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What's your generation and how would you change your government?
(03-30-2022, 12:06 AM)JasonBlack Wrote: @Original Topic
1) Abolish the Patriot Act and Victory Act. They are fascist abominations to a free society which should never have been tolerated in this country.
2) One thing I will give the Soviets: they got what good music and art were. Public spending on the arts is supposed to go toward epic works. Works like symphonies, grand sculptures, opera, not banal. slice-of-life pop culture. Is it any wonder modern society is grappling with such feelings of nihilism when we shun everything awe-inspiring?
3) Raise the corporate tax, but add a large range of subsidies for various eco-friendly activities. Maybe a certain amount for planting X number of trees, a small amount for installing solar panels, cleaning up industrial waste, etc)
4) I will make the environmentalists a compromise: if you ease up on aggressively slashing fuel subsidies too quickly, I will agree to pay taxes to quadruple R&D for green technology research, and double funds for general scientific research. (on a gentler note, I haven't come across any of the eco-misanthropy I so despise in many leftists, which is a big relief).

Hey, what a better group of ideas from you Smile
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(03-29-2022, 07:51 PM)JasonBlack Wrote: The bias people keep making here is that assuming an economic system is supposed to give you an identity/self-worth to begin with. No one is really telling you you need to base your self-worth based on your balance sheet or income statement. Market-based economics is simply an efficient means of letting people get their work done so that they can go home and do what they really want. We can argue about whether more or less government intervention is more efficient, what industries are best left to the state vs run by private enterprise, etc, but that's what the debate should be over. Not over issues of self-worth which people have 100% control over anyway. You can choose to have high self-esteem, you can choose how you define yourself, you can choose what you believe in. Do most people really want someone to tell them how to feel about themselves? Doesn't it make more sense to just take personal responsibility for that?

This is the main thing I don't get about other millennials....why do we need a collective purpose? I'm perfectly happy doing what I want, looking out for my friends and family, pursuing whatever projects strike my fancy. Putting aside the economic scale, the concept that government is supposed to just give people some collective purpose to live their life by seems extremely authoritarian to me. People often argue back to me like "your self-worth doesn't have to be defined by money! My self-worth comes from___", to which I respond "yes...that's literally the point".

Edit: if anything, I'd argue the point of capitalism is more "other people's opinions are irrelevant to my self-worth. the more money I have, the more freedom I have to make the rules". Speaking of compassion, this is often an extremely seductive mindset to people who have spent a good deal of their lives being poor, abused or otherwise powerless. When you are persecuted or unpopular, money is one of your only defenses, a means to fight back in a world where power normally boils down to popularity contests and connections more than competence and boundaries. I have met a lot of entrepreneurs in my time, and grew up with peer relations that were unkind them to them, often to the point of physical violence, genuinely life-threatening situations and other forms of peer-related abuse. To a lesser extent, I relate to this myself (I consider my life to have been hard enough to teach me some good lessons, but not so hard that I was permanently damaged, and given how many people I know with far too much or too little hardship in life, I am tremendously grateful for this. In either event, my peers have never been kind to me, and any sense of community I've ever felt was found in niches of likeminded people). People like that don't want to "just get along". They don't want the government micromanaging their lives. They don't want to spend most of their time thinking about the "greater good". They want to be left alone, want peace and quiet, want to, God forbid...enjoy the fruits of their labor without the gossiping Puritans of society trying to get in their business at every turn. For many, separation brings catharsis far more readily than inclusion and big, overarching systems.

I realize this is more a point about preferences than cause/effect economics, but regardless, if you want a system like the one you're proposing to work, there needs to be a place for people like that. A place for lone wolves, rugged individualists, people who don't care about being "appropriate" and opponents of social and moral policing. Too often, big government also means nosy government, witch hunts and demanding not just behavioral, but emotional conformity. Such witch hunts are clearly happening in the modern era, and history has shown they can often continue well into the 1T.

It would be nice if the only problem people have from being poor or lacking economic mobility in an over-priced economy is "self-worth." What we have is real inequality, and lack of upward mobility in a nation where people are being priced out of living.

I also had poor peer relations in my childhood, although once the Awakening began, I felt at home; only to lose that feeling again the deeper the 3T got. But this never stopped me from realizing that collective purpose is necessary to a working society. It is a matter of balance; we also need individual freedoms and human rights, not dictatorship. A dictator does not care about the people, and neither do oiligarchs (a typo, I think I'll keep it). But common purpose keeps us from not achieving anything as a society, and without that achievement, society falls apart and individual lives are ruined along with this.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(03-30-2022, 02:57 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(03-30-2022, 12:06 AM)JasonBlack Wrote: @Original Topic
1) Abolish the Patriot Act and Victory Act. They are fascist abominations to a free society which should never have been tolerated in this country.
2) One thing I will give the Soviets: they got what good music and art were. Public spending on the arts is supposed to go toward epic works. Works like symphonies, grand sculptures, opera, not banal. slice-of-life pop culture. Is it any wonder modern society is grappling with such feelings of nihilism when we shun everything awe-inspiring?
3) Raise the corporate tax, but add a large range of subsidies for various eco-friendly activities. Maybe a certain amount for planting X number of trees, a small amount for installing solar panels, cleaning up industrial waste, etc)
4) I will make the environmentalists a compromise: if you ease up on aggressively slashing fuel subsidies too quickly, I will agree to pay taxes to quadruple R&D for green technology research, and double funds for general scientific research. (on a gentler note, I haven't come across any of the eco-misanthropy I so despise in many leftists, which is a big relief).

Hey, what a better group of ideas from you Smile

oh I'm out for blood when people trample all over people's rights and use the state to nose their way into people's privacy.
reluctant millennial

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