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How I'll react to the new prophets when they try to blame me
I will refuse to be considered to be someone who was for censorship in the future. If some punk snot nosed kid in the future blames me for it for the year I was born in I'll chew them out and say how it took far more bravery to be me and against censorship in an era where people were for censorship and how they weren't brave because they were in the majority. I would chew him out majorly until he apologized to me otherwise I'd keep ranting and raving and pissing the idiot off. Also I'm not interested in the music right now so I refuse to be blamed for it. If another snot nosed kid blames me for it I too will chew them out on how they're ingrates and that back then I had to search for music while they didn't. Believe me, I will give the future generation a piece of my mind if they decide to blame me. Since I'm against the narrative of my so-called generation and will be blamed by future generations I'll have a lot of people I will have to chew out, spit, and leave in the dust. I don't care if it's in my generation or some generation before or after me. Nobody blames me or tells me what to think without negative consequences. It takes far more bravery to be me, an anti censorship person in a time where censorship is lauded than to be anti censorship when it's a safe opinion. I for one refuse to take any form of disrespect. How do you think they'll react to this? 
Anyways I was searching for the underground for years. I'm not about to let some snot nosed kid lecture ME on how I created the 2010s culture and how their culture is so damn superior. I've argued with many and don't care how many people thumbs me down or get pissed off. It's just noise in my head. I don't care if people hate on me as long as they can't defeat me I can do anything I want. If someone my age wants to censor me I'll be hostile. If some other generation blames me or groups me in with censorship I'll be hostile. They started it so they left me no choice but to be blunt and abrasive.
It's when those kids start adopting hippie-like lifestyles and start burning their breeches and mooning their elders as an expression of freedom that they will no longer be snot-nosed kids, but instead irreverent young adults too big to spank.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(04-28-2019, 11:52 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: It's when those kids start adopting hippie-like lifestyles and start burning their breeches and mooning their elders as an expression of freedom that they will no longer be snot-nosed kids, but instead irreverent young adults too big to spank.

I don't care if they're too old to spank; nobody's too old to be yelled at or talked down to. I'll also say I was more free of social norms than they were because I actually stood up to anti free speech as a loner, which is braver than doing it as a group. It's not fair that I as a pro free speech pro freedom person am going to be blamed for lack of freedom when I am the victim. I'll give people 2 choices; either stop blaming me as a person or I will continue to be angry and belligerent and non cooperative. I have an extremely firm will; I have the Asperger's laser focus. I have an ultimatum to people, either don't suppress my free speech or individual needs or I will be a mean person. The other ultimatum is either don't blame me as an individual for the failings of the culture or lack of free speech or I will become a mean person. If people want me to play nice they need to at least cooperate with me; otherwise, whatever they get is coming to them. I don't believe in the mumbo jumbo of "It makes you just as bad as them." I'm giving them two options; either be considerate of me or have a very unpleasant time dealing with my attitude. My attitude is entirely justified. It's like an anti Taliban anti Jihadist from Afghanistan being blamed for Islamacism, being persecuted by his own country and other nations at the same time. I don't give a shit. If someone disrespects me I will be twice as rude back. They'll be used to having parents that are calm with them while they act this way. They won't be used to dealing with someone as socially unhinged, stubborn, and angry as I am. I don't back down to social pressure or ridicule. I'm like the energizer bunny; I keep going and going and going and I don't believe in "letting things go" or walking away.
(04-29-2019, 12:22 AM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
(04-28-2019, 11:52 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: It's when those kids start adopting hippie-like lifestyles and start burning their breeches and mooning their elders as an expression of freedom that they will no longer be snot-nosed kids, but instead irreverent young adults too big to spank.

