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why porn, nudity and masturbation are considered bad??
(01-08-2020, 10:38 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: It devolves to ideas of the days of early civilization in which life was extremely precarious and much of what passed as knowledge was in practice superstition. Masturbation was a waste of sperm, as was homosexuality, especially when people needed to produce large numbers of children to offset the Malthusian checks of war, famine, disease, and crime.

In more recent times, puritanical thought established the idea (this coincides with the novel values of  the new commercial societies  that any enjoyment of life was denying one the opportunity to create wealth -- if not for oneself, then at least for an early capitalist). Sex for its own sake? An abomination! Besides, there was no safe treatment for syphilis, a risk of any reveler.

Cheating on your spouse is still a bad idea. You will leave clues as in your credit-card statements. Someone might count the condoms and draw conclusions that you find unwelcome.

If you have an addiction to sex, then get help! Bad habits are usually worth the costs of freeing oneself of them.

Sorry to rain on your parade but I am one person who dearly misses the heady days of the sexual revolution when, for the male gender, a hard penis was as good as hard currency. Would like to see decriminalization of sex work for no other reason than its prohibition hasn't been any more effective than it was with liquor a century ago. In designated places though, not all over the streets. Sort of like the way gambling expansion has occurred.

Any of you feel that those who back in the day promoted things like free love are now among the most uptight people?

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RE: why porn, nudity and masturbation are considered bad?? - by beechnut79 - 01-08-2020, 11:06 AM

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