02-22-2017, 11:13 AM
(02-21-2017, 07:03 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: The economy has changed and the average blue seems incapable of adjusting to the changes and require more subsidizing than the average red voter. At least, that's the message that I've been receiving from an extreme partisan associated with the blue side. He keeps approaching me as if it's my problem and the issues that blues are having with minorities is my problem too. I don't really care if he makes you look stupid when I make him look stupid by telling him how stupid he looks/comes across to someone like me and how stupid the party who represents him and appears to behind over backwards and cater to his political wants/needs looks to me as well. Why is it that Cynic and I are able to see our differences, but you are unable to see our differences? Are you stupid? Are you not paying enough attention? Are you just another blue who acts like a blue and does what blues do every time a blue gets upset?
Here you are throwing around the word 'stupid' a lot. I recently spotted another post here say all Republicans are evil. There's another familiar claim that everyone who doesn't support strong gun control is insane. This to me is a core part of partisans perceiving opposing partisans. Anyone who disagrees with somebody is labeled as having some sort of major mental flaw, as being incapable of rational thinking. This is not a red thing, nor a blue thing. It's a partisan thing. Anyone who doesn't agree with one is considered incapable of thinking straight.
And I'm very dubious about that. Someone who can't do long division in spite of exposure to a good education might be stupid. Someone who thinks they are Napoleon Bonaparte might be insane. As far as I know, no one who contributes here is truly mentally incompetent, but they are sure ready to declare anyone who disagree with them mentally incompetent.
(Expletive deleted.)
It's the person who can't contribute to the conversation except with insults and wild inaccurate stereotypes of how people who disagree with them think that have the problem. It's the person so locked into and committed to their own culture that they can't make any attempt to understand other cultures that makes conversation impossible.
Now, some people like to be independent, to do things for themselves. Others prefer to be parts of strong communities, where people help each other. Neither preference makes one mentally incompetent. Either philosophy can work, can result in content individuals and communities.
There can be problems when a strong government dedicated to one philosophy or another tries to force one size fits all solutions on everybody, whether they support the solution or not. When one side wants to tax everybody to provide a service that many don't need, when the other side tries do deny large numbers of people services which they do need, people are going to be sincerely upset and for good reason.
Sincere disagreement makes nobody stupid, insane or evil. Not being willing to discuss issues, preferring to throw insults and stereotypes around instead, does not help.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.