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What's going on with you, part II...
(10-07-2016, 08:13 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: My father is apparently dying. He's not taking his nourishment.

Oh no! Sad
Thank you, everyone.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

My third day of colonoscopy prep. Procedure Monday at 1015.

Second day of liquid diet. Apple juice, and chicken broth.

I am using Preparation H. Sad

I have a friend driving me to and back from the hospital. He's refused gifts, but we will hit the first acceptable fast food window, at my expense.

My condolences to PRB.

(10-13-2016, 10:29 AM)X_4AD_84 Wrote: The Russians' weakness as always is the lack of good ports. Their approaches to the seas are limited.

The Chinese have it a bit better but only one ocean with direct access. Of course, they will strike out over land to try and improve that!

Access to the Indian Ocean has long been a goal. Hence, most of Southeast Asia hates China, for millennia.

If we could only recall the leaders and supporters of the Viet Nam War, and ask: "Was It Worth It?"
(10-16-2016, 04:08 PM)
Quote:Bad Dog Wrote: My third day of colonoscopy prep. Procedure Monday at 1015.

Huh?  I did that last week.

Wednesday no solids.  /  Got it done, Thursday 8:00 AM

Quote:Second day of liquid diet. Apple juice, and chicken broth.

I got lucky I guess.  Only 1 day of no real food. I had coffee,lots of water, and Popsicle.

Quote:I am using Preparation H. Sad

Yeah, that Supprep does that.

Quote:I have a friend driving me to and back from the hospital. He's refused gifts, but we will hit the first acceptable fast food window, at my expense.

My sister did that. I wonder why propofol makes one dingy all day long.  I didn't have any polyps , but there's some sort of odd inflammation going on. That's at the pathologist's office.

My condolences to PRB.


---Value Added Cool
No polyps.

Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, large. Smile
(10-20-2016, 06:28 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote:
(10-20-2016, 05:16 PM)Bad Dog Wrote: No polyps.

Same here. I do have micro colitis.   I blame gluten because gluten causes every unexplained gastrointestinal syndrome, right?   Big Grain is hiding the evidence. Tongue

Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, large. Smile

I was a good dog. I had heavily cajuned salmon at Perkins with grilled asparagus.  Desert was coconut cream pie. I had 5 diet cokes.

I'm such a lightweight with barbiturates that all I wanted to do afterward was get home and crawl into bed. The big meal came later in the day. Very trippy experience both during and after including the dreams after I got home.

I asked what the anesthesiologist was going to dope me up.  I got propofol.   The after effects were a non drowsy buzz.
---Value Added Cool
I got my father's ashes buried today.

Considering what has happened in America, I regret that those ashes were not mine.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(11-10-2016, 07:41 PM)taramarie Wrote: So sorry to hear he passed on. Sad

We had some time to keep the ashes between the funeral and burial. My father did not die twice! My brother and I took them on some weekend trips more or less by defaultf, including to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Two days ago I took the ashes to my father's boyhood home, and asked the people living there if I could take their container through the house that had belonged to my grandfather until he died in 1999.  The family allowed my request, and I told them a little of the story. The mother apologized for the condition of the house -- but I could only say that I doubted that my father was any better a housekeeper at his age than the current children living there.

...I am surprised that nobody caught on to the regret that I have of being alive during the Trump Presidency. I think that life has become much less precious than it had been, and it will become increasingly less precious. I think that most of us are going to be reduced to our economic roles in life, a degrading situation that nobody has ever found satisfying.

I expect to hate life. Just work as your masters demand, and ignore all else, for your productivity is your sole value as a creature no longer fully human. If Donald Trump starts some unjust War for Profit, then I hope that America loses that war, and the people culpable for it are obliged to account for war crimes. There could be no better fate for America than what America did to Germany, Italy, and Japan immediately after World War II -- utter defeat followed by the establishment of new or revived democratic institutions and more cultural freedom that negates the raw nationalism of the recent majoritarian culture.

