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Coming Age of Aquarius
So, this is my thoughts regarding the Age of Aquarius to come. It is something I have discussed recently with Eric and I thought we could continue to put thoughts together on what this age could mean, along with the future that it could bring. 

Aquarius is an interesting sign. It is the water bearer and it brings along the concept of air which is of course intellect. There is debates on what this intellect could itself bring. The last time we had an air mutation was around the 1980s to the 2000s which brought in advancements such as the Internet and political upheavals such as the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe. So we can get an idea of what is happening. 

We are due to enter the next great mutation, which is once again air, in a few short months. This itself will supposedly last for 199 years approximately. 

So, when did Aquarius start? From my own Occult research, I would say that Aquarius came into being around the late 19th century. I would guesstimate the 1890s but it could have been earlier.

So what actually changed? It started to give birth to the age of the individual which has been slowly replacing the former patriarchal societies that were part of the Pisces sign.

Aquarius has come into obvious conflicts with Pisces and this resulted in the two world wars, the cold War and now Islam and other authoritarian tendencies. Yet I feel its ultimate goal is to empower the individual and move away from traditional societies, in particular the heavy dominance of the nation state. 

Does that mean all nation states will disappear? No, a few will continue to exist, just as tribes still exist in Papua New Guinea and elsewhere. Just as Pagans still existed (albeit in small numbers) in Christian Europe, so too will some nations still exist. I predict that we could end up with one dominant global society in the next few centuries along with a few outliers still hanging about. Think of Israel, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Greece, North Korea.

However I expect Pisces to fully end by 2150 - 2160, which is interestingly enough the same time frame as Eric's prophecy. Yet I have two key ingredients to add to the mix on this one.

1) Russia. My research is indicating Russia has a huge role to play around the Middle 22nd century. Looks like the birth of some new church. Why does Russia fit in strongly at the same time Eric is predicting global world government? Could Russia have a major leading role in this? I'm not sure but Russia seems to crop up a lot.

Obviously I don't see any signs of this in modern day Putins Russia so this seems to be a far off future event. But even still, Russia for some reason keeps cropping up. I'd be interested to see if Eric has any thoughts more in depth in the role Russia could be playing in regards to this. 

2) Aquarius won't be a utopia. It won't be a golden age. I think we will have unity for a while but from what I've heard (although I cannot be hugely sure), there will be a dividing factor in the age. I tend to think of it like Brexit. Everything will be working but eventually start to decline and somebody decides to go their own way. But it'll be a long process before division sets in. For a while at least there will be more unity. 

The waves of Aquarius go up and down. There will be good spots and bad. But it will be something rather very different to the previous Piscean age we've lived in. 

You know, last year I read of an Indian astrologer who actually was able to add in the Hindu yugas to modern astrology. He found that the years of the yugas had been vastly over represented and found they actually fit neatly into modern astrology. Basing it off the Christian calendar, he found that the crucifixion brought in the modern kali yuga and we left it to the Dwarpara yuga (the age of energy) around about 1500s.

He predicted we'd sort of reach the next better yuga (the silver) around 4000AD, which is capricorn. So fitting this in with Aquarius, we are still very much in a bronze age and will likely continue to be in the nearby future. 

Any thoughts on this one Eric? 

Anyway ill leave it here. Thanks for reading.
That's a good post. I'm glad to see something like this, adding in the most venerable method of discerning the meaning of cycles into this latest seacular, generational one we discuss here.

I would caution that the sign Aquarius for 2140-plus years may not be as important as the various planetary cycles of shorter duration; we need those to get to a good understanding of the cycles in play, and align it with the saeculum which they do rather nicely, especially in modern times that began in the years leading up to Uranus' discovery in 1781. Whether the sign Aquarius is really the age we are in astronomically is still controversial, since it's based on the supposed significance of constellations. But the cycles do confirm, as Isoko mentioned, with the shift into air signs Isoko mentioned for the next 200 years, which is based on the signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will be making conjunctions in beginning on Dec.21, 2020; a major shift that coincides with this crucial election. A foretaste of air was provided by the conjunction in Libra in 1981, which signified the rising cyber tech domination of society. A shift into Aquarius which Isoko mentioned in the 1890s coincides with the start of the new 493-year cycle at the alignment of Neptune and Pluto around 1892.

But there's some evidence that Aquarius may be an appropriate symbol for the next 2140 years, such as the dominance of certain religious symbols corresponding to past ages. Significantly, a conjunction of Uranus and Neptune at 7 degrees Aquarius, a significant degree, happens in 2165 which is exactly 2140 years after the opposition of these two planets as part of the unique cosmic CROSS of 25 AD with Jupiter and Saturn in square to Uranus and Neptune just before Christ's mission, which neatly describes the start of the next Aquarian Age in 2165 after Christianity's dominance, because 2140 years is likely the length of one Age in the precession/pole-wobble cycle of the Earth, which is the cycle of the Ages. And it's true it will not be all lightness and peace, as nations and individuals will still assert their rights within the global confederation that will likely be negotiated in the few years before this conjunction (as it forms and gets closer). Uranus-Neptune conjunctions (like those in circa 1650, 1820 and early 1990s) always signify a "new world order" (as I predicted it would before 1989), or important agreements and historic imperial/dynastic changes that shape world affairs. Significantly also, Pluto will return at this time to the exact 7th degree it reached in the sign Cancer when the League of Nations began, and will be within 2 minutes of arc of a 150-degree quincunx aspect to the conjunction in 2165. So all three planets will be tightly connected at this time.

A "crusading mentality" and possible wars in the 2120s is also something I have seen for a long time, and I also see a significant increase in public arts, since the greatest temples in human history were mostly built during these times when civilization reaches an apex every 500 years half way between Neptune-Pluto conjunctions, a full moon opposition between these planets being due in the 2140s.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(10-23-2020, 04:42 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: That's a good post. I'm glad to see something like this, adding in the most venerable method of discerning the meaning of cycles into this latest seacular, generational one we discuss here.

