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skipped an archetype like time before last?
(04-29-2019, 04:09 PM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
(04-29-2019, 03:48 PM)TheNomad Wrote: hi sorry not meant to offend.  when discussing especially things of a cycles nature like this, it's impossible not to generalize.  Generalization has to be done.  It cannot be avoided, in fact, when prognosticating in that manner.  We are, after all - all of us here - engaged in understanding what groups of people did/do/will do as a whole.

most of the things you said sound more like me (a true Nomad) and I am sure that's true with people in every archetype.  No two people are identical.  Not in an archetype, not ever.

OK I understand now that it was done on a group level and not an individual level. Society to me doesn't matter if I can find a small niche or isolate myself from the results of society. Society becomes a problem IMO when you can't isolate your way out of it. I don't feel powerful enough to change society to the way I like it so my ultimate goal is to isolate myself from its issues until it passes. This is what the 4T feels to me, this giant waiting room where I'm sitting around ho hum trying to avoid most of it waiting for things to just get over with. I find myself thinking "Just hurry up and get it over with already."

"hurry up with this" is a X thing.  As are niches.  I believe the reason Heroes group up so tightly (in maybe MANY more things passively than other archetypes) they see no way out except to do it together (Hear Steve Rogers).  I dont think X generation ever expected things to get better, we never cared if it did, and many of us tore shit down simply because we saw it was crumbling anyway. 

In the models, this comes from the parents of X people being so totally selfish and demanding we grow up fast, mostly alone and figure it all out by ourselves while Boomers and Artists pranced happily in the apocalypse.  Then, the time came when collective society (older Boomers, older Artists) woke up and saw their grandchildren at risk and they just couldn't have that.  Not that they ever would own up to who began all that shit to begin with, they just said "ok we Fd up X, now we have to save Millennials" - which basically throws Gen X kids to the trash altogether and everyone accepts that).

But no, the Millennials are special and deserve to live so we have to support them the way X never got support.   Millennial grows up expecting better things when X never did.  They expected to live instead of die in a school shootout.  They dared to expect a future and they had backup.  So now, enter the PHONE and INTERNET they have all the private access to each other and Groupthink is what emerges to cast a battering ram into the last of the Boomers' collective ideology that god sent them here to tell us something (doesn't someone always die or get sacrificed in that scenario?) and dare that be the collective X generation who took one for humanity?

Never taught or trained how to be optimistic, every advantage their parents had was erased before they arrived, they got shat on collectively and then still carried the financial burden of the New Depression, raised good families without good examples of what that looks like, forsook even themselves with their desperate lives to give the next generation a chance at renewal.

Yet, X is the most banished, overlooked and aborted (1973 R v W) generation on the books currently.  I wonder if abortion came up for passage in Congress not in 1973 but how about 1983?  1993?  Would it ever have happened?

not so much
"The Phony Fourth" is one of the archived threads.
Looked at an archived thread, If The Civil War Had A Normal 4T. JDG commented thus: "I think that there was a Civic (Hero) generation (Blue & Gray generation?) , which may have been very short (perhaps only the 1843 cohort) but which did exist. Its 'thinness' is based on the brevity of the generation, and the fact that much of it was 'cusper': If it was only 1843 that would make it a cusper on both the Nomad and Artist side."
(04-29-2019, 03:48 PM)TheNomad Wrote: Yet, X is the most banished, overlooked and aborted (1973 R v W) generation on the books currently.  I wonder if abortion came up for passage in Congress not in 1973 but how about 1983?  1993?  Would it ever have happened?

not so much

I think it would have been passed in 1983 or 1993 because some people wanted to congratulate themselves on being pro choice for virtue signalling. Also, depending on your exact birth year, more babies could have been aborted in 1983 or even 1993 than in your birth year cohort. Also abortion was passed by the Supreme Court and because members of the Supreme Court are there for life and don't care about being re-elected they wouldn't have to care about the tide of public opinion. If you look at the actual abortion rates, the abortion rates were a lot higher in 1983 than 1973 yet people think it was only Gen X who was aborted. Never mind early Generation X who was born in 1965-1972 never faced abortions at all. I think lots of but not all people are malleable by the media talking heads. Many do whatever the media talking heads tell them what to do and are almost brainless. If the media talking heads made abortion popular they could do it in those years. How are you the most aborted? Many babies in the 80s were aborted but nobody seems to bring that up either.

