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Is It "Just Me," or Are We STILL in a 3T?
The posting here referencing tyranny and dictators appears to prove that we have not really learned a lot from the scourge of Hitler, Stalin, et all a saeculum ago. At the time of the exposing of the Holocaust atrocities, the words "Never again" became the mantra of the time. And our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan similarly means that we didn't really learn from the Vietnam debacle, did we?

The societal malaise that has been with us seemingly for a decade or more has created a world where far too often emotions may get the best of you or someone else with harsh words being spoken. And it seems we often take slights, whether perceived or actual, to a whole other level. The movement to change the names of Native American referenced sports teams being a prime example. And so many words or slangs that long ago became a part of our lexicon are now so taboo as to create severe consequences if uttered. Which brings me to the point that, an observation I have made before is to be repeated again here, and that is that we have become too sensitive and too insensitive at the same time. Maybe the air has to be cleared so we can all understand from where the other person or group is coming.

And while any of us could want some quiet time to reflect. And yet the nature of today's economy and society usually don't allow for such to take place. This is part of the gospel that was preached back in the free love induced hippie era, which was almost completely eschewed on these same people reached midlife. The New Age philosophy which came into being around that time was supposed to manifest that we feel and connect with our higher selves and know that home is always within you. Again, this is today a luxury most of us can no longer afford, if indeed we ever could. When one has to pay around $5 a gallon for gasoline, and food has gone way up as well, such as me having to pay around $16 for just a beef sandwich and onion rings a few days ago. Sure you get the picture here.

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RE: Is It "Just Me," or Are We STILL in a 3T? - by beechnut79 - 03-20-2022, 01:45 PM

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