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Why rural voters don’t vote Democratic anymore
We do need to make America great again. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Our products are lousy; made in China and they don't work as well. Our corporations automate and send factories overseas for cheap labor while we don't make things here anymore. Our tax money doesn't provide anything. Our education system still sucks. Our environment is in serious danger. Terrorists threaten us and the government spies on us. Hillary was an inadequate candidate. People know all this.

So some TV star goes out and says he can "make America great again, and the politicians are stupid." "I've built a business so I can rebuild America," he says. So people fall for it and vote for another incompetent fool who hires the same people who broke America.

People like taramarie from Oz say we should just be nice to each other. Others say we should not be partisan; that it's tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. The fact is, maybe we can be nice about it, but we need to be completely partisan. People just need to learn not to vote Republican; EVER. Yes, we need new parties, and a multiparty system in the USA. But we're stuck with the Democrats for now, and we need to make them better.

The Democrats know better, even so; and the Republicans know nothing. That is being nice; really. It's just a fact, not being impolite; their approach is exactly the problem. They are the reason for companies moving abroad; they are the ones who enable CEOs to make millions. They are the ones who allow pollution. It's just a question of when we are going to vote them out. I keep telling people, nothing can be done to repair and improve our country until that happens. And it won't happen until it does. It is not a matter of partisan name calling or stuck values or anything like that. It's a matter of facing up to America's mistake. Trickle-down doesn't trickle, and resentment against poor people and calling them "freeloaders" for getting government benefits doesn't work. Period. That meme needs to be permanently discarded. We must choose: save that meme, or save the country. For the last 35 years, we intelligent folks know that a mistake was made in 1980. We need to correct that mistake. It will take 4 to 8 more years now to do it. And it needs to be a permanent correction this time. ELECT NO MORE REPUBLICANS, PERIOD.

People need to be paid more; much more for the work they do. Then they can go out and buy quality products made in America, instead of cheap stuff made abroad and purchased from Walmart; with new tougher trade deals in place so that companies don't go abroad to hire cheap labor. Then they can afford to pay higher taxes for the government we need to provide the infrastructure and adequate regulations. And we need to charge more taxes on the wealthy who extort money from workers, and use that money to do these things. We can make America great again. But we need to hire intelligent, progressive Democrats to make that possible again. They made America great before, and can do it again. Republicans cannot and will not.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

Messages In This Thread
RE: Why rural voters don’t vote Democratic anymore - by Eric the Green - 12-03-2016, 04:31 PM

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