02-15-2017, 06:42 PM
(02-15-2017, 05:58 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:You need to watch the healthcare debate between Cruz and Sanders that was on CNN. The primary issue is the affordability of healthcare and not the availability to healthcare. Who wants the government in control of making the decisions as far as their healthcare goes? A group of clueless blues and that's about it. The debate for single payer is pretty much dead. The Obamacare fiasco/ failure pretty much has killed the idea in it's tracks. You got to give up on single payers because there are now to many deaf ears, so to speak.(02-15-2017, 03:58 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: <snip>
There might be two extremes in health care. One can go single payer, government funded, universal health care. One can go pay as you go. Obviously a healthy young male is more apt to want to pay as you go. Any other scheme, one way or another, the healthy young male is paying into a pool of funds that others will draw more from than him. The single payer government funded universal scheme might be fair in the sense that everyone kicks in according to some supposedly fair tax scheme. No matter what, though, the poor abused complaining healthy young male ends up kicking in more money than he would under a pay for what you need scheme.
Uh, I think over a lifetime, males would need more health care due to higher cancer/accident/heart disease.
With that in mind, any sex advantages go away over an average lifetime. So sex can be excluded on that basis.
Now, I'd prefer single payer with some add ons.
1. Use the VAT tax to pay for it. Let's just scrap Trump's border tax with a tax that basically does the same thing, but will pass WTO muster. The VAT is better than a fair tax because you can fuck with imports and it's legal. Trump's doing it the hard way.
2. Get rid of Medicaid,VA, and merge it with the single payer plan which can be just Medicare for all.
3. Attempt to cost cut by bringing up Sander's bill about getting rid of no bid drug prices. That's corporate welfare.
4. Go for no fault torts. If ya get hurt, you get a prepaid payout and an automatic investigation. Take the lawyers out.