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The Partisan Divide on Issues
(09-01-2020, 12:49 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Corporate America got huge aid to keep the economy from a tailspin reminiscent of the Great Depression through bipartisan support, and Corporate America paid us back by funding right-wing pols best described as mirror-image Marxists adept at creating suffering for others for their own gain. 

Nancy Pelosi is past eighty, and she is unlikely to change her core beliefs. Likewise Biden and McConnell. 

Donald Trump is a crony capitalist, and that is an indelible part of his character. I see little reason to believe that he will have any political relevance after January except as a scapegoat and as a model of how not to be President. And what is morally wrong with living paycheck-to-paycheck? In a corrupt plutocracy like ours, such is a badge of honor. Do you really admire Steve "Caught on a Yacht" Bannon?* Or such scum as pump-and-dump stock swindlers who fleece people of their retirement funds?

I see Barack Obama as a model of how to be President after this Crisis is over. The Mature Reactive, someone not full of himself like an arrogant Idealist and who knows that he can't get away with much, is exactly right for a society that relies upon thrift and small-business development instead of the bloating of vertically-integrated near-monopolies. We are headed to a high in which employment is a near-certainty among anyone with a work ethic, but in which small fortunes might be made by starting small businesses that do well. Small businesses make more people prosper than do corporate behemoths with executives paid lavishly to treat employees badly. Being overworked and underpaid but having no security is a raw deal for a worker, and that makes socialism attractive. 

Donald Trump has the classic faults of an Idealist generation: he is egocentric (selfish, ruthless, and arrogant) to the extreme, but he is also unlearned and intolerant, and if he is decisive he is decisively wrong. An Idealist generation can give an FDR, a Churchill, a Lincoln, a Juarez, a Mannerheim, a Gandhi, or an Adenauer; it can also give a Lenin. Trump so rends America that many conservatives are deciding to support Joe Biden. Rule of law, checks and balances, and governmental integrity are all that save us from a despot.  

*The Feds love to catch crooks indulging themselves at expensive resorts, mansions, and yachts. Figure that Federal prosecutors love to have such people as schoolteachers, librarians, engineers, and accountants on juries for mail fraud, wire fraud, or bank fraud that involve paper trails. Part of the evidence is documentation of bank accounts and high-value retail transactions.
A Mature Reactive wouldn't have embarked on a world wide apology tour or accepted a Noble Peace that was obviously given to him as a gift or sicked the IRS on his political competition or allowed himself to be drug into a petty dispute between a white cop doing his job and an uppity black who took offense to it and used the race card or would have thought giving a billion in cash to a terrorist regime was a good idea and so forth. I'll give him credit for being born here. I'll give him credit for being the first Black American to become President. I'll give him credit for the death of Bin Laden and even give him credit for the removal of millions of illegal Mexicans. But other than that, he was a two bit Liberal politician with above average communication skills who served two terms because he was black. I don't care about Steve Bannon or the Koch brothers or whoever else you think I worship or admire or feel all goo goo about these days. The Republicans that are supporting Biden are ether babies who can't handle defeat or progressive minded policy wonks or minorities who think their special because their skin is brown.
(09-01-2020, 01:28 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(09-01-2020, 01:16 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: I heard that the kid who shot the so called peaceful protestors has a very strong case for self defense and I think it would be wise for a group of Supreme Court judges to get off their asses and start letting people know where they stand and share their decisions in advance because last thing we need as nation  right now is a repeat of the 2000 election because there will be dead Liberal judges and dead Liberal  lawyers and dead Liberal organizers and dead Liberal politicians and dead Liberal media people that we will be  hearing about   all over the place as a result this time.

Translation:  Brack, buck buck buck.
That's right just more Braak, buck buck buck for you to ignore and deal/cope with when the time comes.
(09-01-2020, 01:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-01-2020, 12:49 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Corporate America got huge aid to keep the economy from a tailspin reminiscent of the Great Depression through bipartisan support, and Corporate America paid us back by funding right-wing pols best described as mirror-image Marxists adept at creating suffering for others for their own gain. 

Nancy Pelosi is past eighty, and she is unlikely to change her core beliefs. Likewise Biden and McConnell. 

Donald Trump is a crony capitalist, and that is an indelible part of his character. I see little reason to believe that he will have any political relevance after January except as a scapegoat and as a model of how not to be President. And what is morally wrong with living paycheck-to-paycheck? In a corrupt plutocracy like ours, such is a badge of honor. Do you really admire Steve "Caught on a Yacht" Bannon?* Or such scum as pump-and-dump stock swindlers who fleece people of their retirement funds?

I see Barack Obama as a model of how to be President after this Crisis is over. The Mature Reactive, someone not full of himself like an arrogant Idealist and who knows that he can't get away with much, is exactly right for a society that relies upon thrift and small-business development instead of the bloating of vertically-integrated near-monopolies. We are headed to a high in which employment is a near-certainty among anyone with a work ethic, but in which small fortunes might be made by starting small businesses that do well. Small businesses make more people prosper than do corporate behemoths with executives paid lavishly to treat employees badly. Being overworked and underpaid but having no security is a raw deal for a worker, and that makes socialism attractive. 

Donald Trump has the classic faults of an Idealist generation: he is egocentric (selfish, ruthless, and arrogant) to the extreme, but he is also unlearned and intolerant, and if he is decisive he is decisively wrong. An Idealist generation can give an FDR, a Churchill, a Lincoln, a Juarez, a Mannerheim, a Gandhi, or an Adenauer; it can also give a Lenin. Trump so rends America that many conservatives are deciding to support Joe Biden. Rule of law, checks and balances, and governmental integrity are all that save us from a despot.  

