(05-10-2016, 05:57 PM)Odin Wrote: I consider a living wage a right, and so I consider the "leaving it to the states" argument to be equivalent to those crying "states' rights" in defense of segregation.
A living wage isn't a right, whether you consider it one or not. The simple fact of the matter is the price of labor is going to be at least the minimum sustenance level and only rises above that either through wage controls (which can be left to the states) or through supply and demand mechanisms.
Furthermore, trying to compare the minimum wage with segregation is quite frankly disgusting. One is the overt denial of service to persons on the basis of their race, the other is paying them what the labor market dictates their wage should be.
If you are really concerned about the wages paid to poor people then you should concern yourself with the masses of illegal economic migrants coming into the country and depressing wages for native born citizens. Not to mention the disastrous trade policies which have lead to the de-industiralization of America.
It really is all mathematics.
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