(02-20-2020, 07:14 AM)David Horn Wrote:(02-20-2020, 12:06 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:(02-19-2020, 05:27 PM)Marypoza Wrote:(02-17-2020, 08:51 AM)David Horn Wrote:(02-16-2020, 03:28 PM)Marypoza Wrote: l agree w/u about the Greens backing Bernie & courting his supporters so they'll vote Green in the general should Bernie not be on the ballot. Over 91 million voters stayed home in 2016. Not all of them were Berniecrats, but despite what Eric sez, a good chunk of them were, & all 91 million stayed home bcuz they felt they had no horse in the race. If the Greens can convince just 5% of the electorate 2 vote 4 their guy- viola! new party on the horizon
If Bernie’s followers do that, Trump wins. If Trump wins, there’s a real possibility that our system of government won’t survive his second term. Barring that, it’s a given that our alliances will fail. So the world will look a lot less friendly to us, and the international trading system may collapse entirely.
That’s a heavy burden for the left ... one it may not survive in our lifetime.
-- I've been doing my research on Bloomberg. He actually makes the Donald look good. Don't care 4 what I'm reading about Buttcheat either. But that's Bside the point of my post. If progressives can get our own viable party 2 build & be able 2 run progressive candidates , we won't need the Dems. We can. FINALLY get off their plantation
On facebook I am battling a so-called Democrat who puts her Party first and will not support Bernie because he's a socialist and not a registered Democrat. And here we have our beloved Marypoza (butterfly) saying people should bolt and vote Green to teach Democrats a message if they don't nominate Bernie.
I disagree. I have voted Green many times. I want a progressive Democratic Party and am voting for Bernie. But our country is more important than our Party. Unless you guys don't get your way, meaning that Democrats vote blue no matter who in 2020, then you won't have a country or a world in which to hold your Party. Face up to it. Don't evade your responsibility to vote blue no matter who against pure evil, tyranny and destruction this time in 2020.
Let me add that, unlike the Republicans, Democrats tend to be a bit ornery. I can’t see Bloomberg buying this. It’s not Trump 2.0. I’m still baffled by the lack of closure, but Super Tuesday should resolve that. The two most likely to be there at the end are Bernie and Pete/Amy. Only one gets through, so flip a coin.
-- interesting pov considering most of the analysts think Amy & Sneaky Pete won't make it past Super Tuesday due 2 lack of minority & Southern support. But they could be wrong & u could be right. Personally l hope Amy & Pete mudwrestle each other in2 oblivion so Bernie can get the nomination
ps 2 Eric- u do know what the Einsteinian definition of insanity is, right? Bcuz Vote Blue No Matter Who Cares is a textbook case of it