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Texas Lawmaker Will Introduce Referendum to Secede from U.S. - Printable Version

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Texas Lawmaker Will Introduce Referendum to Secede from U.S. - random3 - 01-28-2021

Texas Lawmaker Will Introduce Referendum to Secede from U.S.

RE: Texas Lawmaker Will Introduce Referendum to Secede from U.S. - mamabug - 01-29-2021

I would really like to know how often a lawmaker in Texas does that. It feels like it might be an annual tradition.

RE: Texas Lawmaker Will Introduce Referendum to Secede from U.S. - March3 - 03-03-2021

Looks like 2021 will be even worse than expected.

The US is becoming a nightmarish Hell. Everyday will be worse than today forever.

All the lines have been crossed. The globalists will go all the way.

Seeing the future is easy now.

The political, economic, and cultural systems are rapidly collapsing in the USA.

The elites control the president, Congress, and the courts.

The ruling class controls the government, Wall Street, media, and Hollywood.

The US is not a democracy.

Everything is illegal, but the government does not obey the law.

At no point will the Bill of Rights be restored, the debt be paid off, or the wars end.

911, 2008, and this virus will not end well.

There will be a big event in the next few weeks.

Taxes will increase.

Inflation will rise.

The power, water, ATM machines, and Internet might go down.

Biden might resign, be arrested, or die.

There might be a terrorist attack.

The civil war will turn hot.

Patriots might attack government buildings.

The Gestapo will fire on Americans.

There will be lockdowns, mandatory masks, and mandatory vaccines.

Guns will be banned.

Cash will be banned.

The stock market will collapse.

Concentration camps will open.

Walls might be built around towns. There will be roadblocks and checkpoints.

Stay out of cities.

Keep your gas tank full.

Prepare a bugout bag today with clothes, a tent, camo, body armor, water, food, batteries, guns, ammo, and gold.

Only trust family and long-time friends. Be suspicious of strangers.

Be mobile.

Stop carrying a mobile phone around.

Do not talk with the Gestapo.

The oligarchs will start WWIII with Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China.

Property will be nationalized.

The US might be renamed, the USA flag will be redesigned, and the national anthem will be changed.

Calls for secession and sanctuary cities will grow.

Pass the word.