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Millennials and GenZ horribly misidentified
(05-22-2019, 04:29 AM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(05-22-2019, 01:31 AM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
(05-21-2019, 08:55 PM)NobodyImportant Wrote: None of these things matter.
I'm sorry to say.

a) The concrete issues at hand are irrelevant, and the fact that millennials are ideologically blind towards the issues on the right side of the political spectrum means that they ensure that they will further play out the roles of the "impotent heroes" because society at large does not live in their progressive filterbubble where immigration is not an issue and always good, and global warming can be solved by making fanciful posts and "policy directives" or whatever the GND was framed as.

b) As someone born in the mid 90s i heavily object to being grouped with any genXers, as all of those seem to be firmly of the opinion that 'your generation will resolve these conflicts, we can only try and show you the way'. I almost object just as heavily to the people i mostly grew up with (born after 98) being lumped in with the traditional 'progressive' millennial because as the statistics show genZ(which i think those people are) is already not like the millennials in a lot of ways. THEY are the actual hero generation, being more fiscally conservative, and rational and pragmatic about things, instead of just dreaming without any actual chance of being able to change anything.

c) No matter how you put it GenZ will start entering adulthood any day now, and for them to be the ones AFTER the 4th turning they would need to enter adulthood during a time of stability, and unless every global problem suddenly resolves itself tomorrow that is not going to happen. Every single place on the face of our planet is in upheaval with no clear resolution in sight, and if there was one it would not be coming from the millennial generation. Again, i challenge you to prove me wrong, but this is pointless because these are the facts and everyone knows it. We're not seeing the end of crisis, we're merely seeing the beginning and the average millennial, no matter when you do the cutoff is now long past their 'coming of age'.

d) It is a known historical fact that the USSR attempted precisely to highjack generations into politically delusional fights for justice. We are seeing the millennials play out exactly this, which goes halfway to explaining their detachment from reality and thus their absolute uselessness when it comes to doing anything.

e) The other half of it is, that the population is controlled now more than ever before by special interest groups, through parties and the media and whatnot. With this much control having an actual turning is more difficult than ever before.

f) And the cherry on top that firmly bolts the whole thing into place so that no matter how powerful the millennials would be nothing would happen, is that there is no desire to actually *do* the turning in the majority of the populace. Everyone can see that things are going wrong, but the population, or at least the power to do anything around the world is split right down the middle, with one side wanting to turn things in one direction and the other side wanting to turn things in the opposite direction.

e) This is because the two sides have taken ownership of different issues. It is insufficient for one side to prove themselves completely fucking inept, or even actively malicious, (bush with the wars and civil rights and privacy rights, obama with continuing them and being useless economically and internationally, the left with their complete insanity around censorship, multiculti, and social justice, the right with their complete insanity around global warming, social policy, and social progress) they will still command a huge part of the voterbase, but never all, because the issues have OWNERSHIP now, and people caring for some will always vote for that side, because 'at least they care'.
Who on the left would actually go and tackle mass migration as a serious and potentially devastating issue and expect any votes from the "refugees welcome" progressive lunatic voterbase?
Who on the right would actually go and tackle social policy issues and welfare as a serious and potentially devastating issue and expect any votes from the "healthcare is communism" conservative lunatic voterbase?
So issues are becoming hyperpartisan with both sides refusing to even acklowledge the issues the other side fights for, because that would somehow make them bad by their own moral compass.
This means that there *cannot* even hypothetically be a single sweeping turning, because this is the same or similar all around the world.

f) So the millennials are failed heroes. No matter what people in this thread might say no one born after 80 has achieved any significant political change recently. Just extending the birthyears until maaaaaybe someone some day does will not help. It's not the millennials fault, they were fucked over more than possibly any generation before them, but these are the facts. AOC has been brought up as a shining example. She and her ideas have been laughed out of congress by both sides and no one but a tiny band of radicals even cares about her. She really *is* a shining example... of millennials, not of millennials accomplishing anything.
Cut it off and count it as a failed hero generation and see what the new generation brings.

g) Still one thing that no one acknowledged is that the *only* event that could be reminescent of anything like a turning despite an active live GLOBAL CRISIS affecting everyone, is the yellow vests and even they have people other than millennials in large numbers, even they didn't achieve much, and even they are just a tiny tiny movement on a global scale. They are the only movement largely made by young people and *unifying* people in search of change. Others are *divisive*.

h) For a 4th turning to actually happen by what i could gain from this theory, a key component is a grand sweeping change how politics is being done, a massive change, if not in the political order then in how people deal with civic and social issues.
These days the political systems and parties are *bound* to a way of dealing with things. The only thing that could actually bring about change is things like the goals of the political upheaval in britain and france - the abandonment of the EUs way of dealing with things.
In the US this could only happen by the democrats reinventing themselves and actually taking into account the issues of the broader unwashed masses otherwise, no matter how much indoctrination academia and the media projects, the populace actually feeling things on their skin will whoop them in elections.

