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Why did the last 4T have so much better music than this 4T?
I would say it depends on what you're listening to. If you're listening to underground rock, underground hip hop/reggaeton there is a lot of good music out there. If you're listening to the Top 40, well it's been garbage for decades---at least since the end of the 2T. There is a reason for that. Underground music is typically done for the sake of the art itself, the Top 40 is to make as much profit out of selling ad time on the radio and therefore caters to the lowest common denominator.

That being said I've been listening to a lot of salsa lately but that's mostly because I hired a lot of Puerto Ricans. At least the Top 40 on the Spanish language stations is significantly better than the English language stations.
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RE: Why did the last 4T have so much better music than this 4T? - by Kinser79 - 03-08-2017, 12:45 PM

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