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Does this Crisis echo the Glorious Revolutuon?
Quote:-- your last sentence sez it all: they should go home & STFU. Actually l can think of some Boomers ( starting with the Donald & $hillary) & Xers (Ryan) who need to go home & STFU too

Even Bernie?  Wink

Quote:But ya know, it got me thinking, does the Grey Champion have to be a prez? Bernie going toe to toe with the Donald (who should really STFU) got me thinking, mebbe he could be our Grey Champ?

The myth of the Grey Champion was very much based on someone not a president.  So, you can cling to it if you want.  Me, I've thought of Bernie as a pussy since that rally in Seattle where he let two random women push him away from the microphone.  Plus caving to Hillary at every conceivable opportunity.

YMMV, of course.

Quote:-- I'm just sayin what l heard. I forget where l heard Uncle Joe say he was considering it, but Bernie did not rule it when asked about it on his CNN Town Hall. 3 yrs is a long way off, things can change. Bernie in particular would probably step aside if enough Berniecrats step up to the plate

Yeah, I don't buy it.  And if that's what you are pinning your hopes on...   Confused

Quote:--as both. You think these pols just pop up whole cloth? Millies need to run in munincipal & state elections, & maybe the House if they aren't already. As the 2020s progress they move into the Senate, & eventually the WH. Speaking of which, John Kennedy-a Civic- moved into the WH @ age 42, so it could happen. It depends how bad this Crisis turns out to be. They are already the largest voting bloc, & will get bigger when the last cohort (my 16 yr old nieces, et al) turn 18. Meanwhile, the Silents & 1st wave Boomers are dying off. So yeah, l can see the Millies throwing out the dinosaurs (your term, not mine) thruout the 2020s

Emphasis mine.  They don't pop up fully formed like flies from shit, there is a whole career progression that is generally needed.  So, there are not enough of them (us) there now to "throw the bums out" completely by 2024.  Boomers will gradually phase out over the course of the 2020s, and Millies will become more prominent, but Xers in particular are going to be there for a while.


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