I don't care if they're too old to spank; nobody's too old to be yelled at or talked down to. I'll also say I was more free of social norms than they were because I actually stood up to anti free speech as a loner, which is braver than doing it as a group. It's not fair that I as a pro free speech pro freedom person am going to be blamed for lack of freedom when I am the victim. I'll give people 2 choices; either stop blaming me as a person or I will continue to be angry and belligerent and non cooperative. I have an extremely firm will; I have the Asperger's laser focus. I have an ultimatum to people, either don't suppress my free speech or individual needs or I will be a mean person. The other ultimatum is either don't blame me as an individual for the failings of the culture or lack of free speech or I will become a mean person. If people want me to play nice they need to at least cooperate with me; otherwise, whatever they get is coming to them. I don't believe in the mumbo jumbo of "It makes you just as bad as them." I'm giving them two options; either be considerate of me or have a very unpleasant time dealing with my attitude. My attitude is entirely justified. It's like an anti Taliban anti Jihadist from Afghanistan being blamed for Islamacism, being persecuted by his own country and other nations at the same time. I don't give a shit. If someone disrespects me I will be twice as rude back. They'll be used to having parents that are calm with them while they act this way. They won't be used to dealing with someone as socially unhinged, stubborn, and angry as I am. I don't back down to social pressure or ridicule. I'm like the energizer bunny; I keep going and going and going and I don't believe in "letting things go" or walking away.

-- dude. You need 2 take a chill pill
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(04-29-2019, 08:08 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 12:22 AM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
(04-28-2019, 11:52 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: It's when those kids start adopting hippie-like lifestyles and start burning their breeches and mooning their elders as an expression of freedom that they will no longer be snot-nosed kids, but instead irreverent young adults too big to spank.

I don't care if they're too old to spank; nobody's too old to be yelled at or talked down to. I'll also say I was more free of social norms than they were because I actually stood up to anti free speech as a loner, which is braver than doing it as a group. It's not fair that I as a pro free speech pro freedom person am going to be blamed for lack of freedom when I am the victim. I'll give people 2 choices; either stop blaming me as a person or I will continue to be angry and belligerent and non cooperative. I have an extremely firm will; I have the Asperger's laser focus. I have an ultimatum to people, either don't suppress my free speech or individual needs or I will be a mean person. The other ultimatum is either don't blame me as an individual for the failings of the culture or lack of free speech or I will become a mean person. If people want me to play nice they need to at least cooperate with me; otherwise, whatever they get is coming to them. I don't believe in the mumbo jumbo of "It makes you just as bad as them." I'm giving them two options; either be considerate of me or have a very unpleasant time dealing with my attitude. My attitude is entirely justified. It's like an anti Taliban anti Jihadist from Afghanistan being blamed for Islamacism, being persecuted by his own country and other nations at the same time. I don't give a shit. If someone disrespects me I will be twice as rude back. They'll be used to having parents that are calm with them while they act this way. They won't be used to dealing with someone as socially unhinged, stubborn, and angry as I am. I don't back down to social pressure or ridicule. I'm like the energizer bunny; I keep going and going and going and I don't believe in "letting things go" or walking away.

-- dude. You need 2 take a chill pill

I don't think it's fair that the newer generations will get to have more freedom of expression than I do without having to face the consequences I did where I had to be brave to stick out yet still be blamed when I was the one persecuted. It's not fair so I shouldn't have to take it.
(04-29-2019, 09:57 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(04-28-2019, 05:24 PM)AspieMillennial Wrote: I will refuse to be considered to be someone who was for censorship in the future. If some punk snot nosed kid in the future blames me for it for the year I was born in I'll chew them out and say how it took far more bravery to be me and against censorship in an era where people were for censorship and how they weren't brave because they were in the majority. I would chew him out majorly until he apologized to me otherwise I'd keep ranting and raving and pissing the idiot off. Also I'm not interested in the music right now so I refuse to be blamed for it. If another snot nosed kid blames me for it I too will chew them out on how they're ingrates and that back then I had to search for music while they didn't. Believe me, I will give the future generation a piece of my mind if they decide to blame me. Since I'm against the narrative of my so-called generation and will be blamed by future generations I'll have a lot of people I will have to chew out, spit, and leave in the dust. I don't care if it's in my generation or some generation before or after me. Nobody blames me or tells me what to think without negative consequences. It takes far more bravery to be me, an anti censorship person in a time where censorship is lauded than to be anti censorship when it's a safe opinion. I for one refuse to take any form of disrespect. How do you think they'll react to this? 

