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dealing with the dark scenario
I certainly can't talk about this on facebook, so this little forum will have to do to speculate on how we can go forward since it seems likely that the House will be taken over by Marjory Taylor Greene and the Senate will still be under the control of Joe Manchin or even Mitch McConnell, and the Republicans set to take over the presidency, likely under Donald Trump, in 2024, using their new power to rig and deny elections. The people will blame Biden for the obstruction and stagnation the Republicans themselves cause, just like they did after 2010. The people are voting for climate change, so the challenge will be how to mitigate global warming conditions to the extent possible over the next dark age lasting thousands of years, and salvage what we can of civilization.

First of all we will see secession from the USA by California, Hawaii, Washington, New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, and probably Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. Perhaps others.

But these states are going to first need to control their borders against the red state armies. We blue states even if geographically separated will have to declare ourselves a new state and organize a massive army, including nuclear weapons and SDI defenses since we can't trust Trump not to just wipe us out.

After we have forced the red counties in our own reliable blue states to submit, and defeat any support from the reds, then we can think about forcing states like Oregon, Maine and New Hampshire and at least the eastern part of Pennsylvania to join us, and then invade red state territory, expel the horrific MAGA Republicans and resettle whatever we can grab with our own people and with the hordes of immigrants we expect. Because 2/3 of the countries of the world will become increasingly wiped out by climate change and resulting wars, the hordes will come across our borders and will have to settle somewhere. Practically the whole world will be moving north into various countries including the blue states, whereas the red states will try to erect massive walls manned by machine guns and navy destroyers to patrol their borders. It is possible that this won't work eventually and the red states too will be overrun. So will all the countries of the EU and the UK be over-run, and will have to cope and adapt and build new settlements with air conditioning. The MAGA government of red America and the EU and UK will both try to stop this horde as long as possible, but eventually the tide will just be too great. In that case, will they still be able to keep their countries fascist or the USA fascist-Republican? I imagine Pacific Asians will have enough room to move north, but Russia may be under intense pressure from this. 

By the way, the USA thus preoccupied with civil war will not be able to help defend Ukraine, so we can only hope that war will be won by Ukraine in the next year or two, and Europe will have to take up the slack of supporting them.

Massive increases in renewable energy and nuclear power and maybe gas will be needed to furnish air conditioning to the millions of small modular houses we will need to build for all these immigrants. The population of blue America will at least triple or quadruple within a few decades. Whites will be a pronounced minority. California can cut down great reaches of its forests all over the state and thin them out massively to stem wildfires as much as possible. Desalination plants and cloud seeding will help to some extent with the drought. Building codes will have to be stronger against the new threat of hurricanes. In the east, massive walls will need to be erected along the coast, plus relocation of large portions of cities like New York, and some protections will be needed along the west coast too against sea level rise. Europe will face these needs too. Since red states will deny climate change for the foreseeable future, many residents and cities along the south-east and gulf coasts will simply be wiped out, and the red MAGA government probably won't even care. It is interesting to speculate just how long the ugly, stupid, fearful, gun-nut MAGA people can hold out in their new false utopia without succumbing to the realization that the blue states were right all along and petition to join back to the blue USA. 

Only if the polls unexpectedly turn around and a massive blue turnout happens next month will this scenario be avoided. Republicans could care less, and so could those who deny the partisanship of our politics, or just decide not to vote.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(10-19-2022, 03:21 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: By the way, the USA thus preoccupied with civil war will not be able to help defend Ukraine, so we can only hope that war will be won by Ukraine in the next year or two, and Europe will have to take up the slack of supporting them.

Far from the most important item on your list, but still an important one i think.  Europe and the Asian rim need to step up to do this themselves -- especially Europe.  There has grown too large an assumption that Uncle Sugar will be ther to do it -- at least most of it -- for them.  That needs to change in any case, though your scenario is not the way it should have to be addressed.
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