[Image: trendsinabortiongraph.png]

Look at this graph and tell me you were the only ones who faced high abortion rates, especially since much of Gen X was born before 1973 to begin with. I was born in 1986 and don't see low abortion rates at that year. When you look at the actual data, you see that you were clearly not the only ones aborted. Also I don't recall anyone telling me I will "survive" a school shooting. I remember tons of bomb threats to my school and lots of verbal, physical, and social bullying yet nope, didn't happen because some imaginary TV figure said so. Sure the TV may have praised abortion more in 1973, but in reality more babies were aborted in 1983 than in 1973. There's a big disconnect between the TV world and what actually happens in reality. That's why TV is fantasy.
I regard "Hero" as a role rather than as a generational archetype. Because it seems possible to press young adult Nomads into the Hero role-who in midlife may behave as a sort of pseudo-Civic generation.

From what JDG posted about the 1843 cohort, it was possible to have a cuspy cohort between the Gilded pseudo-Civics and the Progressive pseudo-Artists.
Also I argue that with Millennials there was a war on the neurodivergent and the different by society. I didn't get forcibly medicated despite being neurodivergent but many people with ADHD did just because
'society said so". It was a war on what would be the most creative minds of the generation. It was a war on their very personhood to alter their brains with medication at a young age. Do you call this caring? Also I wasn't told not to fight back by my parents but some people were told as if it were some kind of evil and how it "Makes you just as bad as they are". You see this a lot on Reddit. The parents and system taught this in order to make the different people unable to stand up for themselves so they were docile to the popular people who were a threat to them. There was a systemic war against neuroatypical people in the façade of tolerance. This is why I look at actions other than virtue signaling words.
I did not attempt to publish a numerical document on who and who was not aborted and when. I meant to convey the idea up until Generation X, abortion was against the law and always had been. What was it about these parents or prospective parents or not-wannabe-parents and the society they came from, the politics they helped craft and the civilization at that moment that allowed a law to be passed at national levels to abort the unborn and for that to be protected under our laws?

We are supposedly meta thinkers up in here, so if Generation X is not the Sacrifice of a Nation, what is going on here? Nomads got the worst of everything, made the best of everything, hated by most, respected by few... what would Millennials say to their parents if their parents had passed laws prior to their birth allowing them, The Millennials, to be aborted?

I think they might lodge a protest @twitter and, like, sob through emjois? But for real, the generation that EXPECTS to survive as a RIGHT............. what does that generation say if abortion were made legal when THEY were being born?

Yet, X got a peanut butter sandwich and told to clean up after themselves because mommy's new roommate is coming over.
(04-30-2019, 12:49 AM)TheNomad Wrote: I did not attempt to publish a numerical document on who and who was not aborted and when.  I meant to convey the idea up until Generation X, abortion was against the law and always had been.  What was it about these parents or prospective parents or not-wannabe-parents and the society they came from, the politics they helped craft and the civilization at that moment that allowed a law to be passed at national levels to abort the unborn and for that to be protected under our laws?

We are supposedly meta thinkers up in here, so if Generation X is not the Sacrifice of a Nation, what is going on here?  Nomads got the worst of everything, made the best of everything, hated by most, respected by few... what would Millennials say to their parents if their parents had passed laws prior to their birth allowing them, The Millennials, to be aborted?

I think they might lodge a protest @twitter and, like, sob through emjois?  But for real, the generation that EXPECTS to survive as a RIGHT............. what does that generation say if abortion were made legal when THEY were being born?

Yet, X got a peanut butter sandwich and told to clean up after themselves because mommy's new roommate is coming over.