I think they will further disrespect us if they have Millennials treating them with hate. Hate does nothing but divide people further. We can explain to them calmly what happened in our day and how it has impacted us and what we tried to do about it. Talk not hate will help bring about understanding. 
~a fellow Millennial

In my experience, people are far more disrespectful to you when you're docile to them after they treat you badly. People only respect people that stand up for themselves because if you don't respect yourself who will? You need to demand respect in this world because respect isn't simply going to happen. Also I see the disrespect as going to happen either way. They have no reason to stop disrespecting if you just make excuses and plead for understanding. I'm pro free speech and will be blamed for being anti free speech. I think this is unfair so I have no choice but to fight it. You may say understanding takes time but I don't have 20 years to wait for some other cultural shift to happen when I'll almost be dead anyways.
(04-29-2019, 10:25 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 10:07 PM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 09:57 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(04-28-2019, 05:24 PM)AspieMillennial Wrote: I will refuse to be considered to be someone who was for censorship in the future. If some punk snot nosed kid in the future blames me for it for the year I was born in I'll chew them out and say how it took far more bravery to be me and against censorship in an era where people were for censorship and how they weren't brave because they were in the majority. I would chew him out majorly until he apologized to me otherwise I'd keep ranting and raving and pissing the idiot off. Also I'm not interested in the music right now so I refuse to be blamed for it. If another snot nosed kid blames me for it I too will chew them out on how they're ingrates and that back then I had to search for music while they didn't. Believe me, I will give the future generation a piece of my mind if they decide to blame me. Since I'm against the narrative of my so-called generation and will be blamed by future generations I'll have a lot of people I will have to chew out, spit, and leave in the dust. I don't care if it's in my generation or some generation before or after me. Nobody blames me or tells me what to think without negative consequences. It takes far more bravery to be me, an anti censorship person in a time where censorship is lauded than to be anti censorship when it's a safe opinion. I for one refuse to take any form of disrespect. How do you think they'll react to this? 

I think they will further disrespect us if they have Millennials treating them with hate. Hate does nothing but divide people further. We can explain to them calmly what happened in our day and how it has impacted us and what we tried to do about it. Talk not hate will help bring about understanding. 
~a fellow Millennial

In my experience, people are far more disrespectful to you when you're docile to them after they treat you badly. People only respect people that stand up for themselves because if you don't respect yourself who will? You need to demand respect in this world because respect isn't simply going to happen. Also I see the disrespect as going to happen either way. They have no reason to stop disrespecting if you just make excuses and plead for understanding. I'm pro free speech and will be blamed for being anti free speech. I think this is unfair so I have no choice but to fight it. You may say understanding takes time but I don't have 20 years to wait for some other cultural shift to happen when I'll almost be dead anyways.
There is a difference between being a push over and being pushy. People do not respect either one. I am a security guard at present. I have been trained in how to get across a message while de-escalating a problem. There is a lovely balance in between both extremes which can and does work and in the chance that your life literally is in danger due to rage or they are beyond a point of being able to talk to them then and only then more force is needed but NEVER in anger. Only standing your ground but staying in the realm of reason.

If someone is hostile to you or the entire group or society disagrees with your views, how else do you make yourself heard without getting loud? If you're vastly outnumbered it could be your only option to be heard. For some people calm discussion works but for others? It doesn't work; they just walk all over you. It all depends on how reasonable the personality type you're dealing with is. In my experience there are certain people in which talking it out doesn't work.
How do you deal with the bully personality type that doesn't respond to reason?
(04-29-2019, 10:36 PM)taramarie Wrote: Do their opinions really matter in the end? Or does staying true to yourself and to those willing to listen matter more? You cant force people nor can they force you. You can say your piece, stay true to what is right to you if it is right for you and not let the threat invade your peace that it is right for you. Those who are willing to listen to your truth when it is said in reason and in a reasonable tone will hear you. Truth does not need to be shouted in anger. But it does need to be heard. Thing is its up to THEM to hear us or not.

Their opinions matter in the sense that they will try to create a world that is against you and will try to turn the group against you. When they decide to bully you and construct a world that is against your very needs and desires. It doesn't need to be shouted in danger towards reasonable people but towards unreasonable people? You need to be twice or even 3 times as stubborn against them. Because they will never respect your views but they will respect the consequences to making a world that is difficult for you. I don't have time to wait for a social movement to be on my side when I need to survive this now. I think the reason the world isn't a better place is because the bullies of the world aren't stood up to when they decide to create things like miserable working conditions and not making simple changes that could benefit people's lives with little effort. We need to stand up against them if we want to make the world a better place.
It is wise under all but the most pathological systems to have the humility to recognize that the powers-to-be do not see you as a menace.