*The Feds love to catch crooks indulging themselves at expensive resorts, mansions, and yachts. Figure that Federal prosecutors love to have such people as schoolteachers, librarians, engineers, and accountants on juries for mail fraud, wire fraud, or bank fraud that involve paper trails. Part of the evidence is documentation of bank accounts and high-value retail transactions.
A Mature Reactive wouldn't have embarked on a world wide apology tour or accepted a Noble Peace that was obviously given to him as a gift or sicked the IRS on his political competition or allowed himself to be drug into a petty dispute between a white cop doing his job and an uppity black who took offense to it and used the race card or would have thought giving a billion in cash to a terrorist regime was a good idea and so forth. I'll give him credit for being born here. I'll give him credit for being the first Black American to become President. I'll give him credit for the death of Bin Laden and even give him credit for the removal of millions of illegal Mexicans. But other than that, he was a two bit Liberal politician with above average communication skills who served two terms because he was black. I don't care about Steve Bannon or the Koch brothers or whoever else you think I worship or admire or feel all goo goo about these days. The Republicans that are supporting Biden are ether babies who can't handle defeat or progressive minded policy wonks or minorities who think their special because their skin is brown.

A mature reactive/prophet cusper would have embarked on an apology tour which was necessary, and he did. Why reject a Nobel Peace Prize? I wish he had lived up to it a bit better, but mature people don't reject gifts. A white man killing a black man on the basis of an invalid stand your ground law unfairly applied is something that any mature person would comment on and admit that it could have happened to himself. The Iran Deal was a great breakthrough for peace, and it is the narcissist in chief who rejected and pulled out of it and thus allowed Iran to return to its nuclear program and endanger peace.

Obama served two terms DESPITE being black. He had to face inordinate hate and increased polarization from Republicans just for being a black president, and his overtures and sincere attempts to work with them were spat upon. 

The Republicans supporting Biden are just sensible people that put country above party rather than support a fake president who is grossly unfit for office, cannot manage an administration to which he appoints unqualified loyalists, endangers our environment and our climate by allowing pollution, pulls out of international agreements that we had led and which we need, makes deals with foreign dictators to support unfounded charges against his political opponent, pays off prostitutes so they don't talk about his affairs with them, uses donations to his fake charity and to his campaign for personal purposes, makes money off diplomats staying in his hotel, advocates fake medicines and herd immunity for a deadly pandemic that he calls a hoax that will just go away and rejects his scientists about, requires his cabinet officers to put themselves and himself above the law, colludes with foreign powers for his own financial and political gain, fires his appointees who answer lawful subpoenas, stokes racial hatred and violence wherever he goes and calls Nazis fine people, grossly inflates the national debt in order to give tax breaks to the rich and spend billions on the military unnecessarily, threatens not to respect the election outcome or leave office if defeated, tampers with the mail by appointing a loyalist with financial interests in its competition to intentionally delay our mail and interfere with mail-in ballots which he calls rigged without any evidence and during a pandemic which endangers the lives of those voting in-person, panders to gun rights and anti-abortion fanatics and looney conspiracy theorists, sends his unidentified goons to pick up innocent people and gas peaceful protesters in the streets to make way for a photo op, holds his convention at the White House in violation of the Hatch Act............

Things are looking up a bit for your boogaloo though; Biden has fallen behind about 2 points in the current toss-up states that voted for Trump in 2016: Iowa, Ohio, Texas and Georgia, but holds onto a slim lead in NC, and AZ, FL, PA, MN, WI and MI are still leaning Biden's way by 4-6 points or so.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(09-01-2020, 03:52 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(09-01-2020, 01:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-01-2020, 12:49 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Corporate America got huge aid to keep the economy from a tailspin reminiscent of the Great Depression through bipartisan support, and Corporate America paid us back by funding right-wing pols best described as mirror-image Marxists adept at creating suffering for others for their own gain. 

Nancy Pelosi is past eighty, and she is unlikely to change her core beliefs. Likewise Biden and McConnell. 

Donald Trump is a crony capitalist, and that is an indelible part of his character. I see little reason to believe that he will have any political relevance after January except as a scapegoat and as a model of how not to be President. And what is morally wrong with living paycheck-to-paycheck? In a corrupt plutocracy like ours, such is a badge of honor. Do you really admire Steve "Caught on a Yacht" Bannon?* Or such scum as pump-and-dump stock swindlers who fleece people of their retirement funds?

I see Barack Obama as a model of how to be President after this Crisis is over. The Mature Reactive, someone not full of himself like an arrogant Idealist and who knows that he can't get away with much, is exactly right for a society that relies upon thrift and small-business development instead of the bloating of vertically-integrated near-monopolies. We are headed to a high in which employment is a near-certainty among anyone with a work ethic, but in which small fortunes might be made by starting small businesses that do well. Small businesses make more people prosper than do corporate behemoths with executives paid lavishly to treat employees badly. Being overworked and underpaid but having no security is a raw deal for a worker, and that makes socialism attractive. 

Donald Trump has the classic faults of an Idealist generation: he is egocentric (selfish, ruthless, and arrogant) to the extreme, but he is also unlearned and intolerant, and if he is decisive he is decisively wrong. An Idealist generation can give an FDR, a Churchill, a Lincoln, a Juarez, a Mannerheim, a Gandhi, or an Adenauer; it can also give a Lenin. Trump so rends America that many conservatives are deciding to support Joe Biden. Rule of law, checks and balances, and governmental integrity are all that save us from a despot.  

