:30 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:(08-21-2016, 08:46 AM)Marypoza Wrote:(08-04-2016, 03:16 AM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:(08-04-2016, 12:10 AM)MillsT_98 Wrote: What will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected president? I made this poll just like its parallel thread: "What would happen if Trump is elected president", with the same options. Maybe you won't, but it doesn't mean any of the charges against her are right. |