I would caution that the sign Aquarius for 2140-plus years may not be as important as the various planetary cycles of shorter duration; we need those to get to a good understanding of the cycles in play, and align it with the saeculum which they do rather nicely, especially in modern times that began in the years leading up to Uranus' discovery in 1781. Whether the sign Aquarius is really the age we are in astronomically is still controversial, since it's based on the supposed significance of constellations. But the cycles do confirm, as Isoko mentioned, with the shift into air signs Isoko mentioned for the next 200 years, which is based on the signs in which Jupiter and Saturn will be making conjunctions in beginning on Dec.21, 2020; a major shift that coincides with this crucial election. A foretaste of air was provided by the conjunction in Libra in 1981, which signified the rising cyber tech domination of society. A shift into Aquarius which Isoko mentioned in the 1890s coincides with the start of the new 493-year cycle at the alignment of Neptune and Pluto around 1892.

But there's some evidence that Aquarius may be an appropriate symbol for the next 2140 years, such as the dominance of certain religious symbols corresponding to past ages. Significantly, a conjunction of Uranus and Neptune at 7 degrees Aquarius, a significant degree, happens in 2165 which is exactly 2140 years after the opposition of these two planets as part of the unique cosmic CROSS of 25 AD with Jupiter and Saturn in square to Uranus and Neptune just before Christ's mission, which neatly describes the start of the next Aquarian Age in 2165 after Christianity's dominance, because 2140 years is likely the length of one Age in the precession/pole-wobble cycle of the Earth, which is the cycle of the Ages. And it's true it will not be all lightness and peace, as nations and individuals will still assert their rights within the global confederation that will likely be negotiated in the few years before this conjunction. Uranus-Neptune conjunctions (like those in circa 1650, 1820 and early 1990s) always signify a "new world order" (as I predicted it would before 1989), or important agreements and historic imperial/dynastic changes that shape world affairs. Significantly also, Pluto will return at this time to the exact 7th degree it reached in the sign Cancer when the League of Nations began, and will be within 2 minutes of arc of a 150-degree quincunx aspect to the conjunction in 2165. So all three planets will be tightly connected at this time.

A "crusading mentality" and possible wars in the 2120s is also something I have seen for a long time, and I also see a significant increase in public arts, since the greatest temples in human history were mostly built during these times when civilization reaches an apex every 500 years half way between Neptune-Pluto conjunctions, a full moon opposition between these planets being due in the 2140s.

Was the moon in the seventh house with Jupiter aligning with Mars when that classic song was all over the airwaves in the late 1960s, which then was said to the dawning of the Age if Aquarius?
(10-23-2020, 05:25 PM)beechnut79 Wrote: Was the moon in the seventh house with Jupiter aligning with Mars when that classic song was all over the airwaves in the late 1960s, which then was said to (be) the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?

No, that was written because "Mars" rhymes with "stars". Frank Sinatra had sung such a rhyme earlier. I think I explained above what the astronomical cycle is from which the idea comes. For me, it was a different planetary alignment that resonated and connected to this time.

How I experienced the astrological connection to the 1966-1969 era was that, in the Summer of 1966, I felt the vibrations happening all across the nation, as John Phillips wrote in the song "If you come to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your air" and as Thunderclap Newman sang in "Something in the Air" and Bob Dylan prophecized in "Blowing in the Wind." I witnessed the counter-culture appear, and experienced a personal connection with love, based on my natural curiosity. Social and political movements exploded around us. My own world view changed in the following 9 months. 

I discovered soon afterward that many people of all ages that I knew had also had spiritual experiences in the early Summer of 1966. One and a half to two years later I studied astrology for the first time, learning about the meaning of the planets, and thought that a conjunction of outer invisible planets which are connected in their meanings to the transcendent must be happening. I looked it up, and saw that Uranus and Pluto were aligning (from about 1962 to 1970), and then when I looked closer, I found that, sure enough, the exact conjunction and thus its peak of energy occurred in the very week that I thought it did, when I was feeling it the most strongly just after Summer Solstice 1966. It was a turning point for humanity and the Earth. And then later I further discovered that all the planets had formed almost exactly into a peace symbol formation in the sky in November 1966. This was the era that people experienced as the "dawning of the Age of Aquarius." We here call it the height of the second turning of the current saeculum, the Awakening, the summer solstice of the generation cycle.

The song Aquarius from Hair, performed by The Fifth Dimension in 1969, was a great musical expression of this awakening. Interestingly, music was one of the most-important openings for people to this Awakening. For me, two songs that came out at this time in early Summer 1966 helped open up my awareness to it. Ironically the first one is called "5D Fifth Dimension" by The Byrds, and features a Bach organist. I fully understood the lyrics as my perception deepened in the following months and years. The second was a powerful, exultant love song in a fabulous orchestral and choral arrangement that sent me into bliss at this time, by Petula Clark and Tony Hatch, called "I Couldn't Live Without Your Love." Can these songs send you there too? Of course many more followed, most notably the Beatles "Tomorrow Never Knows." I have posted these songs here before-- essential aural documents of the Awakening and "dawning of the Age of Aquarius"

This cute, brilliant millennial British musical guy really puts it all together about the song and Petula's long career. Very well done; featuring a live performance of the song at the start. Petula's connection to Julie Andrews and Maria von Trapp is especially notable.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

I agree with you when it comes to the 1960s. Energy wise, I see that decade and the 1970s having a very beautiful light when it comes to America. It really was a magical time. Unfortunately I do not see that light returning to America for quite a long time. America has to pay off quite a bit of national karmic debt so to speak. 

Anyway in regards to the new great mutation that is unfolding, it is a weird one I will admit. The great conjunction we have just had seems to be two fold. On the one hand, with the rise of covid, I think that the world we used to live in is coming to a close. Globalisation will still continue but albeit at a much slower pace then before. I think this is happening due to the fact the world was changing way too quickly for people to comfortably digest and spiritually speaking, it needed to slow down. Plus in the long run, it will be better for the environment if there is less travel. 