*The Feds love to catch crooks indulging themselves at expensive resorts, mansions, and yachts. Figure that Federal prosecutors love to have such people as schoolteachers, librarians, engineers, and accountants on juries for mail fraud, wire fraud, or bank fraud that involve paper trails. Part of the evidence is documentation of bank accounts and high-value retail transactions.
A Mature Reactive wouldn't have embarked on a world wide apology tour or accepted a Noble Peace that was obviously given to him as a gift or sicked the IRS on his political competition or allowed himself to be drug into a petty dispute between a white cop doing his job and an uppity black who took offense to it and used the race card or would have thought giving a billion in cash to a terrorist regime was a good idea and so forth. I'll give him credit for being born here. I'll give him credit for being the first Black American to become President. I'll give him credit for the death of Bin Laden and even give him credit for the removal of millions of illegal Mexicans. But other than that, he was a two bit Liberal politician with above average communication skills who served two terms because he was black. I don't care about Steve Bannon or the Koch brothers or whoever else you think I worship or admire or feel all goo goo about these days. The Republicans that are supporting Biden are ether babies who can't handle defeat or progressive minded policy wonks or minorities who think their special because their skin is brown.

A mature reactive/prophet cusper would have embarked on an apology tour which was necessary, and he did. Why reject a Nobel Peace Prize? I wish he had lived up to it a bit better, but mature people don't reject gifts. A white man killing a black man on the basis of an invalid stand your ground law unfairly applied is something that any mature person would comment on and admit that it could have happened to himself. The Iran Deal was a great breakthrough for peace, and it is the narcissist in chief who rejected and pulled out of it and thus allowed Iran to return to its nuclear program and endanger peace.

Obama served two terms DESPITE being black. He had to face inordinate hate and increased polarization from Republicans just for being a black president, and his overtures and sincere attempts to work with them were spat upon. 

The Republicans supporting Biden are just sensible people that put country above party rather than support a fake president who is grossly unfit for office, cannot manage an administration to which he appoints unqualified loyalists, endangers our environment and our climate by allowing pollution, pulls out of international agreements that we had led and which we need, makes deals with foreign dictators to support unfounded charges against his political opponent, pays off prostitutes so they don't talk about his affairs with them, uses donations to his fake charity and to his campaign for personal purposes, makes money off diplomats staying in his hotel, advocates fake medicines and herd immunity for a deadly pandemic that he calls a hoax that will just go away and rejects his scientists about, requires his cabinet officers to put themselves and himself above the law, colludes with foreign powers for his own financial and political gain, fires his appointees who answer lawful subpoenas, stokes racial hatred and violence wherever he goes and calls Nazis fine people, grossly inflates the national debt in order to give tax breaks to the rich and spend billions on the military unnecessarily, threatens not to respect the election outcome or leave office if defeated, tampers with the mail by appointing a loyalist with financial interests in its competition to intentionally delay our mail and interfere with mail-in ballots which he calls rigged without any evidence and during a pandemic which endangers the lives of those voting in-person, panders to gun rights and anti-abortion fanatics and looney conspiracy theorists, sends his unidentified goons to pick up innocent people and gas peaceful protesters in the streets to make way for a photo op, holds his convention at the White House in violation of the Hatch Act............

Things are looking up a bit for your boogaloo though; Biden has fallen behind about 2 points in the current toss-up states that voted for Trump in 2016: Iowa, Ohio, Texas and Georgia, but holds onto a slim lead in NC, and AZ, FL, PA, MN, WI and MI are still leaning Biden's way by 4-6 points or so.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
NBC News reports tonight that Trump lies when he says crime is up in "Democrat-run" cities, stats show there is no difference from the Republican run cities like Miami and Tulsa. But facts don't matter to believers like Classic Xer. NBC is MSM. It does not matter that they just reported facts. The slogans are all that matter to Trump.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
It seems a lot of people aren't waiting for October to launch their surprises. The last few nights Rachel has had interviews with authors on the night before a new book comes up that includes anti Trump bombshells. She is promising more books over the next week.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
Besides taking people off the streets, supporting vigilantes, and tempering with the mail, comes another report from PBS tonight that Trump is cutting the census short. His loyalist appointees have now moved the deadline from the end of October to the end of September for workers to collect information and interview people who haven't done the census yet. His threat to add a citizenship question has already scared some people off. After all, ICE already picks up undocumented immigrants or those accused of drunk driving etc. off the streets and throws them into jail or across the border. He also threatens to illegally remove undocumented immigrants from the count, which would take away 2 seats from CA and 1 from NJ, even though this is unconstitutional, since the census is required by it to count every person. In the middle of a pandemic and hurricanes that Trump himself has stoked with his policies, it is that much harder to knock on doors and gather the data. The deadline should be extended, not reduced! Trump is tampering with the census for political gain.

He also has been caught in another BIG LIE by NBC News-- see above.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(09-01-2020, 01:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-01-2020, 12:49 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Corporate America got huge aid to keep the economy from a tailspin reminiscent of the Great Depression through bipartisan support, and Corporate America paid us back by funding right-wing pols best described as mirror-image Marxists adept at creating suffering for others for their own gain. 

Nancy Pelosi is past eighty, and she is unlikely to change her core beliefs. Likewise Biden and McConnell. 

Donald Trump is a crony capitalist, and that is an indelible part of his character. I see little reason to believe that he will have any political relevance after January except as a scapegoat and as a model of how not to be President. And what is morally wrong with living paycheck-to-paycheck? In a corrupt plutocracy like ours, such is a badge of honor. Do you really admire Steve "Caught on a Yacht" Bannon?* Or such scum as pump-and-dump stock swindlers who fleece people of their retirement funds?

