06-30-2020, 09:40 PM
(06-30-2020, 03:30 AM)taramarie Wrote:(06-23-2020, 10:41 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:Actually i think i know more about what goes on in your country than it may seem. I never said covid brought you guys together. You guys are tearing yourselves apart. However i can always learn something new about the USA and one thing that was new info was that people do not care unless its a white cop killing a black person. Can the democrats here please explain this? I wonder why you are ok with resorting to physical violence but have issues with people destroying property? Perhaps you have needs that you think are necessary to resort to violence if pushed, but do not see it as needed when pushed for others because you do not see or share their same needs? Btw i know it is a belated response. I am still trying to settle down in Europe and so i have been very busy.(06-23-2020, 12:32 PM)taramarie Wrote:I don't have the right to destroy public or private property that upsets me or the right to rob people and loot stores or the to block off/shut down a freeway system and so forth like other law abiding people who live in this country. I don't have a problem with free speech or a problem with peaceful protests or a problem watching a bunch of Democratic women walking around and looking silly with pink vaginas hats on their heads and acting like all their American rights were taken away or acting like they're all some how or another being oppressed.(06-23-2020, 12:18 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:Does not make him racist though. He may also be against how it is being carried out. Though i am surprised he is for the cops if true as i did not think he would be for something that is against the constitution. I thought that free speech is a protected right in the USA. Unless as i stated, he is against how the protest is taking place. We need to also consider that under certain circumstances by the sounds of what he has said if he feels his rights are being taken away from him he will fight for his rights. Even with guns if necessary. Which makes it interesting if he is against others fighting for theirs. I look forward to what his statement is on this. Can you clear this up, Classic?(06-23-2020, 11:47 AM)taramarie Wrote: I see. Thank you for answering. Btw, Eric, why state Classic is racist? Where has he shown he is racist? I have not so far seen one post of his that shows this. He threatens with violence constantly, but never have i seen a post that shows he is racist. The one who goes on about racism like a broken record is you. It is rampant in your country by what i have seen, but you are throwing daggers at those as it seems towards the wrong person.
He does not directly comment on race, but tends to be all in favor of the violent racist cops and against the protestors. It kind of puts him on the wrong side.
You don't seem to know much about the US or the growing political divide here. Covid19 didn't bring us together and the latest thingy that happened in my state isn't going to bring us together after all the shit that went on during and afterwards and is still going on in some places today's. You see, about half the country are done with the Left and their Democrats all together, about a quarter of it are stilling clinging to a working class party that no longer exists and about a quarter of it are done with the country, hate the countr for whatever reason and want to destroy it and start over from scratch. It's not racism that's dividing us these days.
I could give to shits about the color of a persons skin and give two shits about the color of a cop victims skin or the about the color of a cops skin either. In America, white cops killing black dudes makes big drama and increases rating. It's funny, in the liberal world, blacks can kill each other by the thousands and abort each other by the millions but if a white cop happens to kill one we all have to know about it and the world has to know about it too. But, we don't know or hear a damn thing when a Hispanic cop or an Asian cop or a black cop kills one them. one of their own or one of us or a criminal kills a cop. As far as violence, I will resort to violence like most people and I've made that clear to liberals with dreams of grandeur that include fundamentally changing the United States.
First, I'd like to congratulate New Zealand for a job well done. As far as the US, there's nothing left, but a warning:
As for police problems, I'd say it's the militarization of the police here, assorted dumb thinking like the stuff behind the war on drugs, and here's perhaps a real insight. The US attitude all around is that of a bully. Examples are our highest per capita incarnation rate, policing for profit, prisoners for profit, and asset forfeiture. We're shot through with this affliction. Neoliberalism is a big reason for this. It's all about the Benjamans and the God is Mammon.
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