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Planetary Dynamics
You know, I don’t need the labels ‘red’ and ‘martian’ to figure out where Cynic is coming from. I also view him perhaps as an extreme member of the martian way of looking at things, but not the most advanced, astute or learned representative of that way of thought. Like it or not, for all the other ways of perceiving the world, in many ways, when other perspectives lock up in stubborn quagmire, it is the martians among us that have to decide things. I’m glad to see some martians defending the US way of life, while wanting said martians under control that incorporates other ways of thought. I also suspect that many who believe that their hard edged pragmatic deadly perspective might scorn the soft hearted dreamers.

Lumping all martians into one clump and judging them as not evolved is simplistic to me. Certainly, as much as I disagree with Cynic, just because he is lumped together with other martians shouldn’t reflect absolutely on other martians. While I don’t perceive myself as a militarist martian, I do have a strong interest in military history and strategy. I’m a big time advocate of Powell’s Doctrine. You shouldn’t try to force something on the world if you aren’d able and ready to force something on the world. Yet, if something has to be done it has to be done. Provide the tools and a green light.

Generally, as a contributor to this thread, I couldn’t place my position in a single place on your planetary system. I’m in lots of places, which I gather would be the norm. With Newton, something that can be reliably repeatedly observed has precedence, should not be dismissed, putting science first. That principle stands independently of the many worlds / Copenhagen question. I don’t see your dividing science into multiple colors and planets on that issue. You haven’t shown enough awareness of things quantum for me to take any of that seriously.

Second, I’m with Enlightenment philosophy and political approach. Jefferson’s self evident truths make for a good short summary. This deals with principles which have not yet been structured sufficiently to use the scientific method on. This doesn’t mean they never will be. In time, some day, Newton’s heirs might or might not co-opt Jefferson’s. Until then, and I’m not there yet, I will hold certain truths to be self evident.

And Jesus had a lot of good ideas that haven’t much to do with proof. His teachings came to us not direct from his hand, but are filtered through a bunch of guys with different perspectives, as documented in a book written over many centuries by members of very different cultures. I’ve also dabbled in the Tao, Born Again, New Age and other religious and mystic perspectives. While I’m more content with my poor understanding of Jesus, he wasn’t alone in having neat ideas. Yet, neat as these ideas are, it is not for me to impose such on others. People have to find their own neat ideas.

While Newton, Jefferson and Jesus are my base in most things presented on this forum, my computer is also a MIDI studio and has a copy of DAZ Studio with no small library. I’m into music and art, if only has an amateur, with any quality achieved with ungodly computer technology rather than pure talent. I don’t know which planets that puts me on, but I suspect I touch to some degree on a lot of the planets in your system.

I kind of figure that’s how it is for many people, and how it ought to be. In looking at the greater world, certain anchors and perspectives will dominate any contributions to a political and historical forum, and we’re apt to be more than we typically show in these pages.

I’m just not content judging one associated with one color and planet, then throwing a lump judgement on everyone on the planet.

Even just on Mars, are we talking about Napoleon or Powell? There is far more to people than a quick partitioning scheme.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

Messages In This Thread
Planetary Dynamics - by Bob Butler 54 - 06-10-2017, 08:07 AM
RE: Planetary Dynamics - by Bob Butler 54 - 06-10-2017, 08:32 AM
RE: Planetary Dynamics - by Eric the Green - 06-12-2017, 06:11 AM
RE: Planetary Dynamics - by David Horn - 06-12-2017, 10:53 AM
RE: Planetary Dynamics - by Eric the Green - 06-12-2017, 05:36 AM
RE: Planetary Dynamics - by Bob Butler 54 - 06-12-2017, 09:39 AM
RE: Planetary Dynamics - by Eric the Green - 06-12-2017, 11:54 AM
RE: Planetary Dynamics - by Bob Butler 54 - 06-13-2017, 12:57 AM
RE: Planetary Dynamics - by Eric the Green - 06-13-2017, 04:05 AM

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