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The Fall of Cities of the Ancient World (42 Years) The Sacred Name of God 42 Letters
[Image: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.png]

Cain was avenged 7 times  (There is numerical codes hidden in the Scriptures Annotations, its say Genesis 4:24 (You have to read it 42).
[Image: High-Priestess.jpg][Image: Masonic.gif]\\

Pay attention to the Two Pillars of the Temple of Solomon (Jachin and Boaz) and to the Square Matrix (Keannu Reeves) in the Masonic Picture.

[Image: Ma-t.jpg]

Egyptian Book of the Dead : 42 Judges of Osiris  - The 42 Commandments of Maat 

[Image: Screenshot.png]
TIME SQUARE - 42nd Street New York, 7 Avenue :   Siege of United Nations  

[Image: Mecanisme002.png]

[Image: Palais49.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-1.png]

A lot of Coincidences.... a lot!!!  The Fall of the 72 Empires obey strange mathematical patterns!!  You can even predict the Future!
There will always be coincidences. Besides, which orthography is correct? As an example, the pair of sounds sh-ch in Khrushchev as transcribed in English is seven letters in German (schtsch), five in French (chtch), four in Polish (szcz), three in Catalan (xtx) or Hungarian (scs), two in Czech or Croatian (sorry -- no hacek), or one in Russian.

The fall of empires of any kind usually relate internal rot that the elites fail to recognize but that the common people know all too well and enemy powers discover to their surprise, but bring irredeemable ruin. Defeated powers can emerge from the ashes if people want them to revive; people did nothing to revive the Roman Empire.

I don't understand your historical tarot.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(01-08-2020, 10:21 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: There will always be coincidences. Besides, which orthography is correct? As an example, the pair of sounds sh-ch in Khrushchev as transcribed in English is seven letters in German (schtsch), five in French (chtch), four in Polish (szcz), three in Catalan (xtx) or Hungarian (scs), two in Czech or Croatian (sorry -- no hacek), or one in Russian.

The fall of empires of any kind usually relate internal rot that the elites fail to recognize but that the common people know all too well and enemy powers discover to their surprise, but bring irredeemable ruin. Defeated powers can emerge from the ashes if people want them to revive; people did nothing to revive the Roman Empire.

I don't understand your historical tarot.

I don't understand it at all either, but where the title is concerned, the fall of cities is often a result of social and economic change. Here in the US Detroit is no doubt the most obvious example of this. Could apply to smaller cities as well, such as Gary, IN. The latter being an example of small cities with all the big city problems.
(01-08-2020, 10:21 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: There will always be coincidences. Besides, which orthography is correct? As an example, the pair of sounds sh-ch in Khrushchev as transcribed in English is seven letters in German (schtsch), five in French (chtch), four in Polish (szcz), three in Catalan (xtx) or Hungarian (scs), two in Czech or Croatian (sorry -- no hacek), or one in Russian.

The fall of empires of any kind usually relate internal rot that the elites fail to recognize but that the common people know all too well and enemy powers discover to their surprise, but bring irredeemable ruin. Defeated powers can emerge from the ashes if people want them to revive; people did nothing to revive the Roman Empire.

I don't understand your historical tarot.

The numbers in the rows are not primarily gematria but years of the collapses or major events.  When using Sepher Sephiroth of the Golden Dawn or Godwin cabbalistic encyclopedia, it turns that some people or a group of individuals under the guise of publishing occult writings had put a cypher in those gematria codes that point on events (wars, revolutions, major societal changes, turning points) in those 256 squares Matrix. (There are 8 of them apparently).  It appear that they consist of some kind of annotations.  The Lesser Key of Solomon and the Grimoires seems to be Satyrical Works describing Dignitaries and Rulers (Politicians) of the succession of Ages as Goetic Demons at the head of Legions in the Northern, Eastern, Southern and Western parts of the World.  They are not directly named, but they gave them attributes that defined their roles in a Protomatrix. The practionner to be obeyed by the Demons have to act wisely and not being submissive to them. The real magic is there. People on the Internet had depicted Hitler as The Hasmal (The Chief of Dominations).
(01-08-2020, 11:20 AM)beechnut79 Wrote:
(01-08-2020, 10:21 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: There will always be coincidences. Besides, which orthography is correct? As an example, the pair of sounds sh-ch in Khrushchev as transcribed in English is seven letters in German (schtsch), five in French (chtch), four in Polish (szcz), three in Catalan (xtx) or Hungarian (scs), two in Czech or Croatian (sorry -- no hacek), or one in Russian.

The fall of empires of any kind usually relate internal rot that the elites fail to recognize but that the common people know all too well and enemy powers discover to their surprise, but bring irredeemable ruin. Defeated powers can emerge from the ashes if people want them to revive; people did nothing to revive the Roman Empire.

I don't understand your historical tarot.

