10-29-2016, 12:53 PM
One of the things you should not forget is great lyrics from a song.
An unforgettable couple of lines come from The Beatles song A Day In The Life which go:" I read the news today oh boy,
"Four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire.
"And though the holes were rather small,
"They had to count them all
"Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall..."
The idea for the potholes came from an article in The Daily Mail on January 17, 1967, which said: "There are 4,000 holes in the road in Blackburn, Lancashire, or one twenty-sixth of a hole per person, according to a council survey. If Blackburn is typical, there are two million holes in Britain's roads and 300,000 in London."
It came to mind when I saw and article in The Times on Saturday (today) which had the headline: Fixing potholes will cost £12bn and take more than a decade"
It explained in a nutshell Britain's roads have fallen into such disrepair it would take 14 years to fill every pothole in the country.
Not a lot has changed since 1967 and things are supposed to be getting better.
As an added aside to any aspiring musicians who want to use the idea of potholes. When The Beatles used the lyric of The Royal Albert Hall being big enough to take 4,000 potholes.
Those responsible for running the Royal Albert Hall banned the song from being performed at the hall.
It the hall council's minutes it stated: "As a result, Council have voted unanimously to ban indefinitely the performance of the song by any artist performing at the Royal Albert Hall."
This ban was broken in 1989 but by then no one even remembered it was in place.
Another war lost.
And on the subject of things being the same think of the phrase ' a leopard never changes its spots"
This is now the big thing in the world of fashion. The leopard print coat is the new big thing as there are 5,500 styles of this type of coat.
Read more at http://www.northampton-news-hp.co.uk/the...GrS7Tkd.99
"And though the news was rather sad
Well I just had to laugh"
Good advice these days?!
An unforgettable couple of lines come from The Beatles song A Day In The Life which go:" I read the news today oh boy,
"Four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire.
"And though the holes were rather small,
"They had to count them all
"Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall..."
The idea for the potholes came from an article in The Daily Mail on January 17, 1967, which said: "There are 4,000 holes in the road in Blackburn, Lancashire, or one twenty-sixth of a hole per person, according to a council survey. If Blackburn is typical, there are two million holes in Britain's roads and 300,000 in London."
It came to mind when I saw and article in The Times on Saturday (today) which had the headline: Fixing potholes will cost £12bn and take more than a decade"
It explained in a nutshell Britain's roads have fallen into such disrepair it would take 14 years to fill every pothole in the country.
Not a lot has changed since 1967 and things are supposed to be getting better.
As an added aside to any aspiring musicians who want to use the idea of potholes. When The Beatles used the lyric of The Royal Albert Hall being big enough to take 4,000 potholes.
Those responsible for running the Royal Albert Hall banned the song from being performed at the hall.
It the hall council's minutes it stated: "As a result, Council have voted unanimously to ban indefinitely the performance of the song by any artist performing at the Royal Albert Hall."
This ban was broken in 1989 but by then no one even remembered it was in place.
Another war lost.
And on the subject of things being the same think of the phrase ' a leopard never changes its spots"
This is now the big thing in the world of fashion. The leopard print coat is the new big thing as there are 5,500 styles of this type of coat.
Read more at http://www.northampton-news-hp.co.uk/the...GrS7Tkd.99
"And though the news was rather sad
Well I just had to laugh"
Good advice these days?!