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50 dead in Orlando gay nightclub shooting
(06-15-2016, 06:03 AM)Mikebert Wrote: This too is an interesting response for two reasons.  First it is noncommital and does not answer the question.  Second it seems to imply that it was obviously a rampage (that is, a criminal act rather than an attack by a member of an irregular military unit like 911) and went to the next level of speculating why the shooter decided to commit this criminal act.

Well, I've read a little bit about the guy in the mainstream media. I'm not a qualified psychiatrist. I can do no more than speculate. I am dubious that anyone contributing to this forum can do more than speculate.

How do you define 'membership in an irregular military unit'? Has any muslim who has visited a radical Islam web page a member in your opinion, or do you have to have met other organization members, shared propaganda, trained together, and/or acted under orders? A few press accounts suggest he visited some web pages, but this is speculation and leaks from organizations that might have agendas. Anything we say about it would be speculation.

That being said, 911 was definitely well organized, they trained together, and acted under orders. Different beast. OKC was two guys acting against a cluster of government targets. If two guys can be organized, they were organized, but it's awful close to a lone nut. Then again, McVeigh did spend time in the Middle East and was ticked off by what he saw there. It's much easier to see the political connection and say terrorist. He also tried to escape, it wasn't a suicide event. Occupy Wall Street? Definitely much larger, much more organized, but not violent. Not a match at all.

If you look at them at all closely they are different. I'm not particularly eager to throw them together into arbitrary buckets. If there is a bucket I can tentatively put him in it is lone spree shooter. OKC, 911 and Occupy don't fit that category at all.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 50 dead in Orlando gay nightclub shooting - by Bob Butler 54 - 06-15-2016, 09:39 AM

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