I see Barack Obama as a model of how to be President after this Crisis is over. The Mature Reactive, someone not full of himself like an arrogant Idealist and who knows that he can't get away with much, is exactly right for a society that relies upon thrift and small-business development instead of the bloating of vertically-integrated near-monopolies. We are headed to a high in which employment is a near-certainty among anyone with a work ethic, but in which small fortunes might be made by starting small businesses that do well. Small businesses make more people prosper than do corporate behemoths with executives paid lavishly to treat employees badly. Being overworked and underpaid but having no security is a raw deal for a worker, and that makes socialism attractive. 

Donald Trump has the classic faults of an Idealist generation: he is egocentric (selfish, ruthless, and arrogant) to the extreme, but he is also unlearned and intolerant, and if he is decisive he is decisively wrong. An Idealist generation can give an FDR, a Churchill, a Lincoln, a Juarez, a Mannerheim, a Gandhi, or an Adenauer; it can also give a Lenin. Trump so rends America that many conservatives are deciding to support Joe Biden. Rule of law, checks and balances, and governmental integrity are all that save us from a despot.  

*The Feds love to catch crooks indulging themselves at expensive resorts, mansions, and yachts. Figure that Federal prosecutors love to have such people as schoolteachers, librarians, engineers, and accountants on juries for mail fraud, wire fraud, or bank fraud that involve paper trails. Part of the evidence is documentation of bank accounts and high-value retail transactions.

A Mature Reactive wouldn't have embarked on a world wide apology tour or accepted a Noble Peace that was obviously given to him as a gift or sicked the IRS on his political competition or allowed himself to be drug into a petty dispute between a white cop doing his job and an uppity black who took offense to it and used the race card or would have thought giving a billion in cash to a terrorist regime was a good idea and so forth. I'll give him credit for being born here. I'll give him credit for being the first Black American to become President. I'll give him credit for the death of Bin Laden and even give him credit for the removal of millions of illegal Mexicans. But other than that, he was a two bit Liberal politician with above average communication skills who served two terms because he was black. I don't care about Steve Bannon or the Koch brothers or whoever else you think I worship or admire or feel all goo goo about these days. The Republicans that are supporting Biden are ether babies who can't handle defeat or progressive minded policy wonks or minorities who think their special because their skin is brown.

I would be delighted to see some Turkish leader go on a world-wide apology tour to express a condemnation of the genocide that his country did to Armenians. There are people of Armenian origin all over the world. It would be appreciated. 

"Uppity" is a racial slur, Classic X'er. Blacks have the right to demand dignity from those who deny it to them without valid reason. Credit for being born here? That doesn't count for much in my book. Charles Manson was born in America.

Obama returned criminal aliens to their places of origin, including spouse abusers who lost citizenship for a felony conviction. That was even-handed. 

In view of how bad the state of the economy was in 2008, the last thing anyone could care about in the President was his origin. Obama acts with integrity and (this is very much a Reactive trait, at least among the best of them) respect for precedent and protocol. He served a second term because his first term was good enough that making a change seemed premature. OK, I would rather be facing the end of the second term of Mitt Romney than the end of the first (and only) term of Donald Judas Iscariot Trump. And, yes, I prefer political leaders who don't hurt people for a photo op that purports to show his piety. I prefer political leaders who have conventional family lives with marital stability to those who chase skirts and don't pay for abortions to kill the baby and silence his 'conquest' I prefer political leaders who don't say that there are good people on both sides when one of those sides is nearly pure evil. I can see good people only one side of arson, for example.   

I don't quite get what you mean by "not caring about Steve Bannon".... is it that you don't care about what consequences he will face for cheating people for whom he solicited funds or that you don't care that he fleeced people who might have better (at least for conservative causes) spend the money to defend Republicans running for public office?

As I see it, the Republicans ditching Donald Trump do so so that they will have influence or at the least they will be able to foster conservatism without the nefarious demagoguery and unreason that I associate with him.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(09-01-2020, 10:46 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(09-01-2020, 01:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(09-01-2020, 12:49 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Corporate America got huge aid to keep the economy from a tailspin reminiscent of the Great Depression through bipartisan support, and Corporate America paid us back by funding right-wing pols best described as mirror-image Marxists adept at creating suffering for others for their own gain. 

Nancy Pelosi is past eighty, and she is unlikely to change her core beliefs. Likewise Biden and McConnell. 

Donald Trump is a crony capitalist, and that is an indelible part of his character. I see little reason to believe that he will have any political relevance after January except as a scapegoat and as a model of how not to be President. And what is morally wrong with living paycheck-to-paycheck? In a corrupt plutocracy like ours, such is a badge of honor. Do you really admire Steve "Caught on a Yacht" Bannon?* Or such scum as pump-and-dump stock swindlers who fleece people of their retirement funds?

I see Barack Obama as a model of how to be President after this Crisis is over. The Mature Reactive, someone not full of himself like an arrogant Idealist and who knows that he can't get away with much, is exactly right for a society that relies upon thrift and small-business development instead of the bloating of vertically-integrated near-monopolies. We are headed to a high in which employment is a near-certainty among anyone with a work ethic, but in which small fortunes might be made by starting small businesses that do well. Small businesses make more people prosper than do corporate behemoths with executives paid lavishly to treat employees badly. Being overworked and underpaid but having no security is a raw deal for a worker, and that makes socialism attractive. 

Donald Trump has the classic faults of an Idealist generation: he is egocentric (selfish, ruthless, and arrogant) to the extreme, but he is also unlearned and intolerant, and if he is decisive he is decisively wrong. An Idealist generation can give an FDR, a Churchill, a Lincoln, a Juarez, a Mannerheim, a Gandhi, or an Adenauer; it can also give a Lenin. Trump so rends America that many conservatives are deciding to support Joe Biden. Rule of law, checks and balances, and governmental integrity are all that save us from a despot.  

