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Does this Crisis echo the Glorious Revolutuon?
(01-06-2017, 06:18 PM)SomeGuy Wrote: You're missing the point I am making.  The parallels don't have to be exact in order to serve as a tool for thought (if they were exact then they wouldn't be parallels, but identities), but between now and the 17th century there just aren't really any common factors at all, other than being a saeculum that happened in an English-speaking country.  Cromwell isn't Reagan, but Charles II isn't Reagan either.  The Long Parliament and the ECW don't bear any real resemblance to anything that actually happened in the 60s and 70s, and as much as you might like a parliamentary system, switching the country over to one just isn't on anybody's radar.  Even the Glorious Revolution didn't institute a parliament, it simply defined the relation between the existing Parliament and the Crown, which had been a continuing source of contention all century.  Crises don't introduce and then resolve new issues, they settle (one way or another) questions of long-standing.

Like defining the relationship between Congress and the President?

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RE: Does this Crisis echo the Glorious Revolutuon? - by naf140230 - 01-07-2017, 12:39 AM

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