Are you claiming not to be a sinning, partisan <expletive deleted>? Disagree.
Stepping back and taking the long view is important, I was just talking with my coworker about stepping back from the news/internet, reminding ourselves that we have jobs, tomorrow's Friday, and all of that stuff is just pixels on a screen for us at this point.
But this sort of thing is not excusable, and I've been seeing a lot of excuse making for this sort of thing here and elsewhere.
Stepping back and taking the long view is important, I was just talking with my coworker about stepping back from the news/internet, reminding ourselves that we have jobs, tomorrow's Friday, and all of that stuff is just pixels on a screen for us at this point.
But this sort of thing is not excusable, and I've been seeing a lot of excuse making for this sort of thing here and elsewhere.