Will you be significant enough to be a victim of persecution? That will depend upon what your Millennial Generation teaches the next Idealist generation.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Quote:I hate to say it but the future does belong to them. When we are old and will die, they will be alive and thrive and build the world to their liking. We have our time. They have theirs too. We can advise, we cannot force the future to our liking when we are irrelevant and we will be irrelevant one day to the young which will come sooner than you think. We would need political power to ensure that we have those needs and desires met in ways that that can ensure that we are ok, but eventually they would take control. You cannot stop the tide. The waves of the ocean cannot be stopped when in mass. You can try to stand up to bullies when together, but the future belongs to the young in the end. The best we can do is create understanding and not alienate them.

But this isn't my time and I'm young; all of the changes people seem to want now are changes I don't want so it's like I'm not being represented at all. Since in my youth, my desires were not represented, I will sure as hell try to push my desires when I'm old. I don't want things like lab grown meat yet changes like that are going to be pushed on me just because "society says so". I don't like the cultural changes happening in the youth and I can't fully relate to the older generations either. I know I can't change the world so I decide to opt out of it and only push things out of my personal way so nothing affects my personal life. This is why I'm so pushy; I have to be if I'm going to be against an overwhelming tide. Since my time didn't happen when young, I will be pushier when old. I'm not dead yet so it's still my world no matter what age I am. I see it as hypocritical if the older generation gives into their children to have things that they want to deny me. It's not fair so I'll call it like it is. I always saw it as hypocritical that nobody defended the people who were forced to get lobotomies in the 1940s and 1950s yet somehow when their brat kids started protesting then all of a sudden they gave into them just because they were the new youth. Oh it's okay for their brat kids to be different and even disrespectful criminals but God forbid their peers were even slightly out of the norm. That is hypocrisy.
Quote:So am I, I am a fellow millennial after all. Not everything goes everyone's way I am afraid to say. Not everyone will be happy. But you can fight the good fight towards reason and justice with those who stand by your side. You can push your desires and should do! Use that anger wisely for what you wish the world to be, just don't alienate and keep reason on your side. I am with you on free speech btw. This is the basis of a free country after all otherwise we head into the realm of NK and we do not want to end up like them. If no one fights, those in power and those who wish to enforce their control over others continue to do so. Fight....with reason on your side. Same when we are old. But the future always will belong to what the young make of it eventually. Which applies to us now. Thing is....what do we want to do about it to shape the world to our liking now? Do we scream complain and turn people away from listening to us? Or do we use reason and logic and facts and fight for what we want in a logical way?

Can you shape the world to your liking now? From my perspective it would take changing around 100 million people. I don't see that as feasible. How do you do it? For me I want to delve into niches and forms of escapism so I don't have to face the new societal changes. Insulate myself from society by choice so nothing affects me. I'm not going to buy lab meat even if it becomes popular. I don't listen to popular music and I think whatever I want. Society can't tell me what to do. How do you change 100 million? I can't so I just avoid most of the parts of society I don't like and create my own culture and own experiences.
Here is another thought: I always saw it as hypocritical that nobody defended the people who were forced to get lobotomies in the 1940s and 1950s yet somehow when their brat kids started protesting then all of a sudden they gave into them just because they were the new youth. Oh it's okay for their brat kids to be different and even disrespectful criminals but God forbid their peers were even slightly out of the norm. That is hypocrisy IMO to ignore the pleas of their outcast peers yet give into their own kids just because they decide to riot and burn cities to the grown in a tantrum.
(04-29-2019, 11:20 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 11:01 PM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
Quote:I hate to say it but the future does belong to them. When we are old and will die, they will be alive and thrive and build the world to their liking. We have our time. They have theirs too. We can advise, we cannot force the future to our liking when we are irrelevant and we will be irrelevant one day to the young which will come sooner than you think. We would need political power to ensure that we have those needs and desires met in ways that that can ensure that we are ok, but eventually they would take control. You cannot stop the tide. The waves of the ocean cannot be stopped when in mass. You can try to stand up to bullies when together, but the future belongs to the young in the end. The best we can do is create understanding and not alienate them.

