12-15-2022, 12:26 AM
(12-14-2022, 05:26 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: The American political system gives disproportionate power to the super-wealthy who can supply the Dark Money to political aspirants who, like many of the super-wealthy, believe that no human suffering can ever be in excess so long as such serves the power, indulgence, and greed of elites who know no limits for these. Dark Money supports politics of fear and loathing, reflecting to the extent that people can be manipulated, that those who own the gold are the only ones who can competently or rightly rule. This can change. Those super-wealthy are disproportionately white, and those who are most amenable to such an appeal are undereducated white people under economic and cultural stress.
Generation X acquiesced to neoliberal politics and economics in return for promises of opportunity but often hated their jobs and the abysmal pay that came with them. They griped to their Millennial kids who learned their economics as griping about economic inequity and an increasingly-rigid class structure.
It would be nice if we had more right wingers around wanting to do something about this. Whether we like it or not, some sort of wrecking ball is going to smash into the bureaucratic establishment, and a right wing "drain the swamp" agenda is much more favorable to a lefty swing toward something more restrictive or South America-esque.
As to your previous comment about the possibility of young idealists just starting to be born, I don't see that happening yet. One of the most basic turning points that suggest a 4T is just starting to correct course is that people are much more willing to acknowledge the inevitable and face it down on their own terms. We aren't there yet, not even close. Honestly, I'd give us another year before this happens, and another 8-11 years after that before it really gets resolved. As such, my money is on the new idealist births starting around 2027-ish. Of course, we won't really know until the 1T arrives.
reluctant millennial
reluctant millennial