07-11-2021, 04:35 AM
Santa Clara County vaccinations
Total, one dose 82.3%
Completed vaccination 75.8%
By ethnicity:
White 66.19%
Black 61.66%
Asian 98.33%
Hispanic 61.35%
Native American 67.33%
Multi-race 50.35%
By generation:
Silent/War Baby 81.77%
Core Boomer 85.13%
Young Boomer through Core Xer 84.42%
Young Xer 80.98%
Older Millennial 92.98%
Young Millennial 80.16%
Teenage Gen Z, 61.68%
right-click on charts to see figures ("table")
Total, one dose 82.3%
Completed vaccination 75.8%
By ethnicity:
White 66.19%
Black 61.66%
Asian 98.33%
Hispanic 61.35%
Native American 67.33%
Multi-race 50.35%
By generation:
Silent/War Baby 81.77%
Core Boomer 85.13%
Young Boomer through Core Xer 84.42%
Young Xer 80.98%
Older Millennial 92.98%
Young Millennial 80.16%
Teenage Gen Z, 61.68%
right-click on charts to see figures ("table")