Quote: When the ruling elite can demand that the common man suffer for the power, gain, and indulgence of rapacious elites... then someone like our friend "Einzige" is right.
This is not what I believe.
I do not have a conspiratorial view of society, in which a capitalist class orchestrates things for nefarious purposes ala the Jews in antisemitic mythology. It is, rather, Capital, a disembodied abstract, which determines the behavior of all humans within capitalist systems, whether capitalist or worker. It is possible to be a good capitalist who treats her workers very fairly, and indeed to be an egalitarian at heart, and still have ones actions dictated wholly by Capital.
The solution does not lie in traditional leftist organizations like unions or the state, or worker's co-operatives, all of which simply rearrange Capital. The solution is the self-abolition of the working class. This position is a typical left-communist one, not a Stalinist or anarchist one, both of whom we regard as desiring to reproduce a fundamentally capitalist social order.