*The Feds love to catch crooks indulging themselves at expensive resorts, mansions, and yachts. Figure that Federal prosecutors love to have such people as schoolteachers, librarians, engineers, and accountants on juries for mail fraud, wire fraud, or bank fraud that involve paper trails. Part of the evidence is documentation of bank accounts and high-value retail transactions.

A Mature Reactive wouldn't have embarked on a world wide apology tour or accepted a Noble Peace that was obviously given to him as a gift or sicked the IRS on his political competition or allowed himself to be drug into a petty dispute between a white cop doing his job and an uppity black who took offense to it and used the race card or would have thought giving a billion in cash to a terrorist regime was a good idea and so forth. I'll give him credit for being born here. I'll give him credit for being the first Black American to become President. I'll give him credit for the death of Bin Laden and even give him credit for the removal of millions of illegal Mexicans. But other than that, he was a two bit Liberal politician with above average communication skills who served two terms because he was black. I don't care about Steve Bannon or the Koch brothers or whoever else you think I worship or admire or feel all goo goo about these days. The Republicans that are supporting Biden are ether babies who can't handle defeat or progressive minded policy wonks or minorities who think their special because their skin is brown.

I would be delighted to see some Turkish leader go on a world-wide apology tour to express a condemnation of the genocide that his country did to Armenians. There are people of Armenian origin all over the world. It would be appreciated. 

"Uppity" is a racial slur, Classic X'er. Blacks have the right to demand dignity from those who deny it to them without valid reason. Credit for being born here? That doesn't count for much in my book. Charles Manson was born in America.

Obama returned criminal aliens to their places of origin, including spouse abusers who lost citizenship for a felony conviction. That was even-handed. 

In view of how bad the state of the economy was in 2008, the last thing anyone could care about in the President was his origin. Obama acts with integrity and (this is very much a Reactive trait, at least among the best of them) respect for precedent and protocol. He served a second term because his first term was good enough that making a change seemed premature. OK, I would rather be facing the end of the second term of Mitt Romney than the end of the first (and only) term of Donald Judas Iscariot Trump. And, yes, I prefer political leaders who don't hurt people for a photo op that purports to show his piety. I prefer political leaders who have conventional family lives with marital stability to those who chase skirts and don't pay for abortions to kill the baby and silence his 'conquest' I prefer political leaders who don't say that there are good people on both sides when one of those sides is nearly pure evil. I can see good people only one side of arson, for example.   

I don't quite get what you mean by "not caring about Steve Bannon".... is it that you don't care about what consequences he will face for cheating people for whom he solicited funds or that you don't care that he fleeced people who might have better (at least for conservative causes) spend the money to defend Republicans running for public office?

As I see it, the Republicans ditching Donald Trump do so so that they will have influence or at the least they will be able to foster conservatism without the nefarious demagoguery and unreason that I associate with him.
So, uppity is racist term too these days. Are you sure about that teach? So, how long is going to be until moron as in black moron is racist too? How about imbecile as in black imbecile, can we expect that to be racist too?
(09-02-2020, 01:01 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: So, uppity is racist term too these days. Are you sure about that teach? So, how long is going to be until moron as in black moron is racist too? How about imbecile as in black imbecile, can we expect that to be racist too?

The people of which you are an example here and which we saw at the RNC are not concerned about injustice. You not only think "it could not happen to me," comfortable as you are in your rich white upper-middle-class exurb, but that those to which it is happening are going to invade your exurb so you'd better get armed and ready to invade the cities so that these people who dare to complain get clobbered for good. You have what you have, and you think injustice and poverty can't happen to you. You don't care if we live in a police state, so long as it's a white police state that protects your comfortable exurban life. It's not a life that I want.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(09-01-2020, 09:28 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Besides taking people off the streets, supporting vigilantes, and tempering with the mail, comes another report from PBS tonight that Trump is cutting the census short. His loyalist appointees have now moved the deadline from the end of October to the end of September for workers to collect information and interview people who haven't done the census yet. His threat to add a citizenship question has already scared some people off. After all, ICE already picks up undocumented immigrants or those accused of drunk driving etc. off the streets and throws them into jail or across the border. He also threatens to illegally remove undocumented immigrants from the count, which would take away 2 seats from CA and 1 from NJ, even though this is unconstitutional, since the census is required by it to count every person. In the middle of a pandemic and hurricanes that Trump himself has stoked with his policies, it is that much harder to knock on doors and gather the data. The deadline should be extended, not reduced! Trump is tampering with the census for political gain.

He also has been caught in another BIG LIE by NBC News-- see above.
So, who is getting screwed other than the Liberal groups that have been screwing us for years?
(09-02-2020, 01:10 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(09-02-2020, 01:01 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: So, uppity is racist term too these days. Are you sure about that teach? So, how long is going to be until moron as in black moron is racist too? How about imbecile as in black imbecile, can we expect that to be racist too?

The people of which you are an example here and which we saw at the RNC are not concerned about injustice. You not only think "it could not happen to me," comfortable as you are in your rich white upper-middle-class exurb, but that those to which it is happening are going to invade your exurb so you'd better get armed and ready to invade the cities so that these people who dare to complain get clobbered for good. You have what you have, and you think injustice and poverty can't happen to you. You don't care if we live in a police state, so long as it's a white police state that protects your comfortable exurban life. It's not a life that I want.
I'm not a cake eater. It could happen to me but it's more likely going to happen to you since it's what you've been voting for for many years. So, how many years have you been voting for government to do this or that for you and provide this or that and take care of this or that or protect you from this or that and so forth.
(09-02-2020, 01:01 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: So, uppity is racist term too these days. Are you sure about that teach? So, how long is going to be until moron as in black moron is racist too? How about imbecile as in black imbecile, can we expect that to be racist too?