Millennials were aborted. Numbers count more than attitudes because in reality it's results that matter. Also your generation name isn't viewed as an insult like Millennial is. To me it would be the same if it were created in 1983. If some baby born in 1992 was aborted, how are they less of a victim than the one aborted in 1976? I don't follow. Also, may I add that I do know what it's like to have "society" wish to abort me? People have been trying to come up with a prenatal test for autism. This is designed to eliminate the autistic population and some say "I would abort if my child was autistic." Yet nobody says "I would abort if my child were Gen X or my child were Millennial." Also the "progressive" Millennials are pro choice so your reasoning makes no sense. They don't see a fetus the same way they do a person after birth. Also, according to the 1995 Gallup poll, 56% of Americans were pro choice compared to the 33% pro life. Roe v. Wade would have passed in 1995 if you look at what people were thinking during the era according to the polls. I rest my case.
(04-30-2019, 12:49 AM)TheNomad Wrote: I did not attempt to publish a numerical document on who and who was not aborted and when. I meant to convey the idea up until Generation X, abortion was against the law and always had been. What was it about these parents or prospective parents or not-wannabe-parents and the society they came from, the politics they helped craft and the civilization at that moment that allowed a law to be passed at national levels to abort the unborn and for that to be protected under our laws?

We are supposedly meta thinkers up in here, so if Generation X is not the Sacrifice of a Nation, what is going on here? Nomads got the worst of everything, made the best of everything, hated by most, respected by few... what would Millennials say to their parents if their parents had passed laws prior to their birth allowing them, The Millennials, to be aborted?

I think they might lodge a protest @twitter and, like, sob through emjois? But for real, the generation that EXPECTS to survive as a RIGHT............. what does that generation say if abortion were made legal when THEY were being born?

Yet, X got a peanut butter sandwich and told to clean up after themselves because mommy's new roommate is coming over.

I have Gen X uncles and aunts and this didn't happen with them. Then again, they had a socially conservative father born in the 1920s and pro life parents. My point is experience is subjective. You aren't the only ones to face divorce and broken homes yet act as if you are the only ones with that specific experience. Because you believe in the TV world delusion that "If you are born in this year you couldn't have experienced this or that." You act like somehow families stopped divorcing in the 90s. I may also add that a person could be poor as a child but have a richer family later in life. Finances can change so fast that for some, the lines between experiences are blurred.
(04-20-2019, 09:55 AM)Tim Randal Walker Wrote: If I recall correctly, somebody once tried to segment the Progressives into an early Civic grouping, and a later Artist grouping.

As for Generation X, I believe that it is now too late to press them into a Hero role like that British generation-Xers have been getting too old to play young adult Heroes.

I too remember this.  On the old forum there was a concept going around that the Guilded Generation really should be segmented into two distinct generations...the Guilded Generation (which is nomadic) and the Bloody Shirt Generation (which was heroic).  The two could be differentiated by their role in the ACW.  Bloody Shirts were largely soldiers and NCOs during the ACW while the Guilded would be officers.


That being said, I don't believe that the archetype is skipped rather that given mega-turning and mega-saeculum placement certain archetypes are enhanced to a greater degree.  Largely speaking Millies are indeed acting as S&H predicted except that their preferred politics is on the left generally.  Hence why the largely populist-conservative Gray Champion (Donald Trump--who represents the Jacksonian tradition and is/was a NYC Business Democrat despite what the lame stream media tells you) is portrayed by many of them as their mortal enemy.

Given that I've always argued that we are in a Mega-Unraveling the nomadic tendency is enhanced and heroic ones are waning and won't be on the upswing again until the arrival of the Mega-Crisis which will start when it is clear that the current 4T is over.  Sometime between 2020 and 2030.

If we look at the generations born in the current saeculum we see a very large nomad streak in each.  Boomers are notorious for being in it for themselves (a very nomad trait).  Xers are pretty obvious (I've called them super-nomads before), and even Millies while they are more collective than Boomers or Xers are also very nomadic in character.  Zeds will not be a hero generation, they are so far too recessive for that (and the oldest Zeds were being born as early as 1997ish).

Unless a major war presses them into mass scale involvement Zeds will not be Heroes and it seems unlikely that such a war will break out.  After all Doritos Hitler Blumpf is actually talking with enemies.  As for wars in the Middle East...what else is new?  I suppose next someone will predict that the sun will rise in the east or that ice will be cold.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(04-30-2019, 08:10 AM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(04-20-2019, 09:55 AM)Tim Randal Walker Wrote: If I recall correctly, somebody once tried to segment the Progressives into an early Civic grouping, and a later Artist grouping.

As for Generation X, I believe that it is now too late to press them into a Hero role like that British generation-Xers have been getting too old to play young adult Heroes.