On the other, you do have this liberal awakening that is taking place in Russia and Belarus, along with the most important election in American history. So obviously the winds are favouring liberalisation still. Honestly it isn't a straight forward conjunction but it is what it is. 

As for the 22nd century, like I said before, you are the only guy I've met who is picking up on the same thing. I do forsee a very dark time period to be alive then. The energy is very similar to World War 2. If I'm going to be honest, I would predict it to be a major war, maybe even a true "war to end all wars" before 2160 rolls around. A final big last bang of the Piscean era before a new light rolls around which seems to be, as you pointed out planetary wise, meissanic in nature.

I just see lots of darkness between 2100 - 2150 and then after 2160 the light starts to return.

Now in regards to Aquarius itself, we do have to ask ourselves but what kind of era will it actually be? An individual era? One of Liberal enlightenment? Or something else entirely? If Pisces was about the struggle between good and evil along with patriarchy as the main form of rule based order, what could Aquarius actually bring?

Remember that democracy, World government, liberalism, freedom are actually Piscean concepts, not Aquarian. The enlightenment itself did very much take place under Pisces. So what Aquarius is going to bring to the table is anyones guess. 

If I am a guessing man, I would say Aquarius is going to fundamentally change Humanity and make us realise that it's not just about "us" where ever we are but about "others". We have seen that with the rise of the Internet and people being able to talk in different countries, something once considered fantastical.

I'm guessing that Aquarius will continue to change the boundaries and take us out of the traditional comfort zone that we had in Pisces. Forcing us to explore new concepts.
I don't know how lasting the effect of covid may be. It exposed the failure of neo-liberal rule, for sure. I hope Americans wake up. They are certainly in a dark place that has unfolded over the last 40+ years. But if neo-liberalism IS overthrown, I see much light returning. It is the only thing holding it back. I don't think "karma" is much of an issue. All nations have a lot of bad karma. It's a matter of turning toward the light instead.

But we all have to face the karma of climate change, and it's coming on and will be for a while. Of course a Biden win will be crucial; otherwise climate change speeds up and the hothouse will certainly be swallowing the planet by the time those dark days of the early 2100s come around.

But if we DO depose neo-liberalism, then things could be brighter, and we'll see those public arts and the momentum toward world cooperation and federation gaining steam throughout the 21st century. The 2140s will also be a potential high and bright period. Such Neptune-Pluto opposition periods every 500 years may see some divisions, and aggressive expansions and crusades happen at these times too, but they have almost always been high points in the cycle. Think of Chartres Cathedral and the Taj Mahal for example. It could be the only potential time in which we make something worthwhile from our current civilization. Such hope is not guaranteed, but it's all we have left after we pretty much blew our potential renaissance period now ending. Some creative development is still possible if we depose neo-liberalism and shift away from xenophobia and racism.

I don't know if Covid will stop globalization. I don't see it as continuing to be a crisis for much longer once Trump and neo-liberalism are deposed, and if Kamala is not nominated in 2024. Otherwise, then that's another story. As you or someone pointed out, although the refugee crisis has eased since the Arab Spring, climate change will create still more, and upheavals might continue although at a lesser clip than in that catastrophic period that I predicted would happen around 2010-2011. So, migration will likely continue as more areas of the planet become unlivable. Racism and xenophobia are doomed in the long run due not only to travel but to intermarriage. Some centuries from now, races may no longer exist.

I didn't know you were an energy reader. I look at the planetary cycles, and the facts on the ground too, but all sources of info are useful.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(10-25-2020, 12:36 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I don't know how lasting the effect of covid may be. It exposed the failure of neo-liberal rule, for sure. I hope Americans wake up. They are certainly in a dark place that has unfolded over the last 40+ years. But if neo-liberalism IS overthrown, I see much light returning. It is the only thing holding it back. I don't think "karma" is much of an issue. All nations have a lot of bad karma. It's a matter of turning toward the light instead.

But we all have to face the karma of climate change, and it's coming on and will be for a while. Of course a Biden win will be crucial; otherwise climate change speeds up and the hothouse will certainly be swallowing the planet by the time those dark days of the early 2100s come around.

But if we DO depose neo-liberalism, then things could be brighter, and we'll see those public arts and the momentum toward world cooperation and federation gaining steam throughout the 21st century. The 2140s will also be a potential high and bright period. Such Neptune-Pluto opposition periods every 500 years may see some divisions, and aggressive expansions and crusades happen at these times too, but they have almost always been high points in the cycle. Think of Chartres Cathedral and the Taj Mahal for example. It could be the only potential time in which we make something worthwhile from our current civilization. Such hope is not guaranteed, but it's all we have left after we pretty much blew our potential renaissance period now ending. Some creative development is still possible if we depose neo-liberalism and shift away from xenophobia and racism.

I don't know if Covid will stop globalization. I don't see it as continuing to be a crisis for much longer once Trump and neo-liberalism are deposed, and if Kamala is not nominated in 2024. Otherwise, then that's another story. As you or someone pointed out, although the refugee crisis has eased since the Arab Spring, climate change will create still more, and upheavals might continue although at a lesser clip than in that catastrophic period that I predicted would happen around 2010-2011. So, migration will likely continue as more areas of the planet become unlivable. Racism and xenophobia are doomed in the long run due not only to travel but to intermarriage. Some centuries from now, races may no longer exist.

I didn't know you were an energy reader. I look at the planetary cycles, and the facts on the ground too, but all sources of info are useful.
-- ya don't get rid of neolibturdism by electing a neolibturd. Orange Thang is bad but he's not a neolibturd. ytf do you think the repug neolibturds are all lining up behind Groper Joe? Well that & he's a repug in blue drag. But neolibturdism's daze are numbered. Pluto is in the last stages of Capricorn & the last time that happened the Revolution happened. l expect something similar 2 happen during the next few years. ppl are already calling 4 guillotines
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(10-26-2020, 05:24 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(10-25-2020, 12:36 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I don't know how lasting the effect of covid may be. It exposed the failure of neo-liberal rule, for sure. I hope Americans wake up. They are certainly in a dark place that has unfolded over the last 40+ years. But if neo-liberalism IS overthrown, I see much light returning. It is the only thing holding it back. I don't think "karma" is much of an issue. All nations have a lot of bad karma. It's a matter of turning toward the light instead.

