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Generational Dynamics World View
*** 30-Dec-18 World View -- Xi Jinping's speech on 'the humiliation of the Chinese nation for centuries'

This morning's key headlines from
  • Xi Jinping's speech on 'the humiliation of the Chinese nation for centuries'
  • China's history since the May Fourth Movement
  • Xi Jinping's 'China Dream': revenge for centuries of humiliation

**** Xi Jinping's speech on 'the humiliation of the Chinese nation for centuries'

[Image: g181229b.jpg]
Xi Jinping gives his speech to the Great Hall of the People on December 18 (AP)

Last week on December 18, China's president Xi Jinping gave a solemn
speech in the Great Hall of the People, marking the 40th anniversary
of Deng Xiaoping’s policy of reform and openness.

In my opinion, the most important part of that speech was his goal of
"wiping out the humiliation of the Chinese nation for centuries."

He made the same allusion in March of this year in a major
speech to the National People's Congress -- a meeting where he
made himself a dictator for life, and modified the consititution
to incorporate "Xi's Thoughts" on "Socialism with China
Characteristics (SWCC)."

In the March speech, he said "China has continuously striven for its
dream of realizing great national rejuvenation for over 170 years,"
alluding to the Opium Wars of the 1840s. This is a theme I've seen
frequently in Chinese statements -- that China would be a great nation
today, if it hadn't been humiliated by the West, particularly Britain
and Japan.

For the past few months, I've been deep into studying China's history,
back to ancient times, but particularly focusing on the time since the
1840s Opium Wars. And there's a big puzzle about China that becomes
starkly apparently when you compare China and Japan in the late 1800s.

Both China and Japan had generational crisis civil wars that climaxed
in the 1860s (Taiping Rebellion and Meiji Restoration, respectively).
Both countries were devastated by those crisis civil wars, and each
had to reconstruct a shattered country. But those reconstructions
proceeded in vastly different directions.

Japan embraced the West, including culture, government and technology,
and by the early 1900s Japan was considered a "developed country" and
even a "Western country," although the people became imbued with a
militaristic attitude that resulted in disaster in World War II.

China did not embrace the West. China rejected the West (or at best
had a love-hate relationship with the West), and even declared war on
the West in the Boxer Rebellion. As a result, China had no idea what
was going on in the world. The Chinese leaders were repeatedly
"conned" by Japan and the West in World War I, and they never seemed
to learn what was going on. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me
twice, shame on me" is the old saying. But the Chinese were fooled
over and over, and never seemed to learn anything. While Japan's
government was highly competent and driven, China's government was
totally incompetent, and stumbled from one disaster to another.

This created the "New Culture Movement" in the late 1910s, which was a
rejection by young people of all of China's culture under previous
governments, including Confucianism and the classical Chinese
language. This created a vacuum that might have been filled by
Western ideas, except that China was fooled and humiliated once again
by Japan and the West in the Versailles Treaty of Paris, the agreement
that ended World War I. The result was that a large segment of
China's society began adopting anarchism, socialism and communism from
Russia's Bolshevik Revolution, leading to the formation of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) in the 1920s.

That triggered the May 4th movement (May 4, 1919), a massive
anti-government protest by millions of students in Tiananmen Square,
that the government brutally put down, but which turned the people
into a driven population seeking revenge against Japan and the West.

(It's no coincidence that the May 4th movement was repeated exactly 70
years later, in May 1989, leading to the Tiananmen Square massacre on
June 4, 1989. It's also going to be a big problem next year for the
Chinese leadership that May 4 and June 4, 2019, will be anniversaries
of the May 4th Movement and the Tiananmen Square massacre.)

The riddle about China is why the Chinese people are so naive
and credulous. For three hundred years, from 1640 to 1912, they were
governed by a small army of foreigners -- the Manchus -- that they
could easily have overthrown at any time, but never bothered to do so.
Then during the 1910s and World War I, their incompetent government
was humiliated time after time by Japan, Britain, Russia and France.
In World War II, the huge Chinese empire would have been defeated by
the small island of Japan if the West, principally the Americans,
hadn't saved China's butt.

After the war, the disasters continued under Mao Zedong, with the
Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution and then, in 1989, the
Tiananmen Square massacre. Even today, under Xi Jinping, China's
government (the CCP) seens like a child lost in the woods, with no
idea how to deal with its own population except through brutality or
how to deal with the other countries of the world, except through
deception and military threats. China Daily and Xinhua and Diplomat (5-May-2015) and RadiiChina

**** China's history since the May Fourth Movement

Xi Jinping sees the May Fourth Movement as a major turning point in
China's history, and he lists three major outcomes in the last century
of the May Fourth Movement:
  • The formation of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the

  • The creation of the People's Republic of China by Mao Zedong in

  • Deng Xiaoping's "reform and opening-up" in 1978, including the
    redefinition and implementation of Socialism with Chinese
    Characteristics (SWCC). This is the event whose 40th anniversary was
    being celebrated last week.