I too remember this.  On the old forum there was a concept going around that the Guilded Generation really should be segmented into two distinct generations...the Guilded Generation (which is nomadic) and the Bloody Shirt Generation (which was heroic).  The two could be differentiated by their role in the ACW.  Bloody Shirts were largely soldiers and NCOs during the ACW while the Guilded would be officers.


That being said, I don't believe that the archetype is skipped rather that given mega-turning and mega-saeculum placement certain archetypes are enhanced to a greater degree.  Largely speaking Millies are indeed acting as S&H predicted except that their preferred politics is on the left generally.  Hence why the largely populist-conservative Gray Champion (Donald Trump--who represents the Jacksonian tradition and is/was a NYC Business Democrat despite what the lame stream media tells you) is portrayed by many of them as their mortal enemy.

Given that I've always argued that we are in a Mega-Unraveling the nomadic tendency is enhanced and heroic ones are waning and won't be on the upswing again until the arrival of the Mega-Crisis which will start when it is clear that the current 4T is over.  Sometime between 2020 and 2030.

If we look at the generations born in the current saeculum we see a very large nomad streak in each.  Boomers are notorious for being in it for themselves (a very nomad trait).  Xers are pretty obvious (I've called them super-nomads before), and even Millies while they are more collective than Boomers or Xers are also very nomadic in character.  Zeds will not be a hero generation, they are so far too recessive for that (and the oldest Zeds were being born as early as 1997ish).

Unless a major war presses them into mass scale involvement Zeds will not be Heroes and it seems unlikely that such a war will break out.  After all Doritos Hitler Blumpf is actually talking with enemies.  As for wars in the Middle East...what else is new?  I suppose next someone will predict that the sun will rise in the east or that ice will be cold.

What you see as the Nomad streak in the Boomers and Millennials you see is probably because you're looking at the US. The US was founded as a rebellion to the status quo of the countries they were from...………. So what you are looking at is American culture and the character of the country's culture more than anything.
(04-30-2019, 08:17 AM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 08:10 AM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(04-20-2019, 09:55 AM)Tim Randal Walker Wrote: If I recall correctly, somebody once tried to segment the Progressives into an early Civic grouping, and a later Artist grouping.

As for Generation X, I believe that it is now too late to press them into a Hero role like that British generation-Xers have been getting too old to play young adult Heroes.

I too remember this.  On the old forum there was a concept going around that the Guilded Generation really should be segmented into two distinct generations...the Guilded Generation (which is nomadic) and the Bloody Shirt Generation (which was heroic).  The two could be differentiated by their role in the ACW.  Bloody Shirts were largely soldiers and NCOs during the ACW while the Guilded would be officers.


That being said, I don't believe that the archetype is skipped rather that given mega-turning and mega-saeculum placement certain archetypes are enhanced to a greater degree.  Largely speaking Millies are indeed acting as S&H predicted except that their preferred politics is on the left generally.  Hence why the largely populist-conservative Gray Champion (Donald Trump--who represents the Jacksonian tradition and is/was a NYC Business Democrat despite what the lame stream media tells you) is portrayed by many of them as their mortal enemy.

Given that I've always argued that we are in a Mega-Unraveling the nomadic tendency is enhanced and heroic ones are waning and won't be on the upswing again until the arrival of the Mega-Crisis which will start when it is clear that the current 4T is over.  Sometime between 2020 and 2030.

If we look at the generations born in the current saeculum we see a very large nomad streak in each.  Boomers are notorious for being in it for themselves (a very nomad trait).  Xers are pretty obvious (I've called them super-nomads before), and even Millies while they are more collective than Boomers or Xers are also very nomadic in character.  Zeds will not be a hero generation, they are so far too recessive for that (and the oldest Zeds were being born as early as 1997ish).

Unless a major war presses them into mass scale involvement Zeds will not be Heroes and it seems unlikely that such a war will break out.  After all Doritos Hitler Blumpf is actually talking with enemies.  As for wars in the Middle East...what else is new?  I suppose next someone will predict that the sun will rise in the east or that ice will be cold.