i) All in all millennials are too idealistic to be heroes. They are disconnected from reality and pragmatic thinking. Sure global warming is going to fuck us over, but that's not the same as people being fucked over right now by jobs being exported or given to imported labor. Sure, having more cultures meld together is a beautiful thing, but that's not the same importance as people being fucked over by enclaves of non-assimilating immigrants springing up everywhere. Sure the EU is a great idea, and absolutely awesome and the only way to long term survive on the global stage, but that doesn't help everyone currently actively feeling like the others are fucking them over in the union because the whole thing is a bureaucratic morass controlled by corporate interest groups. Sure banning guns would provably solve a lot of gun crime, but that wouldn't solve the current issue of people needing to defend themselves with an incapable and way too small police force in a huge continent. Sure having everything censored so that no ones feelings get hurt would be great for some, but that also means censoring anything that corporate interests controlling those platforms do not like, and effectively preventing people from speaking about real things. Conversely, because millennials are on both sides of the issue here, sure having total and sacrosanct free speech would be great for idea exchange, but mere words do provably cause actions and can change people.
The perfect example for it all: Sure, having a "policy guideline" for banning airtravel and cows and whatnot might save the environment but without ANY REALISTIC CONTEMPLATION, IT IS NOT A GUIDELINE BUT AN INSTRUCTION TO JUST TAKE A STEP INTO THE DARK.
This is the main problem of the millennial cohort.
Too idealistic to actually live up to their supposed role as heroes. And i do not see this changing.

The issues at hand will be resolved one way or another, and tempers will probably cool off, either simply because people get tired after a while and there is no other option, or because gradual small steps into the right direction will be taken, or because a few things like the EU and the democrats will collapse and reinvent themselves into something better.
This will not be a turning. Only after this will it be possible to maybe have a turning, where more and more people adopt the new and improved versions of the collapsed entities. Or the gradually changed entities. Whichever it is it will not be done by millennials. Whether that happens with the next generation or after 4 more, i don't know.

A lot of the solutions being offered such as gun bans seem to be dystopian to me and I'm a Millennial American. So I'd rather just sit back and let these issues fade so I don't have to suffer from a badly changed political system. Violent crime levels are decreasing so despite media fears I'm not scared at all. Crime was far higher 30 years ago yet people act like it's the same world. None of the predictions in an Inconvenient Truth came true so I'm not scared of the global warming fear mongering either. All these projections about billions of deaths seems so ridiculous and remote I just ignore it. I'm not scared of Sharia law ruling the US either because that fear is also too remote because they don't have the demographics at all. All I see is a bunch of shrieking and fear mongering so I just ignore it and go into escapism. I don't want to censor things because I believe in the first Amendment and there's too many social rules for me to follow as an autistic. I see that too as media induced and someone will always be offended by everything so why bother trying? I just do what I want to be happy and laugh at the people thinking the world is gonna end. What faults do you see in the way I think? I'm Millennial but not progressive.

I see people as too paranoid and too scared of threats that don't exist. I don't understand the fear levels and the shrieking going on in the 4T. It's like people want to be nervous for no reason. I'm not scared of mass shootings at all because the chances I'd be in one are so remote. I don't think the measles is that big of a deal either. People's paranoia and negativity are what's ruining the world more than any issue we actually have to be scared of. What archetype do I fit with my outlook and personality? I see people as too paranoid and too scared of threats that don't exist. The biggest threats I see are losing our standard of living and our freedom because of news induced paranoia.

Also your view of Millennial is socially constructed. If someone born in 1998 isn't Millennial because they don't follow the progressive views, then what would you call someone born in 1991 who doesn't follow the progressive views? Saying a generation must have the same set of views is pure stupidity. You have the power to choose your own opinions.

Violent crime and gun crime in particular are non-issues provide that one isn't involved with criminal gangs.  It is criminal gangs that drive the majority of gun crime, the rest is suicide and access to guns has no bearing on suicide rate as Japan and South Korea (both countries with some of the most restrictive gun access laws in the world) clearly bear out.

Climate Change is a bug bear.  In the 1990s it was global warming in the 1970s it was global cooling.  Ultimately the climate is changing, it is driven by natural processes over which humans have little control.  Al Gore is a fraudster of the first rate.

As for persons born in the late 1990s being Millies...I can say that those born in the 98-99 area are clearly not Millies.  My 1999 cohort son is not, in fact he's almost a classic Zed.  That being said, the expectation that the civic generation must become some sort of hero generation is misguided at best.  The Glorious Generation certainly did not.  Civic generations set the tone for the social and political order of the next saeculum.  The Millies are doing that--poorly.  I think because they are still quite young they are still in their natural liberal phase.

Supposedly Winston Churchill Wrote:A man of 20 who is not  liberal has no heart.  A man of 30 who is not conservative has no brain.

Since you have a Zed son, how similar am I to the Zeds? I see liberalism as stupid and non practical. I also resent the nanny state.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Millennials and GenZ horribly misidentified - by AspieMillennial - 05-22-2019, 04:50 AM

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