I believe that we can reasonably assume that Xi would identify the
fourth major outcome of the May 4th Movement as his own anointment as
dictator for life and the incorporation of "Xi's Thoughts" in the
constitution, in March of this year.

In terms of intent, Deng's "Reforms and Opening Up" are comparable to
the kinds of actions that Japan took in the decades following the
Meiji Restoration. So one might say that in 1978, China lagged a
century behind Japan.

However, there is still a big difference. Japan is a democracy, while
nobody would ever call China's government a democracy.

According to the minutes of the "Third Plenary Session of the 11th
Central Committee," meeting from December 18-22, 1978, where the
reforms were presented, China must implement "socialist

<QUOTE>"Socialist modernization requires centralized
leadership and strict implementation of various rules and
regulations and observance of labour discipline. Bourgeois
factionalism and anarchism must be firmly opposed. But the correct
concentration of ideas is possible only when there is full
democracy. Since for a period in the past democratic centralism
was not carried out in the true sense, centralism being divorced
from democracy and there being too little democracy, it is
necessary to lay particular emphasis on democracy at present, and
on the dialectical relationship between democracy and centralism,
so as to make the mass line the foundation of the Party's
centralized leadership and the effective direction of the
organizations of production. In ideological and political life
among the ranks of the people, only democracy is permissible and
not suppression or persecution. ... The constitutional rights of
citizens must be resolutely protected and no one has the right to
infringe upon them.

In order to safeguard people's democracy, it is imperative to
strengthen the socialist legal system so that democracy is
systematized and written into law in such a way as to ensure the
stability, continuity and full authority of this democratic system
and these laws; there must be laws for people to follow, these
laws must be observed, their enforcement must be strict and law
breakers must be dealt with. ... Procuratorial and judicial
organizations must maintain their independence as is appropriate;
they must faithfully abide by the laws, rules and regulations,
serve the people's interests, keep to the facts; guarantee the
equality of all people before the people's laws and deny anyone
the privilege of being above the law."<END QUOTE>

There are two important concepts here: "socialist modernization" was
necessary to open China to the world, and "democratic centralism"
meant that the country was centrally controlled, but democratic in the
sense there must be no suppression or persecution. Elsewhere, the
same document says: "The Party members' right to make criticisms
within the Party concerning the leadership at higher levels, up to
Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the
Central Committee, must be guaranteed and any practice that does not
conform to the Party's democratic centralism and the principle of
collective leadership should be resolutely corrected."

This is what was meant by Socialism with Chinese Characteristics at
the time of Deng Xiaoping in 1978, but none of this is recognizable in
today's China, where members of the CCP are clearly above the law, and
anyone who criticizes the CCP can be thrown into jail.

When Xi Jinping listed the three major outcomes of the May Fourth
Movement, he is probably leaving out the most important: the June 4,
1989, Tiananmen Square massacre.

In May 1989, exactly 70 years after the May 4th movement, millions of
young Chinese students crowded into Beijing to demand greater
democracy and less repression, exactly what Deng Xiaoping had called
for. On June 4, Chinese troops and security police stormed through
Tiananmen Square, firing indiscriminately into the crowds of
protesters. Thousands of students were killed, and tens of
thousands were arrested.

That wasn't the only thing that happened around that time. On
December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union was collapsed, and all the former
Soviet republics became independent self-governing nations.

Arguably, the collapse of the Soviet Union was more traumatic to the
CCP than even the Tiananmen Square massacre. Suddenly, the leadership
of the CCP were staring death in the face, as they considered the fact
something like that Tiananmen Square protests could force the Chinese
Communist Party to collapse as well. Ever since the Bolshevik
Revolution, Russian communism had always been the role model for
Chinese communism. If Russian communism could collapse, then so could
Chinese communism.

In the 1990s, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics began to take on
a whole new and far darker and more sinister meaning. The CCP
leadership became increasingly paranoid, and began seeing ghosts.
Centralism was still in play, but democratic centralism was gone. The
"right to make criticisms" was gone, and any criticism of the CCP
leadership could lead to torture, rape and jailing.