But we all have to face the karma of climate change, and it's coming on and will be for a while. Of course a Biden win will be crucial; otherwise climate change speeds up and the hothouse will certainly be swallowing the planet by the time those dark days of the early 2100s come around.

But if we DO depose neo-liberalism, then things could be brighter, and we'll see those public arts and the momentum toward world cooperation and federation gaining steam throughout the 21st century. The 2140s will also be a potential high and bright period. Such Neptune-Pluto opposition periods every 500 years may see some divisions, and aggressive expansions and crusades happen at these times too, but they have almost always been high points in the cycle. Think of Chartres Cathedral and the Taj Mahal for example. It could be the only potential time in which we make something worthwhile from our current civilization. Such hope is not guaranteed, but it's all we have left after we pretty much blew our potential renaissance period now ending. Some creative development is still possible if we depose neo-liberalism and shift away from xenophobia and racism.

I don't know if Covid will stop globalization. I don't see it as continuing to be a crisis for much longer once Trump and neo-liberalism are deposed, and if Kamala is not nominated in 2024. Otherwise, then that's another story. As you or someone pointed out, although the refugee crisis has eased since the Arab Spring, climate change will create still more, and upheavals might continue although at a lesser clip than in that catastrophic period that I predicted would happen around 2010-2011. So, migration will likely continue as more areas of the planet become unlivable. Racism and xenophobia are doomed in the long run due not only to travel but to intermarriage. Some centuries from now, races may no longer exist.

I didn't know you were an energy reader. I look at the planetary cycles, and the facts on the ground too, but all sources of info are useful.
-- ya don't get rid of neolibturdism by electing a neolibturd. Orange Thang is bad but he's not a neolibturd. ytf do you think the repug neolibturds are all lining up behind Groper Joe? Well that & he's a repug in blue drag. But neolibturdism's daze are numbered. Pluto is in the last stages of Capricorn & the last time that happened the Revolution happened. l expect something similar 2 happen during the next few years. ppl are already calling 4 guillotines

I don't see it that way at all. In what way is Orange not a neo-libturd? He is every bit neo-lib: he lowers taxes on the rich and destroys regulations that protect us, deceiving his folks into thinking that it benefits the economy. That is his #1 priority, and it is the purest and most extreme form of trickle-down neo-liberalism that there is. And he's all in on guns and anti-abortion too, satisfying all the neo-stupids. Biden on the other hand proposes policies that will tax the rich more and re-regulate industries that pollute and harm workers, etc. Meanwhile, no, not very many repugs are lining up behind non-groper Joe. Just some members of elite groups whom Trump's base of neo-libturds pays no attention to.

But yes, if Trump steals this election from sex-perv Donnie, then a Revolution is possible, as Pluto warns. If Biden wins, Drumpturd's reactionary, fascist orange shirts in MAGA hats and toting guns will be out in force too, but that is not a revolution, it is an attempted coup; a Nazi Putsch. Big difference.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(10-26-2020, 06:44 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(10-26-2020, 05:24 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(10-25-2020, 12:36 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I don't know how lasting the effect of covid may be. It exposed the failure of neo-liberal rule, for sure. I hope Americans wake up. They are certainly in a dark place that has unfolded over the last 40+ years. But if neo-liberalism IS overthrown, I see much light returning. It is the only thing holding it back. I don't think "karma" is much of an issue. All nations have a lot of bad karma. It's a matter of turning toward the light instead.

But we all have to face the karma of climate change, and it's coming on and will be for a while. Of course a Biden win will be crucial; otherwise climate change speeds up and the hothouse will certainly be swallowing the planet by the time those dark days of the early 2100s come around.

But if we DO depose neo-liberalism, then things could be brighter, and we'll see those public arts and the momentum toward world cooperation and federation gaining steam throughout the 21st century. The 2140s will also be a potential high and bright period. Such Neptune-Pluto opposition periods every 500 years may see some divisions, and aggressive expansions and crusades happen at these times too, but they have almost always been high points in the cycle. Think of Chartres Cathedral and the Taj Mahal for example. It could be the only potential time in which we make something worthwhile from our current civilization. Such hope is not guaranteed, but it's all we have left after we pretty much blew our potential renaissance period now ending. Some creative development is still possible if we depose neo-liberalism and shift away from xenophobia and racism.

I don't know if Covid will stop globalization. I don't see it as continuing to be a crisis for much longer once Trump and neo-liberalism are deposed, and if Kamala is not nominated in 2024. Otherwise, then that's another story. As you or someone pointed out, although the refugee crisis has eased since the Arab Spring, climate change will create still more, and upheavals might continue although at a lesser clip than in that catastrophic period that I predicted would happen around 2010-2011. So, migration will likely continue as more areas of the planet become unlivable. Racism and xenophobia are doomed in the long run due not only to travel but to intermarriage. Some centuries from now, races may no longer exist.

I didn't know you were an energy reader. I look at the planetary cycles, and the facts on the ground too, but all sources of info are useful.
-- ya don't get rid of neolibturdism by electing a neolibturd. Orange Thang is bad but he's not a neolibturd. ytf do you think the repug neolibturds are all lining up behind Groper Joe? Well that & he's a repug in blue drag. But neolibturdism's daze are numbered. Pluto is in the last stages of Capricorn & the last time that happened the Revolution happened. l expect something similar 2 happen during the next few years. ppl are already calling 4 guillotines

I don't see it that way at all. In what way is Orange not a neo-libturd? He is every bit neo-lib: he lowers taxes on the rich and destroys regulations that protect us, deceiving his folks into thinking that it benefits the economy. That is his #1 priority, and it is the purest and most extreme form of trickle-down neo-liberalism that there is. And he's all in on guns and anti-abortion too, satisfying all the neo-stupids. Biden on the other hand proposes policies that will tax the rich more and re-regulate industries that pollute and harm workers, etc. Meanwhile, no, not very many repugs are lining up behind non-groper Joe. Just some members of elite groups whom Trump's base of neo-libturds pays no attention to.