What you see as the Nomad streak in the Boomers and Millennials you see is probably because you're looking at the US. The US was founded as a rebellion to the status quo of the countries they were from...………. So what you are looking at is American culture and the character of the country's culture more than anything.

Perhaps.  But I would also argue that there isn't a unified "American Culture".  Being Black I can tell you my experience as an American is much different from my White Husband's.  And the experience of a Latino would be different from both of us. 

There is even room to argue that Americans do not even have the self-perception of themselves being a nation.  A nation being defined as a historically constituted people with a common language, common economic life, territory, common psychological make up manifesting itself in a common culture (since the US is always promoted as being multi-cultural it either doesn't have that or multi-culturalism is a lie, I'll let you determine which it is) and the self-perception of being a nation.

And one should never confuse a nation with a state.  One is a group of people--a nation.  The other is a political entity--a state.

I've scuttled much of my former Marxist-Leninist ideology (seeing as it is mostly obsolete, not to mention based on flawed sociology) but the gist of "Marxism and the National Question" is not one of those things I've scuttled.

That said, I posted a thread with the majority of my thoughts on Mega-Saecula elsewhere on this forum.  I try to not come here all that often mostly because I find this forum distracting with Eric the Ignoramus and PBR posting their repetitive drivel.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
Truth is usually consistent and banal, which can make it seem like drivel to revolutionaries of any kind, whether Marxists, Randists, or outright fascists -- or to criminals.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(04-30-2019, 08:44 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: Truth is usually consistent and banal, which can make it seem like drivel to revolutionaries of any kind, whether Marxists, Randists, or outright fascists -- or to criminals.

Lies can be banal and consistent too, or have you not been watching Mr. Meddow for the last four or so years?  Anyway...Don't you have something to criticize the President for?  Like his nouveau riche tastes.

I understand he likes the colors of gold and cream white.

Also, When has Eric ever been consistent on anything except his inconsistency?
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(04-30-2019, 09:14 AM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 08:44 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: Truth is usually consistent and banal, which can make it seem like drivel to revolutionaries of any kind, whether Marxists, Randists, or outright fascists -- or to criminals.

Lies can be banal and consistent too, or have you not been watching Mr. Meddow for the last four or so years?  Anyway...Don't you have something to criticize the President for?  Like his nouveau riche tastes.

Bad taste is more a matter of personal ridicule. So you ask me -- what would I do if I inherited a fortune? Well, I would not decorate as Trump did. Or John Gotti. Or Pablo Escobar. Or any of the dictators. OK, so I have never wallowed in a fantasy of how I could spend a few million dollars. OK, a fictional character like Jed Clampett doesn't quite fit me, either. If I had children, I would want them to grow up with their heads on straight. No toy Mercedes, that is for sure.

Liars usually get tripped up on inconsistencies in what they said. I am reminded of J. Edgar Hoover stating that every criminal that he ever met was a liar... and that the FBI trick in finding a guilty person is to find the liars connected to the crime. Innocent people will say embarrassing things about themselves, if necessary, to clear themselves. Evidence or consistent testimony of innocent people will contradict the crook even if the crook does not say anything.

Telling non-truth might not be a lie; one can simply be mistaken. Honest people can recognize a mistake when such is shown to them. Dishonest people start denying or defending their falsehoods.

Quote:I understand he likes the colors of gold and cream white.

I prefer a genuine Timex to a fake Rolex. I prefer genuine brass and even aluminum to gilt. No Pimpmobile for me!

Quote:Also, When has Eric ever been consistent on anything except his inconsistency?

His politics and his expressions of morality. Justin Bieber and astrology (why?)

But you have gone from being a Communist to a Trump supporter. Is ISIS in your future? For obvious reasons I can rule out the KKK.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(04-28-2019, 08:00 PM)AspieMillennial Wrote:
(04-28-2019, 07:34 PM)Tim Randal Walker Wrote: If I recall correctly, the Progressive generation was 17 years long.  If the Millenials are 22 years long, they would be a longer pseudo-Artist-generation than the Progressives.

Why are generations so long? It seems inaccurate to me with the way the world changes so fast.

You are making the precision error.  History is not that precise … ever!
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(04-30-2019, 10:28 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 09:14 AM)Kinser79 Wrote:
(04-30-2019, 08:44 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: Truth is usually consistent and banal, which can make it seem like drivel to revolutionaries of any kind, whether Marxists, Randists, or outright fascists -- or to criminals.

