01-03-2017, 07:13 AM
(11-12-2016, 04:15 PM)Arkarch Wrote: A few years back on the old forums, I proposed a thought about larger cycles than the four generation saeculum to help describe the nature of 4T conflicts. Perhaps its a theory done before; I am just a casual student of generational theory. The consideration is that there are pendulums alternating between hot and cold war, internal and external conflicts. I am not talking about the Soviet-US Cold war which may be part of another cycle.
Current Crisis here in US - Internal Cold War
World War 2 - External Hot War
American Civil War - Internal Hot War
Revolutionary War - External Cold War (if viewed as a proxy battle between England and France)
Glorious Revolution - Internal Cold War (yes there were some battles)
Armada Crisis - External Hot War (England and Spain)
War of the Roses - Internal Hot War (between the houses)
Thats about all I have got into it.
Doesn't this break down for the American Revolution which clearly was a hot internal war.