It has been a racist term in the past, and it can't be sanitized, especially when applied to African-Americans. See below. 

Quote:Yep, 'Uppity' Is Racist

A lot of people have no idea that the word "uppity," when applied to black people, has racist connotations, but it's getting harder and harder to understand how public figures, in particular, are able to maintain their ignorance of the term's history.
NOVEMBER 22, 2011

 A lot of people have no idea that the word "uppity," when applied to black people, has racist connotations, but it's getting harder and harder to understand how public figures, in particular, are able to maintain their ignorance of the term's history. President Obama has been a well-known public figure for several years and his conservative critics, in particular, keep making the "uppity" mistake. This week it's Rush Limbaugh, who said Michelle Obama was booed at a weekend Nascar race because she showed "uppity-ism," as well as the conservative site Newsbusters, which is just shocked that anyone might call that comment racially problematic. Glenn Beck, too, is defending Limbaugh's analysis, saying it's just a synonym for snobby. It's hard to explain how they've managed to avoid finding out about "uppity" secret past.

Limbaugh said Monday "Nascar people... are mature, tolerant people who fully understand when they’re being insulted and condescended to," Limbaugh said, then listed Obama's transgressions such as taking expensive vacations and saying exercise is good. He continued, "They understand it is a little bit of uppity-ism."  Glenn Beck defended the comment, saying on Imus' radio show, "Uppity? You don't think she's a little snotty? Really? Really? Miss Arugula? Come on!"  (Arugula is a type of lettuce that is offensive to some conservatives.) "I'm not going to apologize for saying the woman who says 'I'd like a good steak and arugula once in a while'... Please. We're living in a country where you can't say that's a little uppity?" 

Beck seemed unaware "uppity" was a term racist southerners used for black people who didn't know their place. In fairness, a lot of people don't know for sure whether "uppity" is racist. Various forms of the question "Is uppity racist?" is a very popular on Yahoo Answers. But a little more digging could help these guys out. The most liked and most disliked definition at Urban Dictionary notes that "uppity" is often followed by the n-word. Maybe these media guys don't know how to Google. Even so, they've had a lot of practice with uppity in recent years. 

In 2008, Rep. Lynn Westmorland claimed he didn't know "uppity" had racial connotations when he used the term to describe then-Sen. Barack Obama. This is especially curious because Westmorland is from Georgia. In 2010, Harvard professor Charles Ogletree said Sarah Palin's habit of deriding Obama as a "professor" was code for "uppity." Limbaugh responded by saying the term was racist when applied to Clarence Thomas, but true when applied to Obama: "Obama is uppity, but not as a black. He is an elitist. He does think he’s smarter and better than everybody else. That’s what he was taught. He’s a Harvard man." (Thomas received his law degree, by contrast, from plebian institution Yale.)

But maybe that practice is starting to sink in. While Newsbusters' Brent Baker was appalled that ABC News had "elevated" the "left-wing hit," he didn't quite go so far as to explicitly say the comment wasn't racist. That's progress.

As the words idiot, imbecile, and moron apply: they used to be technical distinctions for levels of mental retardation. Unfortunately for the people in the mental health business and in teaching, these words drifted into commonplace usage and (1) got confused, and (2) got used heavily out of context as in 

"American mass low culture is made for morons"
"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!", a cat-call I made at someone running onto a sporting field.

Yours truly used those words in that context.

"Idiot" in the psychological field used to apply to people with IQ's under 30... typically people unable to care of themselves in basic functions such as clothing and feeding themselves and basic hygiene. It's not stubborn refusal; it is inability. The term for such people is now "profoundly mentally impaired", or PMI. Such people can perform no better as an adult than a 6-year-old child. 

"Imbecile" used to apply to people with IQ's between 30 and 50, or people now known as "Trainably Mentally Impaired". They can get little from formal schooling, but they can be trained to take care of such functions as clothing and washing oneself and perhaps some domestic chores. But they can be extremely reckless. The word has rarely entered the mass lexicon because unlike idiot and moron the word does not easily flow from the lips.

"Moron" used to apply to people with IQ's between  50 and the legal threshold of mental retardation, usually about 70, which corresponds to a mental age 14 for an adult, and now has the euphemism "Educably Mentally Impaired". They can at best achieve what a high-school freshman can achieve. At the top of this category one might even find suitable employment for them, but they must be watched. They are gullible, and they may have gaps in ethical reasoning. They are suited to highly routine, repetitive jobs "too small for the spirit" of people of average or above-average intelligence.  

OK, idiot and especially "Idiot!" applies often to people who do things that are obviously unwise. Maybe one does such things while drunk, on drugs, or involved in a cult or a totalitarian cause. People can be trained to do hurtful things to themselves and others. Moron has largely replaced the largely-obsolete dullard  and simpleton in mass use. OK, mass low culture, much advertising, political slogans, propaganda, much preaching is made for the dull-normal who can be induced to join a march, attend a religious service without help from others, or go to a shore and remember to buy (name of product).   

Intelligent people can do things that seem stupid, like getting drunk or using drugs, having reckless sex, getting involved in political extremism, joining cults, or doing crime. Go figure. Joseph Goebbels, John Gacy, and Ted Kaczynski weren't stupid.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(09-02-2020, 10:28 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(09-02-2020, 01:01 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: So, uppity is racist term too these days. Are you sure about that teach? So, how long is going to be until moron as in black moron is racist too? How about imbecile as in black imbecile, can we expect that to be racist too?