But yes, if Trump steals this election from sex-perv Donnie, then a Revolution is possible, as Pluto warns. If Biden wins, Drumpturd's reactionary, fascist orange shirts in MAGA hats and toting guns will be out in force too, but that is not a revolution, it is an attempted coup; a Nazi Putsch. Big difference.

--- you mean sex perv Groper Joe

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(10-26-2020, 08:54 PM)Marypoza Wrote:

(10-26-2020, 06:44 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(10-26-2020, 05:24 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(10-25-2020, 12:36 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I don't know how lasting the effect of covid may be. It exposed the failure of neo-liberal rule, for sure. I hope Americans wake up. They are certainly in a dark place that has unfolded over the last 40+ years. But if neo-liberalism IS overthrown, I see much light returning. It is the only thing holding it back. I don't think "karma" is much of an issue. All nations have a lot of bad karma. It's a matter of turning toward the light instead.

But we all have to face the karma of climate change, and it's coming on and will be for a while. Of course a Biden win will be crucial; otherwise climate change speeds up and the hothouse will certainly be swallowing the planet by the time those dark days of the early 2100s come around.

But if we DO depose neo-liberalism, then things could be brighter, and we'll see those public arts and the momentum toward world cooperation and federation gaining steam throughout the 21st century. The 2140s will also be a potential high and bright period. Such Neptune-Pluto opposition periods every 500 years may see some divisions, and aggressive expansions and crusades happen at these times too, but they have almost always been high points in the cycle. Think of Chartres Cathedral and the Taj Mahal for example. It could be the only potential time in which we make something worthwhile from our current civilization. Such hope is not guaranteed, but it's all we have left after we pretty much blew our potential renaissance period now ending. Some creative development is still possible if we depose neo-liberalism and shift away from xenophobia and racism.

I don't know if Covid will stop globalization. I don't see it as continuing to be a crisis for much longer once Trump and neo-liberalism are deposed, and if Kamala is not nominated in 2024. Otherwise, then that's another story. As you or someone pointed out, although the refugee crisis has eased since the Arab Spring, climate change will create still more, and upheavals might continue although at a lesser clip than in that catastrophic period that I predicted would happen around 2010-2011. So, migration will likely continue as more areas of the planet become unlivable. Racism and xenophobia are doomed in the long run due not only to travel but to intermarriage. Some centuries from now, races may no longer exist.

I didn't know you were an energy reader. I look at the planetary cycles, and the facts on the ground too, but all sources of info are useful.
-- ya don't get rid of neolibturdism by electing a neolibturd. Orange Thang is bad but he's not a neolibturd. ytf do you think the repug neolibturds are all lining up behind Groper Joe? Well that & he's a repug in blue drag. But neolibturdism's daze are numbered. Pluto is in the last stages of Capricorn & the last time that happened the Revolution happened. l expect something similar 2 happen during the next few years. ppl are already calling 4 guillotines

I don't see it that way at all. In what way is Orange not a neo-libturd? He is every bit neo-lib: he lowers taxes on the rich and destroys regulations that protect us, deceiving his folks into thinking that it benefits the economy. That is his #1 priority, and it is the purest and most extreme form of trickle-down neo-liberalism that there is. And he's all in on guns and anti-abortion too, satisfying all the neo-stupids. Biden on the other hand proposes policies that will tax the rich more and re-regulate industries that pollute and harm workers, etc. Meanwhile, no, not very many repugs are lining up behind non-groper Joe. Just some members of elite groups whom Trump's base of neo-libturds pays no attention to.

But yes, if Trump steals this election from sex-perv Groper Joe, then a Revolution is possible, as Pluto warns. If Biden wins, Drumpturd's reactionary, fascist orange shirts in MAGA hats and toting guns will be out in force too, but that is not a revolution, it is an attempted coup; a Nazi Putsch. Big difference.

--- you mean sex perv Groper Joe

-- neolibturds are warmongers, they invade other countries confiscate the resources & set up puppet states. They push for race 2 the bottom trade deals like TPP which Orange Thang put on the curb. Now l know Orange Thang is no pacifist, but he hasn't started any wars- yet

ps the political/govt (Capricorn) transformation (Pluto) could happen around the midterms
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(10-26-2020, 09:03 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(10-26-2020, 08:54 PM)Marypoza Wrote:

(10-26-2020, 06:44 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(10-26-2020, 05:24 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(10-25-2020, 12:36 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I don't know how lasting the effect of covid may be. It exposed the failure of neo-liberal rule, for sure. I hope Americans wake up. They are certainly in a dark place that has unfolded over the last 40+ years. But if neo-liberalism IS overthrown, I see much light returning. It is the only thing holding it back. I don't think "karma" is much of an issue. All nations have a lot of bad karma. It's a matter of turning toward the light instead.

But we all have to face the karma of climate change, and it's coming on and will be for a while. Of course a Biden win will be crucial; otherwise climate change speeds up and the hothouse will certainly be swallowing the planet by the time those dark days of the early 2100s come around.

But if we DO depose neo-liberalism, then things could be brighter, and we'll see those public arts and the momentum toward world cooperation and federation gaining steam throughout the 21st century. The 2140s will also be a potential high and bright period. Such Neptune-Pluto opposition periods every 500 years may see some divisions, and aggressive expansions and crusades happen at these times too, but they have almost always been high points in the cycle. Think of Chartres Cathedral and the Taj Mahal for example. It could be the only potential time in which we make something worthwhile from our current civilization. Such hope is not guaranteed, but it's all we have left after we pretty much blew our potential renaissance period now ending. Some creative development is still possible if we depose neo-liberalism and shift away from xenophobia and racism.

