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Does this Crisis echo the Glorious Revolutuon?
(01-31-2017, 01:30 AM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:
(01-31-2017, 01:18 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(01-31-2017, 01:06 AM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:
(01-31-2017, 01:02 AM)Marypoza Wrote: I'm not in her district. I did vote for my Democratic congressperson Anna Eshoo.

ps Tulsi is an idiot. A danger to the future

Sounds like a mere generational preference. The "new direction" we need is the same progressive direction we've had. We just need to finally shove the Republicons out of the way.

-- & the neolibtards & the vile progs. We  need real progressive direction. Nancy & her buds ain't offering that. 
You're right about them offering same old same old, however. I don't want that. Are you familiar with the Einsteinian definition of insanity?

In the case of wars of choice , no Eric has no idea wrt the Einsteinian definition of insanity.  That's why he thinks Tulsi is a menace.  Also, Eric is allergic to Xers.

You are holding on to that insanity, Rags. There is no war of choice going on where Tulsi is concerned. There can't be a war of choice where there is no USA war going on. No, insanity is just making up something, and then continuing to believe it's going on in spite of all evidence and truth. That describes the attitude of Tulsi, Marypoza and Rags in regard to Syria.

Most Xer candidates have been bad. That's not my fault. There are some fine Xer politicians, but few if any have stepped up to run, or have any chance. Now, if Seth Meyers would run....

Xers are no worse than Boomers now as voters; maybe better because they are younger. But most Xer politicians are victims of the Reagan Counter-revolution and grew up under its spell. Like Rubio and Cruz. No thanks.

Of course, as far as the presidency is concerned, many Xers face the Saturn Return obstacle now. That would not stop them from holding other offices though, probably. The youngest Boomers have just been freed from the Saturn Return.

1. Saturn return got poof for old xers starting 4 years from now.
2. Dropping bombs/use of drones in foreign countries = wars of choice. Sheesh.

We haven't been dropping bombs and drones in Syria (Assad's territory). Sheesh.

I am not in favor of bombing and droning people. Drones kill innocent people. Yes I know the USA is bombing the IS of Iraq and Syria; that's OK the IS is beyond despicable and a threat.

I don't know what you mean by "Saturn return got poof for old xers starting 4 years from now." The Saturn Return can stop peoples' ambitions close to age 59. However, my research shows that candidates who run for president as nominees between about age 56 and 59 lose, and those who run at about age 55 (like Nixon in 1968, LBJ in 1964 and Dubya in 2000) either lose or have a disasterous term in office, especially around the time of the Saturn Return (say 2 years before and after) that usually breaks or kills them either then, or a bit later while still in office.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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