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Does this Crisis echo the Glorious Revolutuon?
(02-03-2017, 03:10 AM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:
Eric The Green Wrote:1. I didn't call them moderate; I called them the free Syrians. That's what they are.

They're rebels yes/no ?

Rebels they are, and should be, if they have an ounce of humanity or good sense. Which they do.

Quote:2. No, this is not one of those times. In any case, this idea that Tulsi is promoting ("deal with assad") is extremely uninformed. The USA has no further ability to make ANY deals with him. We have no leverage. That's the real world, man. You can't negotiate with kumbaya and rainbows.

I don't propose deals. I just say just leave and let Russia have it. After all, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is one definition of insanity. Tulsi said work something out with Assad which is much better than attempting to get rid of IS and Assad.  <- That can't work.

--  yep, the Einsteinian definition. Thanx Rags  Smile

Tulsi is proposing deals, and Marypoza is proposing deals, and you are proposing deals. If you guys want to stay out, then stay the f out.

And you guys are the ones who are guilty of Einstein's definition of insanity. Fantasies do not work in international affairs.

Eric Wrote:3. She brought her preconceived ideas with her, and they didn't change. There's plenty of observers there who have talked with Syrians who say otherwise. I have heard and seen these Syrians many times. She is just being selective to fit her own ideas.

Quote:& you know this how.? (& you're not being selective, btw?)

Rags Wrote:You're like tara.  Sources please
Quote:-- What Rags said
Einstein's definition of insanity applies here. I have quoted the facts and observers over and over again here.

4. You don't get it. There IS no such war.

You said "The USA is NOT arming IS; the USA is fighting and bombing IS. "  IS is in parts of Syria, right? Fighting and bombing are "war" to me.  We did pretty much selfsame stuff in The Vietnam WAR.

-- it's a civil war. Which we need to stay the hell out of. Just like we should of stayed out of Vietnam's civil war

We're not IN the civil war. We have no troops fighting Assad, we're not bombing him. Fighting the IS is a different fight. The IS is a defacto state that rules different territory. The IS conquest of eastern Syria was not a civil war; it was an invasion from outside. If we fight the IS, we are not fighting Assad. Different folks. And we have 60 allies in the fight, and Iraqis are doing the fighting. All that has been explained to you guys over and over again. You don't get it. Einstein's definition applies, if you keep denying the same facts and expect a different result.

If you want to complain about my support for the war against the IS, fine; do that. That has nothing to do with Assad or the Syrian rebels.

And by the way, thinking that every international situation is the same as another, is insane. THAT's what got us into Vietnam!
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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RE: Does this Crisis echo the Glorious Revolutuon? - by Eric the Green - 02-03-2017, 11:27 AM

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