01-21-2020, 05:18 PM
(01-20-2020, 11:23 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:I'd say Astrology is primarily your cup of tea these days and cyclical history has taken a back seat to it. Hmmm...I've seen your third rate Gen Xr's and Millenials at work these days. I mean, they're ok for those who are more familiar with liberal politics related to the third world and more accustomed to barely living in third world banana republics.(01-20-2020, 07:05 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:(01-20-2020, 12:34 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: I am into theories of history. Turnings. Civilizations. Ages. But then, aren’t we all on this site?Cyclical theory ain't my cup of tea or viewed as being as high in priority compared to you either. Me, I figured Obama had already proven his citizenship prior to entering the Democratic primary in 2008 against Hilary and therefore him proving it wasn't viewed as necessary. So, I didn't pay much attention to the Birther movement thingy back then. I was often accused of supporting it and believing it too by a bunch of foolish liberals back them. I noticed that you were busy blaming our troops for doing the nasty stuff that Al Qaeda and the Iranian backed militia's were largely guilty of doing back then as well. I don't know who put all that liberal crap in your head back then, I assume that the progressive era of old has to basically collapse and come to an end before a new progressive era begins. Of coarse, the blue boomers would have to stop clinging to the old progressive system and long held beliefs relating to it for that to have a chance to come to fruition these days.
I did see a sort of Republican involvement in the House inquiry. It was mostly to distract from the main question and slow things down. It wasn’t to the point or effective. More pertinent, I saw the short form of the supposed defense. Trump did nothing impeachable? We want foreign states interfering with elections? We want the White Hose not responding to subpoenas for people or documents? I don’t care if these are crimes or not, I don’t want them.
If there is a comparable standard, can you name a few times the Democrats sought out foreign intervention in US elections?
I do believe in that the Bush 43 administration lied to justify their war in Iraq. They just changed their story to fit the facts too many times. They had too many oil and military people in the administration. I am aware of partisan leanings as to what conspiracy theories one is drawn to believe, but that one isn’t close.
The 17 US intelligence agencies to 0 puts the Russian Collusion thing in the same category.
You don’t believe Trump yelled out in a room full of media to the effect of, “Hey Russia, if you are listening, please…”?
The information behind Obama being born in Kenya was really weak. Good choice to ignore that one. I’d like to say I made up my mind when a researcher found a birth announcement in a local Hawaii newspaper, but I had made up my mind long before.
You might try looking at the evidence? If evidence exists, it doesn’t fit the conspiracy theory category anymore?
I do suspect a new progressive era is coming. Demographics. They need to address problems at intervals. The cyclical rhythm of politics as major parties stick with what got them in power long after they reach a point of diminishing return. The need to react to changing technology. The bad presidents, likely to look really bad in the history books, discrediting the old ideals. I am too dubious about the 2020 candidates and the likely outcomes not to get my hopes too far up for the near future. It will come. If you are into cyclical history, you have to know that it will come. I just am not all sure when.
On one of my other web sites, I am role playing a Star Trek character. She is currently raising the Prime Directive. I find myself echoing some of the stuff I say here. The Prime Directive warns against trying to change cultures before they are ready to change. The high technology of the Star Trek universe makes it kinda dumb not to adopt to the new science, even if accepting it does force a change. There is a kind of balance to walk, between adapting to the available science, and wanting to remain true to yourself. The balance is in offering the benefits of the new, while respecting the compulsion to keep what is established. Progressive. Conservative. It is very possible to err in either direction. The problem is that America is diverse enough that some areas have a greater population density, have a greater need to change. That is a lot of the friction.
Cyclical theory is my cup of tea. Of course, astrology is the queen of the science of cycles. It can be denied but never goes away.
I'm glad you weren't swept up in the birther movement. There are a lot of conspiracy theories swirling around that attract people both on the right and the left. I think they are all pretty much nonsense. You have to do some research into the actual facts to prove this for yourself, so I did. I believed in some of them, but now I don't. The 9-11 "truth" theory that it was an inside job engineered by Bush is one of these false theories.
I don't know what you mean by liberals blaming our troops for what Al Qaeda and Iranian militias were doing.
The previous progressive era in which blue boomers (and blue silents) were involved certainly collapsed long ago, basically in 1980 with the Reagan takeover. So there's nothing for the blue boomers today to cling to. They seem many of them to have left the fold and joined the Trump movement to make America great again. Those are the old beliefs that have to be left behind, and the new progressive era is already rising, among blue millennials and blues and greens of the other generations who kept the faith and the emerging Gen Zers too.
But without you conservatives, we liberals would have less stimulus to preach and write and argue and research and campaign and get on the ball. Where would we be without you guys to challenge us? It's more interesting to discuss things with people who disagree, and to try to portray the other side from you and correct your errors as we see them. So in that sense, we are indebted to you guys and to Trump and the near-fascist Republicans of today for getting us off our duffs.