But this isn't my time and I'm young; all of the changes people seem to want now are changes I don't want so it's like I'm not being represented at all. Since in my youth, my desires were not represented, I will sure as hell try to push my desires when I'm old. I don't want things like lab grown meat yet changes like that are going to be pushed on me just because "society says so". I don't like the cultural changes happening in the youth and I can't fully relate to the older generations either. I know I can't change the world so I decide to opt out of it and only push things out of my personal way so nothing affects my personal life. This is why I'm so pushy; I have to be if I'm going to be against an overwhelming tide. Since my time didn't happen when young, I will be pushier when old. I'm not dead yet so it's still my world no matter what age I am. I see it as hypocritical if the older generation gives into their children to have things that they want to deny me. It's not fair so I'll call it like it is. I always saw it as hypocritical that nobody defended the people who were forced to get lobotomies in the 1940s and 1950s yet somehow when their brat kids started protesting then all of a sudden they gave into them just because they were the new youth. Oh it's okay for their brat kids to be different and even disrespectful criminals but God forbid their peers were even slightly out of the norm. That is hypocrisy.

Cant say I am fully convinced we cant change the world as we can do our bit and it starts within us then around us. I hear you on the pushy thing. When people don't listen it is frustrating. Yes we are in a worse situation than our parents were at the same age. Sucks to be the civic type at this time in our lives. Yes you tell them. It is not fair and I am a straight up person too so I appreciate that. Thing is what can be done to make the greatest impact for what you do want? Yes there is a lot of hypocrisy I find in older people and what they taught. It reads as do as I say, not as I do...….because I taught you better than that. Thing is I also think to myself, for some older folk....maybe they learned as they aged? It really does depend on context of each individual situation.

This is why I'm focused on having fun and doing whatever I want in the 4T. It's useless to try to plant seeds in the winter so you do things like going sledding or drinking hot chocolate or skiing. I don't see the world as having to be worse than they had it. We can use this time to have fun until it's all over with. Doing the right thing typically results in no results so my solution is to not focus on doing what "society" says so and live life like you're a cancer patient with a year left to live. I only live once so I'm spending my youth doing the "wrong thing" even if it results in failure because there's no security in a 4T anyways. There is no way we can waste a 4T. Since there is no security, this is the best time to do whatever you want and have a nothing to lose attitude.
(04-29-2019, 11:30 PM)taramarie Wrote: I can shape my world to my liking by first healing myself from within. May sound weird but our thoughts impact our actions and feelings and reactions and thoughts of the world around us. I suffer cptsd so I am working on it at present and starting at the core. As for the world around me, I live in Christchurch New Zealand. We literally did change the world around us. We already have and are still working on it. Do you know we elected our first millennial Prime Minister? We cleaned up after the mess created by city shattering earthquakes and are rebuilding a whole city and we did it together in thousands. How do you do it? Start from within and gather your team. We created a group online where we recruited like minded people to help achieve a common massive goal. Same thing politically too. It gives you a bigger voice. Broadcast it to the world. This is how we changed our part of the world. By social media and by gathering teams. You are not alone. There are people who will agree with you. I am one of them. I also have tried insulating myself from society so nothing affects me (cptsd) it only made me suicidal and depressed. I hope it does not do that to you. I am still trying to pull myself out of that one. Yes, do what makes you happy. I remember avoiding for instance when HP had just come out. I was the only one not reading the book and rather enjoyed writing my own novel as that was my form of escapism from bullies and still is to this day.

I've gotten my ideas shouted down on social media. How do you get people to respond to you? I think doing things in person on a one on one scale is better to shape your personal world because people are more reasonable one on one than a mob. Right now, when I pay attention to the way the world is going I get angry. When I don't pay attention and withdraw into my own fantasy world, I feel happy. What changes do you think we should be focusing on now? This is very interesting.
(04-29-2019, 11:35 PM)taramarie Wrote: Are you sure about that and why?

I totally agree with following your heart and living life to the fullest. Not sure what the "wrong" thing would be. But if it is against going against what the expectation is well I am a rebel at heart too and neither like being told I have to follow what everyone else expects of you. It is wonderfully freeing to be true to yourself.

