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Trump Trainwreck - Ongoing diary of betrayal and evil
(02-24-2017, 07:34 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote: This is getting long and I can't snip stuff without losing context.  Anyhow, I'll try to pretend to run for Congress or somesuch.

Too long, so, snip snip. Like you'd like to do to Muslims Smile

Quote:Illegal Aliens.  They directly take jobs which should be done by US citizens.

No they don't, as already explained. They take jobs which are NOT done by US citizens.

I'll let Ian Welch's blog entry explain this. I agree with this fully:
Here's the real unemployment rate, :
Participation rate:

Participation rate has some meaning, but not as much as they say, because of more retirements among boomers now.

Quote:The Statue of Liberty is not the whole story. The rule of law is just as important. Uncontrolled immigration is a disaster, like what's going on in Sweden.

As I said, I don't subscribe to the mistaken views of reactionaries. I use real news sources. Trump made up a terrorist attack that did not exist.

Rule of law is a good thing, but "perspective" as I said. Misdemeanor violations do not justify cruel punishment. Those who pay the fine and work deserve to move to the USA. Immigration is not too much now, and Obama has been successfully deporting smuggled aliens. Trump's actions are unnecessary and wrong; all of them. He does not and will not do anything right. He's a dumbfuck greedy bastard.

Quote:Don't try this at home.  I'd much rather learn from other nation-state's fuckups than do the same thing here.

So I've cross referenced the unemployment rate with the participation rate to ensure things line up. The conclusion I have is the labor force supply is too high. That means the US needs policies to reduce that supply. Deportation may be cruel, but so is chronic joblessness for US citizens. I'm siding with US citizens is all.
I like fines.  There's this thing called the E-verify program. Would be employers need to use that and check every new hire.  Everify should be mandatory, it's not now which is stupid.
White/black/brown/yellow/red/etc. citizens will do those jobs. Employment's already a requirement for able bodied folks under the age of 50 in order to qualify for SNAP etc.

Since illegal immigrants do not take jobs Americans do, it does not contribute to joblessness. Some legal immigration might so contribute. The USA would have to restrain the CEOs who hire the H1s. Republicans aren't likely to do that. Others tout the benefit of immigrants who start more businesses here than residents do. So, restraint of legal immigration doesn't seem likely. Granted that such legal immigration of better-educated and younger workers and entrepreneurs takes jobs from Americans, such as yourself. That's bad. It sucks. But on the other hand, they create more jobs too by starting big companies like google. So that's good. You might not get the same kind of job you had, but you could come out here to Silicon Valley and see what you could find. You are smart and inventive; you could even start something yourself.

The fact is that our labor surplus is now permanent. There's nothing that can be done about it anymore. Computer automation is making work obsolete. Only guaranteed income is the answer. The CEOs and financiers should not be entitled to all the wealth created by computers, because they didn't create it all. The Republican neo-liberal ideology is doomed by technology. Cheap labor abroad is the other big problem, though that is not permanent, since cheap labor countries could well catch up with the first world in coming decades, and automate too. But it's a big problem now, and has been in the 40+ years that the Rust Belt has declined. That, along with decline of unions and wage hogging by the bosses, created the economic problems for the middle and lower classes we see today. Not immigration.

Quote:Tariffs:  Well, like I've mentioned prior, I'd do a WTO allowed VAT tax and use that tax to finance Medicare for all. The Medicare payroll tax would be abolished. Taxing employment is silly.

That does not disprove tariffs as a possible revenue source and trade equalizing agent to reduce companies moving abroad for cheap labor and fewer regulations. I think your VAT idea is OK in principle, but I disagree; I think payroll medicare taxes work just fine and are very low; it couldn't take much more of a raise in those taxes to extend Medicare to all, since younger people are healthier anyway, and prevention and holistic coverage would lead to better health in old age too. VAT taxes OTOH are not progressive, but hurt the poor and middle class. Payroll taxes create benefits that you earn with your work. On balance, it seems right to me.

Quote:Neoliberalism/Republican Parrots going on and on about "lower taxes, lower taxes, brwwwkkk.", "fewer regulations, fewer regulations brrrrwkkk", neoliberal stuff is getting really old after 40 years.

*parrot award for GOP

[Image: 220px-Port_Lincoln_parrot_at_Augusta_profile.jpg]

Well deserved, and as I said, about to be made obsolete by tech.

Quote:Regulations.  Libertarians should understand that anyone's right to pollute stops at my body's edge. Pollution is the ultimate violation of property rights. I'm sure that prior statement would be a huge headache for the GOP/Libertarian party.

Yes, especially since pollution (like injustice) anywhere, is pollution everywhere.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

Messages In This Thread
RE: Trump Trainwreck - Ongoing diary of betrayal and evil - by Eric the Green - 02-25-2017, 03:51 PM
Stupid is as stupid does... - by Ragnarök_62 - 04-05-2017, 07:54 PM
RE: Stupid is as stupid does... - by pbrower2a - 04-06-2017, 01:56 AM
RE: Stupid is as stupid does... - by Galen - 04-08-2017, 08:47 PM

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