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Biden ramps up US refugee admissions to 125,000 per year
Biden ramps up US refugee admissions to 125,000 per year
Welcome, Uighurs.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

The government has made everything worse.

US wars and sanctions have just increased terrorism, refugees, debt, and tyranny.

Now Americans must carry bags around everywhere because plastic bags are illegal.

Student loans just drive up tuition.

Regulations have killed the economy.

Welfare makes people lazy.

You are not allowed to carry around cash or deposit less than $10,000 into your own bank account.

Being homeless or living in a tiny home is illegal.

You'll be groped by the TSA if you travel.

You'll be tracked by license plate readers if you drive.

You'll be wiretapped by the NSA if you use a phone.

The USA should admit refugees. There are tons of people in a tyranny-infested and climate-racked world these days who just need a place to go. That doesn't mean they would become citizens, or that they might not return to their country some day. Some screening is necessary, and it can't be perfect, but almost all refugees are honest, not criminals pretending to be refugees. These days, covid testing and possible quarantining is necessary. We need an honest and fair immigration system too.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(02-05-2021, 09:31 PM)random3 Wrote: The government has made everything worse.

US wars and sanctions have just increased terrorism, refugees, debt, and tyranny.

Now Americans must carry bags around everywhere because plastic bags are illegal.

Student loans just drive up tuition.

Regulations have killed the economy.

Welfare makes people lazy.

You are not allowed to carry around cash or deposit less than $10,000 into your own bank account.

Being homeless or living in a tiny home is illegal.

You'll be groped by the TSA if you travel.

You'll be tracked by license plate readers if you drive.

You'll be wiretapped by the NSA if you use a phone.


This is a hodgepodge of complaints. Being homeless is illegal - are you okay with requisitioning land to construct homes for the homeless?

Americans say that the only possible solution for overcrowded jails that are the result of arresting the homeless is to build government homeless shelters, but why not just legalize homelessness?
(02-05-2021, 10:56 PM)random3 Wrote: Wow.

Americans say that the only possible solution for overcrowded jails that are the result of arresting the homeless is to build government homeless shelters, but why not just legalize homelessness?

It should be legal. But it should also not be something anyone is forced into.
The end is near. There is no future. All the lines have been crossed and all the doors are closed.

The elites have turned the US upside down.

Straws are illegal, but drugs and stealing are legal. The police are being abolished, bail is being ended, and prisons are being emptied.

The Deep State controls the USA.

The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state.

The globalists run Hollywood, the media, Wall Street, and the government.

The ruling class wants Americans to be immoral, divided, distracted, and dependent. The oligarchs have closed churches, imported refugees and illegal immigrants, pushed bread and circuses, and promoted welfare.

The elites use affirmative action to raise the weak and punish the strong with safe spaces.

In 2021, guns will be banned, there will be lockdowns, mandatory masks, mandatory vaccinations, cash may be banned, ATM machines might be turned off, the stock market will collapse, and the Internet might be shut off.

Millions will become homeless.

There will be starvation.

Property might be nationalized.

Congress may be abolished.

Statues will be torn down and the US flag and national anthem might be changed.

Walls might be built around cities.

Concentration camps might open.

Civil war 2.0 will start.

The globalists may start WWIII with China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

The oligarchs are suicidal. The ruling powers want to kill off the 99% and seize the wealth and land of the world.

The elites don't need you because they have robots.

There is no rule of law now. The government doesn't obey the law. The government is not legitimate. The elites don't care if you vote because the elites will do whatever they want by paying off politicians with campaign donations and cushy job promises, and rigging the elections by forging ballots and hacking voting machines. The globalists don't care if you pay taxes because they can print money in the short-term.

The best Americans can do now is to practice extreme civil disobedience and buy gold, guns, ammo, and food and either buying a sailboat or escaping to a small white town in South Dakota.

Time is running out.

Pass the word.

Everyone should be like Assange and Snowden and fight for freedom now.

Tyranny always ends the same.

Take this seriously.

You have nothing left to lose.
(02-05-2021, 09:39 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: The USA should admit refugees. There are tons of people in a tyranny-infested and climate-racked world these days who just need a place to go. That doesn't mean they would become citizens, or that they might not return to their country some day. Some screening is necessary, and it can't be perfect, but almost all refugees are honest, not criminals pretending to be refugees. These days, covid testing and possible quarantining is necessary. We need an honest and fair immigration system too.

It's amazing that, after 240 years of successfully being the shining lamp to the oppressed, we still have to note how beneficial it is to help -- even for the helpers.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
The police are being abolished, bail is being ended, and prisons are being emptied.

>The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state.

I uh

It's definitely a police state. Physical police and such are being "abolished" simply because they aren't as necessary in the coming world of surveillance capitalism.
Some Americans may have thought that tyranny would never come to the US because the rich, celebrities, media, politicians, and American people would resist.

Who would have thought that the rich would loot the country by getting bailouts and subsidies while being the ones conspiring and building the police state by paying actors, singers, and athletes to distract Americans with bread and circuses, using reporters to push propaganda, real crises, and false flags, and buying off and corrupting politicians with campaign donations and cushy job promises to start wars, import refugees that weaken and divide the US, drive up the debt, make laws that enslave Americans, and throw crumbs to pacify the 99% in the form of food stamps, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and public housing?

The destruction of the USA is nearly complete.
(02-06-2021, 10:22 PM)random3 Wrote: Some Americans may have thought that tyranny would never come to the US because the rich, celebrities, media, politicians, and American people would resist.

Who would have thought that the rich would loot the country by getting bailouts and subsidies while being the ones conspiring and building the police state by paying actors, singers, and athletes to distract Americans with bread and circuses, using reporters to push propaganda, real crises, and false flags, and buying off and corrupting politicians with campaign donations and cushy job promises to start wars, import refugees that weaken and divide the US, drive up the debt, make laws that enslave Americans, and throw crumbs to pacify the 99% in the form of food stamps, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and public housing?

The destruction of the USA is nearly complete.

You start out strong, but your solution is more capitalism.
Didn't the Soviet Union fail?
(02-06-2021, 10:28 PM)random3 Wrote: Didn't the Soviet Union fail?

It liberalized its market, and was promptl over by oligarchs. The standard of living has barely recovered to pre-1991 levels.

The ruling powers want you dead.

Freedom is a proven way to make people wealthy and happy, but now everyone is embracing tyranny.

The elites control the governments, Wall Street, the media, and Hollywood.

Everyone knows something is wrong, but no one resists.


The globalists are systematically destroying the USA by starting wars, increasing the debt, offshoring jobs, importing refugees and illegal aliens, enacting regulations, raising taxes, and supporting bailouts and welfare.

The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state.

The USA is not a democracy. Americans are only allowed to vote for a tyrant or a dictator. The election machines can be hacked.

Protesting is illegal.

Americans should be joining militias now, but they are too weak and brainwashed.

The economy has collapsed.

The US cultural, political, and economic systems are imploding.

The ruling class knows that they are running out of time because the 99% are waking up.

Tomorrow will be worse.

Why work if the elites will take everything you have through inflation, taxes, fees, fines, and forfeiture?

Americans must be mobile now. Stay near the ocean and borders. Buy a sailboat, guns, gold, and food.

Pass the word.

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