(07-30-2021, 10:45 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: That is my impression of Marx' dream of Communism -- ownership of stuff will no longer be a source of power or gratification.This in itself is insufficient. Marx to Arnold Ruge:
Quote:I am therefore not in favor of our hoisting a dogmatic banner. Quite the reverse. We must try to help the dogmatists to clarify their ideas. In particular, communism is a dogmatic abstraction and by communism I do not refer to some imagined, possible communism, but to communism as it actually exists in the teachings of Cabet, Dezamy, and Weitling, etc. This communism is itself only a particular manifestation of the humanistic principle and is infected by its opposite, private property. The abolition of private property is therefore by no means identical with communism and communism has seen other socialist theories, such as those of Fourier and Proudhon, rising up in opposition to it, not fortuitously but necessarily, because it is only a particular, one-sided realization of the principle of socialism.
For Marx, Communism is, as I have shown, a historically determined process, requiring the immiseration (de-propertization) of the proletariat, as held forth by the Great Reset: own nothing, go nowhere, rent everything. It is the bourgeois Left and what has been called the "PMC" who will usher this in.
Our contention is that the bourgeois "solution" for Covid/climate change will contribute to this immiseration- it will be "bourgeois socialism", stripping proletarians of property rights whilst retaining them for the bourgeois and their select servants. The proletariat have no interest in this and it predates a general revolution, producing legitimate socialism.
Again, compare and contrast:
Quote:Then it turns out that, assuming *the rate of surplus value*, i.e. the exploitation of labour, as *equal*, the production of value and therefore the production of surplus value and therefore *the rate of profit* are *different* in different branches of production. But from these varying rates of profit a mean or general rate of profit is formed by competition. This rate of profit, expressed absolutely, can be nothing but the *surplus value* produced (annually) by the *capitalist class* in relation to the total of social capital advanced. E.g., if the social capital = 400c+100v, and the surplus value annually produced by it = 100m, the composition of the social capital = 80c+20v, and that of the product (in percentages) = 80c+20v | +20m = 20% rate of profit. This is the *general rate of profit*.
What the competition among the various masses of capital — invested in different spheres of production and differently composed — is striving for is capitalist communism, namely that the *mass of capital employed in each sphere of production* should get a fractional part of the total surplus value proportionate to the part of the total social capital that it forms.
Now witness the forthcoming Great Reset:
Quote:feudalism did not evolve out of Roman conditions but instead came into being as a defense against barbarian invasions
The latifundia predate most 'barbarian' incursions into Roman territory.