It has been a racist term in the past, and it can't be sanitized, especially when applied to African-Americans. See below. 

Quote:Yep, 'Uppity' Is Racist

A lot of people have no idea that the word "uppity," when applied to black people, has racist connotations, but it's getting harder and harder to understand how public figures, in particular, are able to maintain their ignorance of the term's history.
NOVEMBER 22, 2011

 A lot of people have no idea that the word "uppity," when applied to black people, has racist connotations, but it's getting harder and harder to understand how public figures, in particular, are able to maintain their ignorance of the term's history. President Obama has been a well-known public figure for several years and his conservative critics, in particular, keep making the "uppity" mistake. This week it's Rush Limbaugh, who said Michelle Obama was booed at a weekend Nascar race because she showed "uppity-ism," as well as the conservative site Newsbusters, which is just shocked that anyone might call that comment racially problematic. Glenn Beck, too, is defending Limbaugh's analysis, saying it's just a synonym for snobby. It's hard to explain how they've managed to avoid finding out about "uppity" secret past.

Limbaugh said Monday "Nascar people... are mature, tolerant people who fully understand when they’re being insulted and condescended to," Limbaugh said, then listed Obama's transgressions such as taking expensive vacations and saying exercise is good. He continued, "They understand it is a little bit of uppity-ism."  Glenn Beck defended the comment, saying on Imus' radio show, "Uppity? You don't think she's a little snotty? Really? Really? Miss Arugula? Come on!"  (Arugula is a type of lettuce that is offensive to some conservatives.) "I'm not going to apologize for saying the woman who says 'I'd like a good steak and arugula once in a while'... Please. We're living in a country where you can't say that's a little uppity?" 

Beck seemed unaware "uppity" was a term racist southerners used for black people who didn't know their place. In fairness, a lot of people don't know for sure whether "uppity" is racist. Various forms of the question "Is uppity racist?" is a very popular on Yahoo Answers. But a little more digging could help these guys out. The most liked and most disliked definition at Urban Dictionary notes that "uppity" is often followed by the n-word. Maybe these media guys don't know how to Google. Even so, they've had a lot of practice with uppity in recent years. 

In 2008, Rep. Lynn Westmorland claimed he didn't know "uppity" had racial connotations when he used the term to describe then-Sen. Barack Obama. This is especially curious because Westmorland is from Georgia. In 2010, Harvard professor Charles Ogletree said Sarah Palin's habit of deriding Obama as a "professor" was code for "uppity." Limbaugh responded by saying the term was racist when applied to Clarence Thomas, but true when applied to Obama: "Obama is uppity, but not as a black. He is an elitist. He does think he’s smarter and better than everybody else. That’s what he was taught. He’s a Harvard man." (Thomas received his law degree, by contrast, from plebian institution Yale.)

But maybe that practice is starting to sink in. While Newsbusters' Brent Baker was appalled that ABC News had "elevated" the "left-wing hit," he didn't quite go so far as to explicitly say the comment wasn't racist. That's progress.

As the words idiot, imbecile, and moron apply: they used to be technical distinctions for levels of mental retardation. Unfortunately for the people in the mental health business and in teaching, these words drifted into commonplace usage and (1) got confused, and (2) got used heavily out of context as in 

"American mass low culture is made for morons"
"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!", a cat-call I made at someone running onto a sporting field.

Yours truly used those words in that context.

"Idiot" in the psychological field used to apply to people with IQ's under 30... typically people unable to care of themselves in basic functions such as clothing and feeding themselves and basic hygiene. It's not stubborn refusal; it is inability. The term for such people is now "profoundly mentally impaired", or PMI. Such people can perform no better as an adult than a 6-year-old child. 

"Imbecile" used to apply to people with IQ's between 30 and 50, or people now known as "Trainably Mentally Impaired". They can get little from formal schooling, but they can be trained to take care of such functions as clothing and washing oneself and perhaps some domestic chores. But they can be extremely reckless. The word has rarely entered the mass lexicon because unlike idiot and moron the word does not easily flow from the lips.

"Moron" used to apply to people with IQ's between  50 and the legal threshold of mental retardation, usually about 70, which corresponds to a mental age 14 for an adult, and now has the euphemism "Educably Mentally Impaired". They can at best achieve what a high-school freshman can achieve. At the top of this category one might even find suitable employment for them, but they must be watched. They are gullible, and they may have gaps in ethical reasoning. They are suited to highly routine, repetitive jobs "too small for the spirit" of people of average or above-average intelligence.  

OK, idiot and especially "Idiot!" applies often to people who do things that are obviously unwise. Maybe one does such things while drunk, on drugs, or involved in a cult or a totalitarian cause. People can be trained to do hurtful things to themselves and others. Moron has largely replaced the largely-obsolete dullard  and simpleton in mass use. OK, mass low culture, much advertising, political slogans, propaganda, much preaching is made for the dull-normal who can be induced to join a march, attend a religious service without help from others, or go to a shore and remember to buy (name of product).   

Intelligent people can do things that seem stupid, like getting drunk or using drugs, having reckless sex, getting involved in political extremism, joining cults, or doing crime. Go figure. Joseph Goebbels, John Gacy, and Ted Kaczynski weren't stupid.
This incident bothers me because it happened to me. Sheriff's Deputies caught up with me right in front of my house after I rode my bike through a stop sign. There were no cars, so I just went. They demanded that I put my hands up in case I had a gun. It was ridiculous, but of course I didn't have a gun and I didn't resist. I wanted to have a talk with them, but deferred and just had a few words. I wonder what would have happened to me if I had been a black man.