I don't know if Covid will stop globalization. I don't see it as continuing to be a crisis for much longer once Trump and neo-liberalism are deposed, and if Kamala is not nominated in 2024. Otherwise, then that's another story. As you or someone pointed out, although the refugee crisis has eased since the Arab Spring, climate change will create still more, and upheavals might continue although at a lesser clip than in that catastrophic period that I predicted would happen around 2010-2011. So, migration will likely continue as more areas of the planet become unlivable. Racism and xenophobia are doomed in the long run due not only to travel but to intermarriage. Some centuries from now, races may no longer exist.

I didn't know you were an energy reader. I look at the planetary cycles, and the facts on the ground too, but all sources of info are useful.
-- ya don't get rid of neolibturdism by electing a neolibturd. Orange Thang is bad but he's not a neolibturd. ytf do you think the repug neolibturds are all lining up behind Groper Joe? Well that & he's a repug in blue drag. But neolibturdism's daze are numbered. Pluto is in the last stages of Capricorn & the last time that happened the Revolution happened. l expect something similar 2 happen during the next few years. ppl are already calling 4 guillotines

I don't see it that way at all. In what way is Orange not a neo-libturd? He is every bit neo-lib: he lowers taxes on the rich and destroys regulations that protect us, deceiving his folks into thinking that it benefits the economy. That is his #1 priority, and it is the purest and most extreme form of trickle-down neo-liberalism that there is. And he's all in on guns and anti-abortion too, satisfying all the neo-stupids. Biden on the other hand proposes policies that will tax the rich more and re-regulate industries that pollute and harm workers, etc. Meanwhile, no, not very many repugs are lining up behind non-groper Joe. Just some members of elite groups whom Trump's base of neo-libturds pays no attention to.

But yes, if sex perv Trump steals this election from Biden, then a Revolution is possible, as Pluto warns. If Biden wins, Drumpturd's reactionary, fascist orange shirts in MAGA hats and toting guns will be out in force too, but that is not a revolution, it is an attempted coup; a Nazi Putsch. Big difference.

--- you mean sex perv Groper Joe

-- neolibturds are warmongers, they invade other countries confiscate the resources & set up puppet states. They push for race 2 the bottom trade deals like TPP which Orange Thang put on the curb. Now l know Orange Thang is no pacifist, but he hasn't started any wars- yet

ps the political/govt (Capricorn) transformation (Pluto) could happen around the midterms

Actually, those are neo-conturds. Bush Jr. and his people.

Bush Jr. was both a neo-con and a neo-lib.

Neo-libturds are trickle-down, free market ideologues; quite the opposite of the socialism you advocate.

One right move by Trumpturd does not erase his huge neo-liberal footprint.

Midterms are recently the times when the voters desert the guy they put in the Big House and thus re-start the total stagnation in our government after almost nothing got done.

It will be a great departure this time if the Democrats retain congress with Biden as president. That would be a Pluto transformation.

Joe is not a sex perv. That is a slur against a decent guy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with hugging and kissing a young feller the way he has done.

Trump IS a sex perv. He pays for sex and covers it up with bribes, and brags about peeping on and grabbing women. He has been accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women. Among other things.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(10-26-2020, 08:54 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(10-26-2020, 06:44 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(10-26-2020, 05:24 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(10-25-2020, 12:36 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I don't know how lasting the effect of covid may be. It exposed the failure of neo-liberal rule, for sure. I hope Americans wake up. They are certainly in a dark place that has unfolded over the last 40+ years. But if neo-liberalism IS overthrown, I see much light returning. It is the only thing holding it back. I don't think "karma" is much of an issue. All nations have a lot of bad karma. It's a matter of turning toward the light instead.

But we all have to face the karma of climate change, and it's coming on and will be for a while. Of course a Biden win will be crucial; otherwise climate change speeds up and the hothouse will certainly be swallowing the planet by the time those dark days of the early 2100s come around.

But if we DO depose neo-liberalism, then things could be brighter, and we'll see those public arts and the momentum toward world cooperation and federation gaining steam throughout the 21st century. The 2140s will also be a potential high and bright period. Such Neptune-Pluto opposition periods every 500 years may see some divisions, and aggressive expansions and crusades happen at these times too, but they have almost always been high points in the cycle. Think of Chartres Cathedral and the Taj Mahal for example. It could be the only potential time in which we make something worthwhile from our current civilization. Such hope is not guaranteed, but it's all we have left after we pretty much blew our potential renaissance period now ending. Some creative development is still possible if we depose neo-liberalism and shift away from xenophobia and racism.

I don't know if Covid will stop globalization. I don't see it as continuing to be a crisis for much longer once Trump and neo-liberalism are deposed, and if Kamala is not nominated in 2024. Otherwise, then that's another story. As you or someone pointed out, although the refugee crisis has eased since the Arab Spring, climate change will create still more, and upheavals might continue although at a lesser clip than in that catastrophic period that I predicted would happen around 2010-2011. So, migration will likely continue as more areas of the planet become unlivable. Racism and xenophobia are doomed in the long run due not only to travel but to intermarriage. Some centuries from now, races may no longer exist.

I didn't know you were an energy reader. I look at the planetary cycles, and the facts on the ground too, but all sources of info are useful.
-- ya don't get rid of neolibturdism by electing a neolibturd. Orange Thang is bad but he's not a neolibturd. ytf do you think the repug neolibturds are all lining up behind Groper Joe? Well that & he's a repug in blue drag. But neolibturdism's daze are numbered. Pluto is in the last stages of Capricorn & the last time that happened the Revolution happened. l expect something similar 2 happen during the next few years. ppl are already calling 4 guillotines

I don't see it that way at all. In what way is Orange not a neo-libturd? He is every bit neo-lib: he lowers taxes on the rich and destroys regulations that protect us, deceiving his folks into thinking that it benefits the economy. That is his #1 priority, and it is the purest and most extreme form of trickle-down neo-liberalism that there is. And he's all in on guns and anti-abortion too, satisfying all the neo-stupids. Biden on the other hand proposes policies that will tax the rich more and re-regulate industries that pollute and harm workers, etc. Meanwhile, no, not very many repugs are lining up behind non-groper Joe. Just some members of elite groups whom Trump's base of neo-libturds pays no attention to.