Religious persecution surged. The Buddhism-based Falun Gong movement
was and is particularly targeted, after millions of people became
practioners of their form of meditation. The CCP has increasingly
cracked down on Christianity and even Daoism, for fear their practice
could lead to overthrow of the CCP. Beijing Review (26-May-2009) and Economist and China Global Television Network and South China Morning Post

**** Xi Jinping's 'China Dream': revenge for centuries of humiliation

Deng Xiaoping's reforms are almost completely unrecognizable in
today's CCP, led by Xi Jinping. Consider Deng's "24-Character
Strategy" (24 Chinese characters):

<QUOTE>"Observe calmly; secure our position; cope with
affairs calmly; hide our capacities and bide our time; be good at
maintaining a low profile; and never claim
leadership."<END QUOTE>

Xi Jinping is certainly not following Deng's advice. China today is
belligerent, boastful, and military threatening to anyone who does not
do as China demands. It's the opposite of Deng's advice.

The May 4th Movement led immediately to two disastrous Chinese leaders
-- Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong -- and to China's bloody civil war
(the Communist Revolution) and then to disastrous domestic policies,
including the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.

Today, China is led by the CCP and Xi Jinping, and the government is
insanity on steroids, and is completely delusional and out of touch
with reality. There are a couple of examples I like to point to.

One is the fear of Winnie the Pooh, who looks like Xi Jinping. This
is actually a rea. fear, because the deeply paranoid CCP leaders are
actually afraid that Winnie the Pooh can be used as a symbol for an
internal revolt to overthrow the CCP. Can you imagine Donald Trump or
any other national leader being afraid of Winnie the Pooh or some
other cartoon character? But that's the state of insanity of China's
CCP government.

Another example is the policy of locking up a million Muslim Uighurs
in reeducation camps in Xinjiang province. This has got to be the
stupidest policy in the history of any country in the world. One
would have to be insane to believe that this policy would work to
convert the Muslim Uighurs into compliant Han Chinese.

Xi Jinping's own father, Xi Zhongxun, was dragged by Red Guards in
front in front of a mob, and jailed in what might be called a
"reeducation center" during the time of the Cultural Revolution. In
his recent speech, Xi Jinping says that the Cultural Revolution was a
"mistake," but that doesn't stop him from the insane policy of doing
to a million Uighurs what was done to his own father.

Those are domestic policies. Foreign policies are equally delusional,
and are characterized by deception and simple lying. I've studied
China's historic claims to the South China Sea, and they're completely
nonexistent. China's claims are a complete hoax. When Hitler
illegally annexed Sudentenland, he could at least claim that he was
protecting ethnic Germans. But there are no ethnic Chinese in the
South China Sea. China's claims are a hoax.

In 2015, Xi told Barack Obama that China would not militarize the
South China Sea. Today, the South China Sea is bristling with Chinese
military bases and weapons. Xi's statement was a complete lie,
just like Hitler's promise of "peace in our time."

At first, China pitched the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as an
exciting new version of the ancient Silk Road that connected China to
Europe. However, it's increasingly seen as a policy of building
infrastructure in other countries for the purpose of allowing China to
exploit each country's natural resources. The Chinese "debt trap
diplomacy" model is to send in thousands of Chinese workers, lend
money to the government and demand that they use the money to pay the
salaries of the Chinese workers, who then use the money to send to
their families back home or to purchase Chinese products within their
enclave. The country cannot afford to pay back the loan, and the
Chinese workers stay there forever.

One can see the elements of revenge in these policies. Xi Jinping and
the Chinese blame the world for "the humiliation of the Chinese nation
for centuries," and now are adopting policies to exploit and humiliate
the other countries of the world.

This brings us back to understanding how incompetent China is to
governing itself. When the Manchus governed China, there was some
sanity. Today, Xi Jinping and the CCP have no clue how to govern
their own country or how to navigate in the world. Today, the meek,
naive, credulous Chinese people are being governed by another
monstrous authoritarian government, led by an incompetent leader Xi
Jinping, who has adopted one insane policy after another, with no idea
what to do next.

The most insane policy of all is its preparation for war. China has
developed one nuclear ballistic weapons system after another with no
purpose except to attack American cities, American bases, and American
aircraft carriers. China has nothing to offer the world except that
it has become an aggressive, imperial, militaristic nation that will
launch a war that it will lose, but not before it's brought
catastrophe to itself and the entire world. Financial Times and American Thinker

Related Articles:

KEYS: Generational Dynamics, China, Xi Jinping, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping,
Reform and openness, Opium Wars, Britain, Japan, France,
Meiji Restoration, Boxer Rebellion,
New Culture Movement, Confucianism, World War I, Versailles Treaty,
March Fourth Movement, Chinese Communist Party, CCP,
Tiananmen Square Massacre, Manchus, Falun Gong,
Socialist modernization, democratic centralism,
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, SWCC,
Soviet Union, Bolshevik Revolution, Russia,
Buddhism, Christianity, Daoism, Chiang Kai-shek,
Winnie the Pooh, Uighurs, Xinjiang, Xi Zhongxun,
South China Sea, Belt and Road Initiative, BRI

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