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The 4T Generational Constellations - Red v Blue
(10-22-2020, 08:19 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(10-21-2020, 10:04 AM)Marypoza Wrote:
(10-20-2020, 07:40 AM)David Horn Wrote: Geriatric sclerosis is just one more issue that needs addressing. Both parties have it, but the Dems have it far worse.  Someone needs to take these old farts aside and let them know that they were great in their day, but their day is over.  Want a job?  Big Grin

-- l remember somebody commenting on that on the old forum- that Dem leadership was mainly Artists, while the repugs was in your face Boomers.. & it's still true, the Artist still haven't left the national stage, drawing out the 4T & hamstringing the generations behind them. But this 4T will eventually muddle thru in2 a 1T & l still maintain the Millies, already the country's largest voting bloc will get more consistent in their voting & throw out all the oldtimers & get this country moving again

I was first to argue for an essentially failed 4T for that very reason.  The Silents wanted their day on the stage, and now they have it.  What will they do with it?  Not much, I fear.  Joe Biden is already talking about "working across the aisle", and the less dynamic Dems are sounding more like Republicans of yore than Democrats, then or now.

If this collapses again, then the 4Twill devolve into a permanent muddle, with no one able or even willing to do shit.  The 1T won't fix anything either ... then the 2T.  I'm sad I'll miss it.

-- take good care of yourself, take your vitamins, don't eat junk foods, get your annual check ups & maybe you will live 2 see it. Modern medicene is awesome these daze. Smile  hopefully l'll live 2 see it. It's gonna leave the Boom Awakening in the dust. l'm a mid 50's Boomer so when the next Awakening hits l s/b in my late 80s early 90s . l'm taking care of myself, but hopefully l got the genes- my Dad's blood Aunt was a Missionary who lived thru the Boom Awakening, his Mom, my Gramma lived 2b 94. My own Mom's blood Aunt was a Lost whose life spanned 3 centuries & 2 millenia: she was born in the 19th century, lived thru the 20th, & finally passed shortly after the 21st century began. So l'm hoping l inherited all that
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart

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RE: The 4T Generational Constellations - Red v Blue - by Marypoza - 10-22-2020, 10:08 PM

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