But yes, if sex perv Donnie Trump steals this election from Biden, then a Revolution is possible, as Pluto warns. If Biden wins, Drumpturd's reactionary, fascist orange shirts in MAGA hats and toting guns will be out in force too, but that is not a revolution, it is an attempted coup; a Nazi Putsch. Big difference.

"--- you mean sex perv Groper Joe." NO, I said sex-perv Donnie.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

Yes I can read energy. It helps to give me a useful insight. When I combine it with astrology, I can get a clearer picture of where we are going. 

2020s is going to be a rough decade for the West. I see a lot of dark energy. I think this is symbolised by the economic roosters coming out to roost. The worst of the energy is in Europe which is to be expected. I predict that the EU will start to collapse even more this decade as more member states start to leave due to bad economic policies. 

Problem with the EU was that it was ultimately centred around Germany, France and the Benelux countries. When they started letting in countries with weaker economies such as Italy and inviting them into the Euro zone, it was only going to fail in the long run. 

2030s is sort of dark and light. I see this as the West starting to recover. However its the 2040s with the green revolution that starts to radically improve Western economies. However, bear in mind that the green revolution will only start to spread around the world in a similar fashion to the industrial revolution. It'll time some time. Funny how it is starting again in Britain too! 

Russia has a lot of light for the next few decades but then they will reach another crisis due to its declining population. The big problem for Russia is that all of her people are leaving the rest of the country for Moscow and St. Petersburg, leaving the rest of the country to die out. Since they are below fertility rate, it is going to take its toll.

Immigration isn't a solution either because unlike America, nobody wants to move to Russia due to its very cold winters and poorer economy elsewhere in the country. So Russia needs to sort out its population with the new green economy that will hopefully raise birthrates to more sustainable levels. 

Middle East will have a nice break this century. I feel there will be a lot of parties going on as people just want to rebuild. However there is the very strong possibility of the Middle East returning back towards theocratic caesarism later on this century and into the next one. Which brings us to the 22nd century. 

I get the feeling the 22nd century crusade is more religious and less about the climate. Of course the climate could very well contribute but I do get the energy that Islam is a major factor. It could make sense as any potential climate change would damage local economies and inspire caesarism there. 

2140 has a lot of dark energy but some blue light. I get the feeling it's not actually a wonder of the world being built but more rebuilding after a long conflict. 2160 and afterwards the century gets lighter. 23rd century is full of light. 

Now regarding karma - what we have to understand Eric is that we have a lot of old souls retiring and new young souls who are being born, spiritually speaking. The older souls (if they have been good) usually live in more stable time periods. The height of the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece, even today's period, more peaceful periods allows souls to relax in and enjoy their good karma. 

Major crisis periods usually erupt when you have a lot of young souls joining and they are spiritually growing. The fall of Rome, the World Wars, the conflicts in the middle east today, you have mainly younger souls who are "growing up" participating. 

Souls are like a swarm, or so I've read from the Cosmic Doctrine. A very hard read but worth it if you want to do more in depth study. But yeah, the swarm is always growing and changing. The more peaceful things are, the more matured souls have become. 

Also all individuals, nations and what have you have to pay back karma, even if they push towards the light. Germany is still paying its karma for World War 2. America therefore has a lot of karma to pay back and that will come, whether or not the country wants it. Same with Britain although I do get the feeling Britain is sort of finishing paying back the empire karma. 

In regards to mass climate change migration, we've already seen how Europe has started to turn towards caesarism. If there is a huge large influx, Europe would just break apart not seen since the fall of Rome, leading to caesarism actually taking major political power not seen since Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Salazar, etc. 

The refugee crisis has only actually slowed down because Europe have started to turn back the boats. Germany doesn't want a repeat of 2015. But the refugees are still coming, I think 50k make it to Europe each year... 

We need proper global solutions to help people stay in their own countries and obviously to help tackle the climate. Europe can't take everyone in.

As for the mixed race of the future - I actually don't see it. I see different races existing but under a global civilisation. It won't be like the past but you will see people walking around with blonde hair, some with Asian features, dark skin etc. Genes are a weird thing, most people prefer to marry inside their own race group. Even with mixing, you can get individuals who fit more with one group or the other. 

I don't think we will become homogenous but more like a beautiful rainbow family. The Divine loves diversity.
Thanks for the thoughts. You have a wider compass of mind that I would have thought.

I did get the thought in writing about the 22nd century that the final clash with Islam would occur.

I do think we will all blend into one race. Of course, genetics does insure some diversity. But I don't think blending will be done until beyond this current age of civilization (sometime in the 24th century).

I am less worried about karma than about persistent delusive ideologies and beliefs. That's what I see as the cause of getting stuck in the past everywhere. That's what has held up the USA these last 40 years. Really tragic, and now Trump has cemented this ideological scleroticism onto the supreme court unless drastic measures are taken.

I am more optimistic about Europe regarding caesarism. It is a kind of belief or value system from an era long past. We'll see how it happens. Are you familiar with spiral dynamics? The imperial or caesarist era is called red (c. 2200 BC to 300 AD), the traditional religious era is called blue (c. 300-1300) and the age of kings which I added is called brown (1300-1800). Here's my take on it. I've put a lot of thought into this one.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Thank you for the compliment Eric. I must say it has been refreshing to have an interesting spiritual related conversation. 

Anyway, it is interesting that we have come to very similar conclusions regarding Islam and the 22nd century. If I were to have a guess, I would say the fight could be against a more organised Islam rather then the typical rabble rousing civil wars we have seen over the past decade. 

Regarding the mixing of the races, it is a possibility and I agree with you, it could happen. But it ultimately is up to the Divine. Does the Divine wish to unite Humanity once again into one like was the case when we first got established? Or does He have other plans? Maybe He wants to build a new Humanity altogether? It's certainly interesting food for thought.

