07-12-2018, 11:00 PM
(07-12-2018, 10:53 PM)POH Wrote: Cut salaries, reduce waste, cut the debt, end welfare, end the wars, end the police state, abolish the EPA, SBA, IRS, NSA, FCC, ATF, DEA, DHS, TSA, NEA, Amtrack, PBS, and Obamacare.
Allow the private market to replace government services.
There are private security companies, roads, railroads, media companies, schools, courts, fire departments, delivery services, and airports.
We didn't need a huge government before and we don't need it now.
Businesses are more efficient than the government because the government pays no price for being wrong.
Allow the states to replace federal services.
Americans should be responsible for themselves.
The government is not your daddy. The government is not your mommy.
? What do you propose as a solution to pollution and enforcement of workers' rights then?
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