I don't understand it at all either, but where the title is concerned, the fall of cities is often a result of social and economic change. Here in the US Detroit is no doubt the most obvious example of this. Could apply to smaller cities as well, such as Gary, IN. The latter being an example of small cities with all the big city problems.

Falls of cities can be results of economic patterns. Detroit was a large city when Henry Ford started mass-producing automobiles, and the highly-successful auto industry bled potential talent away from such alternatives as the textile industry and agribusiness that hire huge quantities of unskilled labor. The auto industry paid well, so it served as a foundation of a strong local economy while blocking out other things. OK -- so a physician is wise to not try to make additional money as an accountant if such an opportunity arises even if he would be good at it. A hobby? The late Robert Simpson (1921-1996, who was a physician) was a fine composer (I suggest that people listen to his music, some of the best classical music of the twentieth century!) He could not make a good living as a composer, but any reputation that he has beyond the grave will be his compositions. For him composing was a hobby, and I love the results. 

Back to Detroit. Crowding out of alternative ways in which to make a living is one way to ensure that when the industry falters, the local economy will decline in many ways. Real estate values will plummet, property rents collapse, taxes will be harder to collect, public services will be debased, and unemployment will soar. Maybe Detroit could have thriving businesses that don't compete with the auto industry (think of the record label Motown), and it could have room in the end for the foundation of Rock Financial and Little Caesar's Pizza. But the ways of making easy money in Greater Detroit are gone. Wise job-seekers avoid Detroit even though the cost of living is low, the climate is mild for the latitude (Detroit does not get lake-effect snow) and the cultural legacy from the good times is rich... even in times when sports fans have strong teams to cheer (the antithesis of the 45-119 Detroit Tigers -- it was not that long ago that the Detroit Tigers were a fine team; that is over!). See also nearby Toledo, which used to be a prosperous industrial city. Do you want evidence that Toledo is a poor place for seeking a job? Traffic is light for the city's size. Any traffic jam that I have ever seen in Toledo has been the result of construction. Light traffic is a good thing, but having no place to go for a job is a good explanation of why you might visit it but not stay there.   

Silicon Valley is in a similar position as Detroit and Toledo were at one time. It attracts talented people from around the world to innovate intellectually, much as people used to do with cars. The semiconductor industry has crowded out the former basis of the local economy (agribusiness) and makes other activities prohibitively expensive in which to compete. What happens to Greater San Jose when the semiconductor industry plays out? Just look at Detroit or Toledo. Such is the future of "Sannozay".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Interesting alignments. Worth more study, if I can understand all the terms. Much can be derived about truth and human activities from esoteric wisdom. The number 42 fits well into the modern saeculum cycle, which the authors described as exactly 84 years, which is also the length of the orbit of Uranus-- the symbol of modern times because it was discovered in 1781. 42 years is half the cycle.

The alignment in 561 BC is interesting, if you define "alignment" as all the planets within 2 signs. All the planets (that's 10 of them, even more than 8, including Sun and Moon) were within Pluto's position at 27 Taurus and the Sun's position at 27 Cancer on July 28.

In around 577 BC, the 3 outer transcendental invisible planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were all aligned within 2 degrees, the only time in recorded history that this happened. In the following 2 centuries, all religions were either begun or reformed, and all science and rational thought was begun. The Golden Age of Greece followed 100 years after the alignment, the most esteemed period in human history. That's just about how it worked for most golden ages; they followed the conjunction of Neptune and Pluto 100 years later. So what's keeping ours?

Of course, the golden ages followed a time of fall of empires and worldviews and new art styles, and that happened shortly after the previous conjunction in 1892. We failed to emerge from the transition, at least so far; we blew our chance after 1989. But the Renaissance lasted 200 years, and the Golden Age of Greece continued until 431 BC, so there's still time, maybe.

Around May 17, 2854 AD, all 10 planets will be located between Neptune's position at 23 Aries and Mars at 25 Gemini. This will be close to the time when Uranus and Neptune are in conjunction a bit earlier. The Neptune-Pluto conjunction will follow in 2878 AD.

My favorite correlations and "coincidences" (or synchronicity of wisdom patterns, if you will) is made to the Toccata in F, S. 540, Bach's masterwork for organ. The High Priestess tarot card seemed to be reflected in this work and in all of Bach's work, since his initials are the same as the 3 columns on the card: J for Johann = Joachim, B for Bach = Boaz, and S = Sebastian for Solomon's temple in the center (aka the Solar Cross on the card, which represents the two motions of the Earth). Bach even made these masonic letters (his initials) into a cadeuceus-like figure as his personal symbol.

[Image: Bachsealmed.jpg]

This personal seal, minus the crown, was posted on the organ at Leipzig. The video of the Toccata shows it right off the bat.

[Image: Leipzig+Church+StThomas+Woehl+Organ.jpg]

"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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