(07-28-2020, 11:10 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Capitalism is no monolith. The profit motive can put one set of capitalists against another -- just think of the American Civil War. Just think of Northern railroad interests against Southern railroad interests. You may dispute whether the slave-owning planter were really capitalists.
Marx called them a "band of warring brothers" for just this reason.
Quote: Question: can a society go from capitalism to Communism without undergoing the Marxist-Leninist style of organization?
Yes. Lenin's vanguardism was adapted for the pre-capitalist, feudal structure of Russia. This is probably why it resulted in State capitalism there. The ideal social form for organization within capitalist society, which all nations today are (yes, including ostensibly "Marxist" ones like China or Cuba) is the workers council.