08-09-2017, 09:29 PM
(08-09-2017, 03:06 PM)The Wonkette Wrote:Indeed. And by the end of the boom, the oldest Silents were 36, hardly young to have a child.(08-09-2017, 01:22 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote: S&H noted that the Boomers were raised under the influence of Dr. Spock, but I actually have to challenge this. Most of the Boomers I know were raised in a dichotomy. Their typically GI parents (plus the odd Silent who started making babies young) while on the one hand not wanting their kids to experience the Great Depression type deprivation, on the other hand tended to beat the living shit out of their kids, either physically or otherwise. Therefore, only Boomers growing up in fagademic households were raised in the Spock fashion.I have a quibble with that. Lots of Boomers were raised by Silents, particularly Disco-wave Boomers. Silents tended to marry and have their children young; it was not uncommon for folks to graduate high school and marry right away, the husband getting a factory job and the wife having babies. My mother, marrying in 1952 a few months short of her 22nd birthday, felt like a spinster in her senior year of college (she graduated in June 1951) because so many of her classmates were sporting rings and she wasn't. Back then, women went to college to get their "MRS" degree.