11-03-2019, 01:46 PM
Thanks for the reply Eric. That may explain the British Saeculum 1797 to 1858 being ultra short but how would you divide that saeculum up into turnings. There weren’t any significant religious awakenings in early or even late 19th century Britain. Definitely, look at both my AngloAmerican and British saeculum and turning dates as well as my description of turnings. If Hintergrund had read how I was defining diffusions he would have understood why I had labelled the 1973 to 1984 diffusion as neoliberal. It was a period in which the individualism that was emphasised by youth during the awakening spread (or diffused) through the two generations either side of the prophets. The following turnings (missions) are when the values diffused become crystallise into political and policy agendas which are then pursued by the Artist, Prophet and Merchant archetypes. The artist archetypes are in or entering their leadership phase during missions while Heroes are in or entering elderhood.