Lies can be banal and consistent too, or have you not been watching Mr. Meddow for the last four or so years?  Anyway...Don't you have something to criticize the President for?  Like his nouveau riche tastes.

Bad taste is more a matter of personal ridicule.

Be glad you live in America the country where Trump is President and not say China. Xi would have you shot for mocking his taste (or lack thereof) in interior design.

Quote:So you ask me -- what would I do if I inherited a fortune?

I'm going to assume this a rhetorical question because I didn't ask you because I don't care. I'm not going to even bother with your whole "liar soliloquy" mostly because it is nothing but a non sequitur. I expect those in elected office to lie, if they don't they won't be in elected office very long. I'm actually surprised just how truthful the President usually is.

Quote:I understand he likes the colors of gold and cream white.

I prefer a genuine Timex to a fake Rolex. I prefer genuine brass and even aluminum to gilt. No Pimpmobile for me!

Most people don't even wear watches anymore. Not really relevant for keeping time these days when we have in our pocket or purse a device with more computing power than a "super computer" from the 1970s. Oh and it can make phone calls too.

As for Pimpmobiles....I have mine. I'm rather fond of it. I also have a Honda Civic I use for getting around but that has more to do with my hobbies than it does Trump's taste (or lack of taste).

Quote:Also, When has Eric ever been consistent on anything except his inconsistency?

His politics and his expressions of morality. Justin Bieber and astrology (why?)

But you have gone from being a Communist to a Trump supporter. Is ISIS in your future? For obvious reasons I can rule out the KKK.

Eric doesn't have a consistent political line or morality. Unless you count "Republicans Bad" as a political ideology. I'm not so sure he actually has a morality to be consistent about.

He is consistant about liking a Canadian who can't sing (Probably because he has some sort of weird fetish for boys that look like dykes), and a superstition that was abandoned by everyone with more than two brain cells to rub together a couple centuries ago though. I'll give you that. As for why...think about it. You'll understand if you try hard enough.

Yes I abandoned Marxism-Leninism, and jumped onto Nationalism-Populism. One is working the other didn't. One was based on flawed sociology the other one isn't.

You never know about me joining the KKK. I really really do hate niggers. See Chris Rock on the difference between black people and niggers. I'm not a big fan of ISIS. They have a tendency to want to throw people like me off roofs and I'm not too keen on testing the theory of gravity.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(04-30-2019, 12:57 PM)Kinser79 Wrote: niggers.  See Chris Rock on the difference between black people and niggers

I made this thread and it's not about hateful idioms.  Please can the moderator watch this thread?  DID you come here to interact I am assuming, right?  Guess what, no one is listening after you use that word.  You threw a bomb at your own interface!  lol.  Public forums are not about your own self-hatred for your own skin color and how you are perceived by others.  It also does not offer you free permission to use such idioms simply because the idiom is meant to define and blight you, personally, and you don't accept it.  People who look like you will say "oh, that's they w/e" it's actually mostly ppl of not that hue who are offended.  Obviously you don't care about offending people and I am not come to counsel you on that extraordinary leap - coming into a "public" place (a interweb forum) dropping bombs without a care to who feels what.

Such speech should be kept in the privacy of your own dwelling and for those who understand and accept your willingness to use that word for whatever reason you are using it.  They, unlike the rest of us, are not compelling to gravitate to your version of why you use that word or why that word means something to you it does not mean to the rest of us. Nor is anyone tantalized to run to Chris Rock for definition on societal norms.

If you feel I am censoring you, feel away! I did not create this thread as a capsule of hate-mongering, self-loathing or whatever other unknown reason you choose to use hate speech.  Speech is free, speak away.  Just please not where my handle is associated with it.

(04-30-2019, 07:39 AM)AspieMillennial Wrote: Millennials were aborted. Numbers
You are not receiving my signal.  I am unsure I can give more power to the transmission.  peace
(04-30-2019, 07:43 AM)AspieMillennial Wrote: My point is experience is subjective.

While experience is subjective, the examination of collective "generations" and "cycles" and "archetypes" are wholly NON subjective.  It actually requires an objective mind to examine a collective.

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