05-20-2021, 11:54 AM
The toughest thing to have to confess to is that through much of my life I did try to control those I loved, or even though I thought I had loved. Never to the point of wanting to incite violence--thank God for that. But there were a couple time I did try to check up one whom I had been dating. Only once did I manage to find the person. There was another time when I would send an unsolicited letter to one I had had several phone conversations with. That was back when they had this name and address service you could call and, as long as the number was published you could match the phone number with a name and address. This one was through a dating service and I got a rather angry call from the moderator of that service saying that the person involved was just about ready to go to the police. That was after I had used an alias to try to get more information. Fortunately this was long before we had stalking laws. Later on though I did reach out to her and we did somewhat make up on the phone, and she admitted that she thought she understood where I was coming from. We never ended up dating, but seventeen years later I saw her at a singles dance and ended up writing a song lyric about her. Was going to post copy of it here but can't find it just now. Would I do any of this today? A snowball would have a better chance surviving hell.