05-01-2019, 06:44 AM
I had started a thread earlier about comparing this 4T (in the U.S) to others, but it has mysteriously disappeared. So here is another one.
In the original thread, I kicked off with a comparison to the French Revolution inspired by seeing the play Marie Antoinnette. I realize this is comparing a 4T in France to a 4T in the U.S., but consider that the French Revolution is a kind of gold standard for a Fourth Turning. France was overtly attempting to reformat their society, to pull, or push themselves, as it were, through the gates of history. Here is a list of similarities that pop out based on my knowledge:
In the original thread, I kicked off with a comparison to the French Revolution inspired by seeing the play Marie Antoinnette. I realize this is comparing a 4T in France to a 4T in the U.S., but consider that the French Revolution is a kind of gold standard for a Fourth Turning. France was overtly attempting to reformat their society, to pull, or push themselves, as it were, through the gates of history. Here is a list of similarities that pop out based on my knowledge:
- The political extreme locked out the centrists (left vs. right originated in this time)
- Political correctness was enforced (with the guillotine then, with the hashtag now)
- There was an attempt to erase the past culturally, including changing public space (today we take down Confederate statues, then they attempted to eradicate the Church)
- Fake news was rampant (rumors spread via word of mouth and pamphlets then instead of digital memes, but they had the same effect of inciting people with false information)
- The leader of the country was in the thrall of a foreign power that was an ideological enemy (then, it was James II under the thumb of King Louis XIV of France, now it is President Trump under the thumb of Vladimir Putin)
- The country had a sense of identity crisis, a need to assert its true identity and rid itself of the contaminating influence (then it was Protestant England attempting to assert itself, now it is Progressive America)
- The country was, as now, split into two irreconcilable sides.
- There was a collapse of civility between the two sides.
- The rise of populism and authoritarianism globally, including in the U.S.
- The collapse of global alliances and return to nationalism
- Low fertility rates
- Falling homeownership rates and return to multigenerational households
- Economic insecurity and inequality
Steve Barrera
[A]lthough one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation. - Hagakure
Saecular Pages
[A]lthough one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation. - Hagakure
Saecular Pages