I do not see GI influence in any way pernicious upon the Millennial Generation. Millennial adults are going to see in their GI predecessors the means of creating an economically-better (if spiritually-deficient) world. Millennial adults are going to solve economic inequity through politics -- and maybe revive labor unions as the only means for challenging the class privilege of people devoid of empathy, personal restraint, or overall decency. I do not know when the Civic-Adaptive line runs yet -- but the Silent seem to follow the GI practice of staying active intellectually and physically as much as possible, and they have not left the scene. We could finally have a Silent President in 2021... which would be a big improvement over the Great Narcissist.
If anything, Lost influence upon X was less than might have been good for X. Lost grannies and grandpas who couldn't make the move across country when Americans were being transferred between Arlington, Texas and Arlington, Virginia readily were being consigned quietly and neglectfully to the "Home for the Golden Years"... (there really is a chain of such places) to be out of sight and out of mind.
We don't now so neglect the elderly. Members of my family would have me carted off to the "rest home" if they could get away with it because I can get in the way of a good time. Maybe that sort of neglect will happen anew when the X start reaching or even approaching old age.
If anything, Lost influence upon X was less than might have been good for X. Lost grannies and grandpas who couldn't make the move across country when Americans were being transferred between Arlington, Texas and Arlington, Virginia readily were being consigned quietly and neglectfully to the "Home for the Golden Years"... (there really is a chain of such places) to be out of sight and out of mind.
We don't now so neglect the elderly. Members of my family would have me carted off to the "rest home" if they could get away with it because I can get in the way of a good time. Maybe that sort of neglect will happen anew when the X start reaching or even approaching old age.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.