Oh, by the way -- he was a Republican, but he recognized Donald Trump as a monster.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

My condolences pbrower2a. I'm sorry for your loss.
Bad news from the doctor, turns out I have sleep apnea. Sad 

I'm shocked. I know I was at risk for it because of my weight (which is why my doc had me do a sleep study), but I never through I actual had it because I've never remembered waking up gasping for breath. I'm going to have to use a C-PAP machine when I sleep from now on.
(11-13-2016, 07:54 AM)taramarie Wrote: Oh hell the tsunami warning has been confirmed. I live near the coast.

With a 7.5 quake it shouldn't be bad.  Hope the tsunami never arrives.  With luck damage was minimal.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
(11-13-2016, 06:09 AM)taramarie Wrote: just had another massive earthquake here. Have to laugh really. My reaction was just to turn the light on and enjoy the ride. I am a pro at this. It lasted for 5 minutes straight. My cat is a pro at it too. Sitting beside me in bed purring. I wonder what sort of damage has been done this time.

Glad you're ok
Oh no! O hope all you folks in NZ are OK! Sad
(11-13-2016, 07:41 PM)taramarie Wrote: (facepalm) another decent sized earthquake just hit. I want off this boat. I need sleep and beer for this. There have been a couple of casualties from the earthquakes too. So sad to hear.

-- well l'm glad you're ok
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(11-11-2016, 04:12 PM)Odin Wrote: Bad news from the doctor, turns out I have sleep apnea. Sad 

I'm shocked. I know I was at risk for it because of my weight (which is why my doc had me do a sleep study), but I never through I actual had it because I've never remembered waking up gasping for breath. I'm going to have to use a C-PAP machine when I sleep from now on.

My friend, it's really not that big a deal!  There are hundreds of different kinds of units - just get a good person to help you get fitted right.  And keep trying until you get one that's comfortable.  My wife even had a custom, soft cotton "harness" sewed up so that it fit her perfectly without the elastic of the commercial ones.

Wearing CPAP at night has LITERALLY changed people's lives that I know!
[fon‌t=Arial Black]... a man of notoriously vicious and intemperate disposition.[/font]
(11-17-2016, 06:19 PM)TnT Wrote: My friend, it's really not that big a deal!  There are hundreds of different kinds of units - just get a good person to help you get fitted right.  And keep trying until you get one that's comfortable.  My wife even had a custom, soft cotton "harness" sewed up so that it fit her perfectly without the elastic of the commercial ones.

Wearing CPAP at night has LITERALLY changed people's lives that I know!

I'm actually going in tomorrow after work to get my machine.
After 22 days, I got my bathroom back.

The neighbors apartment had had a catastrophic failing of the drainage system. They had to tear down my bathroom walls to deal with the rot.

No shower or toilet, intermittently, over that time. A taped, black plastic cover separated the apartments. I was granted the use of an apartment in the process of remodeling for toilet and shower purposes.

Some days, all water was cut off.

Now, I have a new tub, and wall. The insect population was sprayed today. I have a toilet again. I can cook again.

My boss was not amused, as i had to take at least two days off to deal with things. I'm trying to negotiate rent credit. I may be forced to withhold rent, until I get it.

Taking a shower felt wonderful, tonight. Smile
(11-17-2016, 08:25 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(11-17-2016, 08:16 PM)Bad Dog Wrote: After 22 days, I got my bathroom back.

The neighbors apartment had had a catastrophic failing of the drainage system. They had to tear down my bathroom walls to deal with the rot.

No shower or toilet, intermittently, over that time. A taped, black plastic cover separated the apartments. I was granted the use of an apartment in the process of remodeling for toilet and shower purposes.

Some days, all water was cut off.

Now, I have a new tub, and wall. The insect population was sprayed today. I have a toilet again. I can cook again.

My boss was not amused, as i had to take at least two days off to deal with things. I'm trying to negotiate rent credit. I may be forced to withhold rent, until I get it.

Taking a shower felt wonderful, tonight. Smile
Great news. Know that feeling of being deprived basic essentials after one of our lovely earthquakes. Thing is no one had water for a while. It was wonderful when I could finally have a shower. Never again will I take the essentials for granted. Disasters are such an essential learning curve.
Have gone without power for 150+ hours.  I'm no stranger to cascade failures. Sad
I'm getting a little less than half a months rent credit. That's something.

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