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It's nice to be posting on a forum again
You know guys, it really has been a pleasure to actively post on a forum again. I was just thinking today how I really enjoy logging in to see a new post to respond to or to catch up with really intense debates.

I really am showing my age but I really do remember the hey day of the forums and how exciting they were. Being on here beings back that thrill which so never thought I'd experience again.

It's such a sad shame to see the death of the forums and it's replacement by Reddit like posts and obviously Twitter. The magic of the internet I felt really died when the forums went into decline.

So here's to keeping the forum going and the discussions flowing for as long as we can!
Reddit and Twitter have their uses, but you need a forum ike this for an in depth discussion.
I know Tim and it is a shame they are dying. I think there is only those forum and another I know that is still going strong. Feels like another lifetime ago when forums really were the in thing.
Another forum that still attracts attention is There are still a few thoughtful posts, and still a bit of intellectual stimulation.

But there don't seem to be many of these.
Yeah I do like to browse through too.
I might even register at some point.

However I do feel that the decline of the forum has led to a more growing stupidity amongst people. Where as in the past they could have a thoughtful and well meaning discussion, now they just shit post on Twitter or wherever and panic about every little thing.
I'm active in this forum and a ballroom dance forum, and as active on a paleo diet forum as I can be given how dead it is.

I think the decline of the forum is more a result of than a cause of growing stupidity. Part of this is that Millenials don't think for themselves and thus don't do well in forums, but part of it is that the Flynn effect has outright reversed for birth years past 1980, as multiple studies have documented.
I have always enjoyed the forum - and the old one going back to the 1990s - though I actually think there are advantages to the social media format as well, not the least of which is that much easier to use with mobile devices. I'm not so certain that either format is the one that favors more intelligent discussion. Ironically, there was another, younger poster on this forum who started a thread claiming that forums were dead and wondering why we weren't all on reddit or somesuch other site.
Steve Barrera

[A]lthough one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation. - Hagakure

Saecular Pages
(04-17-2020, 07:15 AM)sbarrera Wrote: I have always enjoyed the forum - and the old one going back to the 1990s - though I actually think there are advantages to the social media format as well, not the least of which is that much easier to use with mobile devices. I'm not so certain that either format is the one that favors more intelligent discussion. Ironically, there was another, younger poster on this forum who started a thread claiming that forums were dead and wondering why we weren't all on reddit or somesuch other site.

There is an inherent archive in a forum.  That makes it easy to restart old discussion if that make sense, or just to use old discussions as reference.  Keeping multiple discussions going in their own lanes is also a real plus.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
#9 is quite active, and it even has a generations subboard. Of course they use the Pew cutoffs Sad

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