That said, there is something interesting about Aquarius. As I was reading the Cosmic Doctrine by Dion Fortune, she mentioned that there is a cosmic pull that affects the evolution of Humanity. When the cosmic pull is pushing towards a positive cycle, Humanity pushes towards unity. This has very much been the case with Pisces and if you observe history since over the last two thousand years, with the exception Of the fall of Rome, it has been pushing leftwards and towards a common destiny. 

Aquarius though is, according to Fortune, part of the negative pull. It seeks to divide rather then unite. It pushes away. Aquarius is also traditionally ruled by Saturn who as you know hates change. So it is theoretically possible that Aquarius could potentially lead to more division, establishment of new communities and groups and pushing away from unity.

Fortune did say the world would eventually synthesise into one however - just not anytime soon.

Personally I think this is only applicable if we have more history to cover and more souls to be tested and karma to be repaid. I do get the feeling though after the major clash in the 22nd century, we are going to have a "break period", something akin to the millennium Christ promised. I think it'll last for 1,000 years. Not exactly the Kingdom of Heaven but a good break for mankind. So world unity in such circumstances is indeed very possible. Once again though it depends on the swarm. 

I like your synopsis about the periods of time and I concur that you are on the right path. However I would like to make an adjustment. I sort of agree with Aleister Crowleys three ages of man which is the Matriarchal age, the Patriarchal age and the Age of the Child. 

I could quote easily add in the spiral dynamics theory you have brought up and put them quite neatly into the three ages mentioned above. So the hunter gather age all the way to the Rise of Rome I would class as the  Matriarchal.

Life back then was more simple, tribal. Humanity relied on mother earth to survive. Society was more left wing then too. More open to spirituality, sexual differences, etc. But had its downsides too like with human sacrifice and other violent sins.

Then came the age of the Father which started with ancient Israel and ultimately culminated with the nation state and strict moral values. I'd say we have been in this eon for about 2,000 years. 

Now is the age of the child which is Humanity having to grow up and find his own way. Mankind cannot rely on the earth anymore nor can it rely on strict moral authority as once before. Humans need to learn to find a balance. Which is supposedly another era that is also due to come into play as well. 

As for Europe - the problem is the energy of the continent. It has a very wild revolutionary energy. This is why we have seen many great advances but also many great tragedies from Europe. I think Europe will have one last blow out before it can find peace with itself. After all, Europe and its energy is getting old now.

I do make a prediction though that the future centres of learning and culture will come from Russia, America and eventually South America rather then Europe. After all, the advances both America and Russia have made have been wholly European derived. Even the Internet and space travel.
I don't think the Piscean Age, which is not all that tied down to the meaning of the sign, can be called unifying, when it has been characterized by the greatest wars in history, and leading toward the divisions between alliances in the late 19th and 20th century. Nor do I think the intense stratification of society represents unity. The legend, at any rate, of Aquarius, is that it's the sign of friendship and brother/sisterhood and humanitarian causes. It is preeminently the sign of the group. Pisces has a negative charge, being a yin sign, and tend to distort or impede the full expression if its basic ruling planet Jupiter, whereas Aquarius is a yang sign with a positive charge, which brings out a fuller and lighter expression of the ruling planet, in this case Saturn. So, although with caveats considering the distortion which humanity gives to every sign, and individual Aquarians I know who are scarcely what they claim to be, I lean toward a more positive interpretation of Aquarius, and think it's the more unifying sign. But ideally, Pisces under Neptune is also a very unifying sign, but I don't think the Neptune influence or archetype came into consciousness until it was discovered in the years leading up to 1846.

What these signs actually mean historically is colored by the spiral dynamic of the evolution of human society. Being in an evolving state implies progress, and in a basic sense, unity is a more evolved condition. So Pisces represented a time when organized religion under Jupiter was dominant, but it was a less-evolved form of religion than the new age consciousness coming into being as we shift into Aquarius. But I consider the planetary dynamic a much-more accurate view of how history and human evolution is proceeding than the 2140-year ages which are based on a rather dubious concept of the meaning of constellations, and which extend a general meaning over too long a period. Also, the spiral dynamic features acceleration, which the other schemes do not. With more population has come faster change, invention and progress.

I agree the unity which believers in the Age of Aquarius have expected will not be fully realized until after 2165, and even then conflicts will happen too. But what is happening is increased awareness of the possibility of unity, and some halting and uneven progress toward it. Much further to go, and again I think it is ideology and doctrines more than karma that get in the way. But in some cultures, that "karma" is actually old resentments that do not get healed or forgiven, especially in the Middle East.

I would say the Patriarchy came in with the Age of Mars which was well established 2000 years before the date you mention. The tribes that came into the civilized world brought male gods and a male-dominated warrior society which dominated the Bronze Age, and continued its sway through the classical age after the great Axis Awakening of 600-400 BC. The following Age of Jupiter, which jives with the Piscean Age, was still patriarchal, but the rulers were priests and caesaro-papists instead of emperors. Then they became the secular kings, and finally the republicans and the socialists. Only recently since the green meme came in in the sixties did the mother and mother earth make a comeback from the first-agricultural and more-female and fertility-worshiping neolithic Age of Venus. But I suppose modern times since the great Revolution circa 1789 could be called the Age of the Child, although still partriarchal for a while.

So far, I think post-revolution Russia and the Americas have been very lack lustre and bereft of the kind of innovation and creation that has come out of Europe. But since the world wars exhausted it and removed its world dominance, it has become more flat and stale too. It is a tourist destination now; people come there to see the past. Socially and politically it became much more-advanced than other societies since the sixties, and that is attractive to tourists too, although it is subject to recent reverse trends. But overall, we are just not in a very inspired age. I think the reason is too much physicalism and materialism. Inspiration needs a divine connection. It seems less plausible now in a world where we think we can fix everything with technology, and understand everything with science. But that view cuts us off from the creative.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
The Who are just as alive as they were in 1965.

Beads on a String, we gotta get us together, don't you ever say never. God in the stars is always the same, but we shame "him" when we kill in his name.

Connect the beads, the stars and the dots for peace in this story and its links.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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