As for doing the right thing, it depends on whether it is morally true to you or a value society expects of you. Again depends on the context. But it is a debatable topic and an interesting one at that.

I guess there are some things you can do to improve your life in the 4T and help others around you and help yourself which I've done and I don't consider a waste at all but it's more of a prep time than a building time. I've learned a lot in this time period so I guess not all the time is spent on what's traditionally fun but what is fulfilling within.

I guess my reasoning is kind of nihilistic. In this analogy like if you're 300 pounds due to a glandular disorder and are going to be fat and unhealthy no matter what. Why eat healthy then if it won't bring you results? Just stuff yourself and call it a day. It's a completely different story to the person who's self control can make them healthy. It's also like how there's no point in being frugal if you know you're gonna be poor for life. Why not enjoy the now if the future isn't guaranteed?
(04-29-2019, 10:48 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: It is wise under all but the most pathological systems to have the humility to recognize that the powers-to-be do not see you as a menace.

Will you be significant enough to be a victim of persecution? That will depend upon what your Millennial Generation teaches the next Idealist generation.

Sometimes systems even see children as a menace. How do you explain the children getting forcibly medicated because they're hyperactive or different? This is a war against their brains because the system deems these children menaces that need to be forced into normality. People don't need to be significant to be a victim of persecution. In fact, the most insignificant are the biggest victims of the world.
(04-29-2019, 11:37 PM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 11:30 PM)taramarie Wrote: I can shape my world to my liking by first healing myself from within. May sound weird but our thoughts impact our actions and feelings and reactions and thoughts of the world around us. I suffer cptsd so I am working on it at present and starting at the core. As for the world around me, I live in Christchurch New Zealand. We literally did change the world around us. We already have and are still working on it. Do you know we elected our first millennial Prime Minister? We cleaned up after the mess created by city shattering earthquakes and are rebuilding a whole city and we did it together in thousands. How do you do it? Start from within and gather your team. We created a group online where we recruited like minded people to help achieve a common massive goal. Same thing politically too. It gives you a bigger voice. Broadcast it to the world. This is how we changed our part of the world. By social media and by gathering teams. You are not alone. There are people who will agree with you. I am one of them. I also have tried insulating myself from society so nothing affects me (cptsd) it only made me suicidal and depressed. I hope it does not do that to you. I am still trying to pull myself out of that one. Yes, do what makes you happy. I remember avoiding for instance when HP had just come out. I was the only one not reading the book and rather enjoyed writing my own novel as that was my form of escapism from bullies and still is to this day.

I've gotten my ideas shouted down on social media. How do you get people to respond to you? I think doing things in person on a one on one scale is better to shape your personal world because people are more reasonable one on one than a mob. Right now, when I pay attention to the way the world is going I get angry. When I don't pay attention and withdraw into my own fantasy world, I feel happy. What changes do you think we should be focusing on now? This is very interesting.

I think it's extremely rare for people to listen to anyone on social media, unless that person already agrees with you. This is an invention whose utility is very questionable. It's fun, but real communication on it is rare. As Bob Dylan said in 1965, "I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stoned!" He was something of an aspie complainer too and certainly defied the conventional views of authority.

"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(04-29-2019, 11:50 PM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 10:48 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: It is wise under all but the most pathological systems to have the humility to recognize that the powers-to-be do not see you as a menace.

Will you be significant enough to be a victim of persecution? That will depend upon what your Millennial Generation teaches the next Idealist generation.

Sometimes systems even see children as a menace. How do you explain the children getting forcibly medicated because they're hyperactive or different? This is a war against their brains because the system deems these children menaces that need to be forced into normality. People don't need to be significant to be a victim of persecution. In fact, the most insignificant are the biggest victims of the world.

Destructive as a lobotomy is, were it necessary for taking away the dangerous characteristics of a sociopath, I would be for it. Better that than the 'lobotomy' that Ted Bundy got -- electric charges that destroyed his considerable, if twisted, brain. But let us also consider his innocent victims.

Hyperactivity? I wonder how many people in the entertainment business are hyperactive. Is hyperactivity that bad -- or is it simply inconvenient for such bureaucratic institutions as K-12 education?

With autism we need to teach people how to get away with it. Sticking people into low-paying jobs that they hate and ensuring that they can do nothing else in our pay-to-play society is itself cruelty.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


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