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Does this Crisis echo the Glorious Revolutuon?
(02-03-2017, 11:42 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(02-03-2017, 02:30 AM)Marypoza Wrote:
(02-03-2017, 01:56 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(02-03-2017, 12:51 AM)Marypoza Wrote:
(02-03-2017, 12:25 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: The Trumpheads benefit greatly from Assad/Tulsi propaganda that he's fighting "terrorists" and the USA is arming them. Trumpfaces think that Syrians are terrorists and should not be allowed in. What if we had done that to the Jews in WWII? The behavior of the USA under Trump is worse by far than the behavior of the USA under FDR, even considering the camps for Japanese. 

The USA is NOT arming IS; the USA is fighting and bombing IS. She can't seem to get that obvious fact straight. That is denial big time, and a massacre of this size today is comparable to Hitler. It is a huge disaster. It is a new holocaust, and it isn't over. It's the only proper word for it. To deny it, is to deny the lessons we should have learned from THE Holocaust. To deny that the USA is helping the Free Syrian Army, and that they represent the Syrian people, is to deny that they rose up against the tyrant and were answered with murder. It is to deny the biggest war crime of our time. Tulsi is denying the biggest war crime of our time. This I cannot respect.

And Tulsi is dead wrong. She's demanding that today's Hitler be part of a "peace deal?" How insane. No peace deal can involve Assad. The only peace possible on those terms is victory by Assad, which means most of his people are dead or gone. Assad can never be the legitimate ruler of his country again. John Kerry was wise enough to see that.

Dennis was great; I went to hear him; I got to meet him and shake his hand. Sorry to say that in recent years he has increasingly devolved into conspiracy theory. He's not so cool anymore.

Eric, you're going hyperboyle again. It don't matter whether we like the asshole or not, he's head of the country & you can't cut him out of any negotiations. It would be like cutting the Donald out of any negotiations involving our country. Oh wait.. you're down with that too arentcha?

Take a chillpill & call me in the morning

It's not going to work. A chill pill won't change the facts I have known for 5 years and counting. Assad is not acceptable to the people that he murdered and forced into exile.

The Turks, Russians and Iranians are trying their hand at negotiating with the rebels and Assad. Best wishes to them. We the USA dealt ourselves out by not backing the free Syrians sufficiently to give ourselves any bargaining position. 

You can't negotiate from weakness. I have little hope for this; the best that can be hoped for is that Turkey might guarantee a small area as a safe zone for the Syrian people; a sort of Gaza Strip for the free Syrian people. I doubt either the Free Syrians nor Assad would recognize this arrangement for long, if ever.

As for Trump, I wonder if you would recognize him as "a leader to negotiate with and recognize" if he killed 20 million Americans and forced 100 million of us into exile, merely because he didn't like what we were saying. Is this possible?

-- it don't matter, Rags is right. You gotta deal with the one in charge. If you wanna deal, that is. Otherwise let IS overthrow him. But then you gotta deal with IS so *shrug*
Dunno, it's hard to tell just by reading your posts but it seems Iike you're about to pop a vein. Mebbe not. If not then nevermind

I've been saying the same things all along for the last several years; no veins popped yet Smile

Your sentence above merely confirms that you and Tulsi and Rags have no idea what to do about Syria and Iraq. Why not leave the situation to those that do, then; like me? Wink

-- l can't speak for Rags, but l do know what to do about Syria & lraq. They are a pair of black holes.  We should stop throwing $ into them & get as far away as possible from them

Eric Wrote:We have no cards in the Syria deal anymore; we did not enter the fight and did not sufficiently support the rebels. It's up to Russia now. So there's no reason to say that "we've got to deal with Assad" now. We have no cards to play.

-- all the more reason to stay the f out of it

Eric Wrote:Of course, speaking of cards, Trump is one, and a wild one. Only God knows what he might do.

-- we elected the joker in the pack lf last yr's candidates. Well somebody did, l voted Jill

Quote:] He said he wants to stay out and let Russia handle it. So we'll see

-- a broken clock is right 2x/day.1) this & 2) TPP

Eri Wrote:Astrologically, I don't expect another new USA war until 2025. Again, well; we'll see!

-- agreed
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