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Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy
[quote pid='1663' dateline='1464294143']
Quote:No you're making a claim here that she did not commit a felony.  When we know the following facts:

1.  Hillary Clinton had a server that was not under the Federal Government's IT protections programs.
2.  Hillary Clinton used this server while she was secretary of state.
3.  Secretaries of State by the nature of their job create and receive classified information all the time.
4.  Having classified information on an unsecured server (which is what this private server was, seriously the encryption was 64,000 times weaker than for a dating website!) is a felony.
5.  Being unmarked as classified does not mean that an item is in fact not classified.

OK, let's for the sake of equality before the law do this.
Please have the state department and Hillary forward all emails in question to me. Since she claims that all of the stuff on her email server isn't that important national security wise , that shouldn't be a problem, right?   Next, I can forward those on to Wikileaks since I don't want to waste space on my computer with that stuff.

Quote:As such the only person here making an extraordinary claim here Playdude is you.  You've made the claim that there was no felony because there was no classified information on that server.  So I must conclude that you either have access to the contents of this server, or you're talking out your ass.

Of course if it's not a felony for her, then it can't possibly be a felony for me since I won't be obtaining the emails via hacking.

Quote:Trying to embellish your sophomoric misdirection attempt is not going to gloss over your indifference to those who actually SENT classified information,

OK, then I can feel free to claim I as the employer of all .gov employees a a duly noted taxpayer to get said emails, right?
Always remember and never forget, Rags can be just as egotistical and demanding as any regular Boomer.  That's what cusps are all about, don't you know? Cool

Quote:Who sent the information classified or not is not relevant to the question of whether HRC is honest or trustworthy.  As for my certainly triggered you. (an other instance where an evil grin emoji would be great)

No, I'm claiming equality before the law. I'm not sure what Kinser is claiming.  I'm claiming that I'm due all rights and privileges as my employees.  .Gov should be thanking its lucky stars I'm not in some high office. I'd do stuff like replace Congress critters' platinum healthcare with Obamacare,  stick all .gov employees on a 401K, and institute they don't get special holidays.  They'd get the exact same set as a McDonald's worker.

Quote:and that your outrage is only another manifestation of just another CHDS loser.

Ah name calling, always good to win an argument.  Problem is that only works on the easily triggered.  Unlike some, I have control over my emotions.

Yeah, I admit it.  Jealousy works that way.

Quote:As to getting hot and bothered, do you dream that Talking Yam's 'little man' might be just as orange? 50 shades of orange, perhaps?

Nawww. It all comes down to strict fairness. I of course demand I , as boss, get the same due as my subordinates.

Quote:Personally I think Daddy should fire his stylist and make up person.  Unfortunately for you that isn't a reason to reject him as a political candidate, however, HRC being dishonest and untrustworthy are very good reasons to reject her.  People who live in glass houses should throw stones Playdude.

Quote:It's not if the classification benchmarks have changed; the information at the time would not have been classified by anyone at the time.

That's a red herring for Rags. I just should have been emailed the stuff before it got classified.  No harm, no foul.
I'm assuming that ex post facto is still operative.

Quote:That would only be true if the classification benchmarks have been changed, in which case the dates become vitally important.  However, in most instances of handling classified information (which I've done, and apparently you haven't) it is readily apparent to anyone with a high school education that something that looks like it should be secret probably is.  It isn't like the US Government doesn't provide training on this sort of thing.

They do as I recall.  Maybe you can sign on to getting said emails as well.


I can't speak for the DOS, but the DOD has a week long course on the subject, and those who regularly handle classified information have to undergo that training annually.

Well, Kinser, if we're both getting the emails as we should as employers, then it's not our fault if we get stuff we should not have gotten because someone didn't get the training down.

Quote:Again, I'm not the one making the accusations of criminality BEFORE the FBI report comes out.  Maybe you got something plugged in your ass and that would explain why shXt is coming out of your mouth?  What an unselfaware hypocrite.

Playwrite, you're a man of means, right.  Why not sign up for the Rags right as employer and get those emails as well? Jestercolor

me in this very post Wrote:When we know the following facts:

1.  Hillary Clinton had a server that was not under the Federal Government's IT protections programs.
2.  Hillary Clinton used this server while she was secretary of state.
3.  Secretaries of State by the nature of their job create and receive classified information all the time.
4.  Having classified information on an unsecured server (which is what this private server was, seriously the encryption was 64,000 times weaker than for a dating website!) is a felony.
5.  Being unmarked as classified does not mean that an item is in fact not classified.

Quote:Sorry, dude, but hotmail and google accounts are no more secure than a private server; but all are probable more secure than the State Dept's email server that is generally known to leak like a colander. 

It's the same as my email.  So some famous words: "What difference does it make?" Big Grin   If Hillary can have those emails on her box, then we can have 'em on ours.

Quote:Again, the question is not receiving emails, it is sending them to an unsecure server.  Let us just suppose you are right and that the State Department's servers leak like a colander, for which I doubt you have any evidence for.  Then that is a problem that the State Department itself must address.  However, we are talking about classified information, which is most likely on this server in question, which is known to have encryption 64,000 times less powerful than that of a dating website.

But beyond that even the State Department itself is finding problems with Clinton's handling of classified information and conducting governmental business in unapproved and potentially unlawful ways.

Again, we can demand we get CC'd.

Quote:A nice article from that well known Right-Wing-Rag called The Guardian

Quote:You're going around and claiming Clinton is a criminal and refusing to back it up with any facts, and I'm the one out of control???  Rolleyes

I've already presented you with facts in this very post, facts that you should have already known without me having to list them.  Facts that my seven year old niece knows.

Quote:You live in a different universe that I do.

I do.  It is called reality.  You wouldn't like it much.

Quote:Gad, what a suck-up apologist.  The IRS came out and said there is nothing that would prevent the Talking Yam from releasing his returns.  The guy is running for the Presidency, and his difficulties with the IRS is off-limits?

I really don't care what the IRS says.  The fact remains he's being audited and the advice of his attorneys is that he should not release his tax returns.  I don't know about where you're from, but where I'm from smart people do what their attorneys advise them to do.  Even so, the fact that he has tax returns indicates that he pays taxes and releasing these returns is not a requirement to being president.  The practice started with Nixon of all people.  Probably as a political ploy of some sort.

When Daddy is president his tax returns are a matter of public record, his tax returns as a candidate are the records of a private citizen until such time as he becomes President and he is under no obligation to release those tax returns by law. So even if he was hiding something silly like "not being as rich as he claims to be" as if that were a bar to the Presidency it all will come out eventually.


I think he's waiting for a mutual exchange myself.  He'll release his tax stuff when the Clinton Foundation releases whatever Trump wants.
<snip>  Long post.
---Value Added Cool

Messages In This Thread
Fun Article - by Mikebert - 05-23-2016, 10:17 AM
Clinton's Guilty - by Ragnarök_62 - 05-25-2016, 10:32 PM
RE: Clinton's Guilty - by playwrite - 05-26-2016, 07:01 AM
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. - by Ragnarök_62 - 05-26-2016, 09:46 PM

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