It appears this guy, who lived in an area close to where Rodney King was beaten, not so long ago by my reckoning (since the 21st century is a nothingburger in all ways), apparently had a gun amidst a bundle he was carrying while running away from the deputies, but did not have it in his hand. I hope there's not another riot. But it seems to me that cops who favor Trump may be trying to provoke riots so they can get votes from fearful suburbanites like Classic Xer.

Black man stopped for allegedly riding bicycle unlawfully ends up shot and killed

From NY Times via Daily Los:

What started as a stop for unlawfully riding a bicycle ended with a 29-year-old Black man dead and protesters once again demanding justice, this time in South Los Angeles. Deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department shot and killed Dijon Kizzee Monday afternoon after he ran from deputies and a gun was later found on the scene, officials told the Los Angeles Times. ”During the contact, a fight ensued between the suspect and deputies. The suspect produced a handgun and a deputy-involved ‘hit’ shooting occurred,” the sheriff’s department said in a statement. “The suspect’s handgun was recovered. The suspect was pronounced deceased at the scene.”

His family, who is demanding the unidentified deputies be arrested, however, said there is more to the story than officials have revealed.

Kizzee’s aunt, who The New York Times identified as Fletcher Fair, said the shooting was “so dirty” of the sheriff’s department. She spoke Tuesday during a press conference held at the shooting site. No other race is targeted by police more than Black people, she said. “It’s just us, and we’re tired. We are absolutely tired,” she said of law enforcement officials. “Whatever they get they get because they damn deserve it (…) If you don’t like us, stay out of our neighborhoods. Don’t come here. We didn’t ask for you.”

Sheriff’s Lt. Brandon Dean told the Los Angeles Times he didn't know the vehicle codes Kizzee was accused of breaking when two deputies driving in the area spotted him at 3:15 PM, but when the deputies stopped Kizzee, he dropped his bike and ran. When authorities eventually caught up with Kizzee, he punched one of them in the face, and dropped a bundle of clothes he was carrying in the process, Dean said. Deputies spotted the gun in the bundle and shot Kizzee an unknown number of times, Dean said.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(09-02-2020, 10:28 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(09-02-2020, 01:01 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: So, uppity is racist term too these days. Are you sure about that teach? So, how long is going to be until moron as in black moron is racist too? How about imbecile as in black imbecile, can we expect that to be racist too?

It has been a racist term in the past, and it can't be sanitized, especially when applied to African-Americans. See below. 

Quote:Yep, 'Uppity' Is Racist

A lot of people have no idea that the word "uppity," when applied to black people, has racist connotations, but it's getting harder and harder to understand how public figures, in particular, are able to maintain their ignorance of the term's history.
NOVEMBER 22, 2011

 A lot of people have no idea that the word "uppity," when applied to black people, has racist connotations, but it's getting harder and harder to understand how public figures, in particular, are able to maintain their ignorance of the term's history. President Obama has been a well-known public figure for several years and his conservative critics, in particular, keep making the "uppity" mistake. This week it's Rush Limbaugh, who said Michelle Obama was booed at a weekend Nascar race because she showed "uppity-ism," as well as the conservative site Newsbusters, which is just shocked that anyone might call that comment racially problematic. Glenn Beck, too, is defending Limbaugh's analysis, saying it's just a synonym for snobby. It's hard to explain how they've managed to avoid finding out about "uppity" secret past.

Limbaugh said Monday "Nascar people... are mature, tolerant people who fully understand when they’re being insulted and condescended to," Limbaugh said, then listed Obama's transgressions such as taking expensive vacations and saying exercise is good. He continued, "They understand it is a little bit of uppity-ism."  Glenn Beck defended the comment, saying on Imus' radio show, "Uppity? You don't think she's a little snotty? Really? Really? Miss Arugula? Come on!"  (Arugula is a type of lettuce that is offensive to some conservatives.) "I'm not going to apologize for saying the woman who says 'I'd like a good steak and arugula once in a while'... Please. We're living in a country where you can't say that's a little uppity?" 

Beck seemed unaware "uppity" was a term racist southerners used for black people who didn't know their place. In fairness, a lot of people don't know for sure whether "uppity" is racist. Various forms of the question "Is uppity racist?" is a very popular on Yahoo Answers. But a little more digging could help these guys out. The most liked and most disliked definition at Urban Dictionary notes that "uppity" is often followed by the n-word. Maybe these media guys don't know how to Google. Even so, they've had a lot of practice with uppity in recent years. 

In 2008, Rep. Lynn Westmorland claimed he didn't know "uppity" had racial connotations when he used the term to describe then-Sen. Barack Obama. This is especially curious because Westmorland is from Georgia. In 2010, Harvard professor Charles Ogletree said Sarah Palin's habit of deriding Obama as a "professor" was code for "uppity." Limbaugh responded by saying the term was racist when applied to Clarence Thomas, but true when applied to Obama: "Obama is uppity, but not as a black. He is an elitist. He does think he’s smarter and better than everybody else. That’s what he was taught. He’s a Harvard man." (Thomas received his law degree, by contrast, from plebian institution Yale.)

But maybe that practice is starting to sink in. While Newsbusters' Brent Baker was appalled that ABC News had "elevated" the "left-wing hit," he didn't quite go so far as to explicitly say the comment wasn't racist. That's progress.

As the words idiot, imbecile, and moron apply: they used to be technical distinctions for levels of mental retardation. Unfortunately for the people in the mental health business and in teaching, these words drifted into commonplace usage and (1) got confused, and (2) got used heavily out of context as in 

"American mass low culture is made for morons"
"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!", a cat-call I made at someone running onto a sporting field.

Yours truly used those words in that context.

"Idiot" in the psychological field used to apply to people with IQ's under 30... typically people unable to care of themselves in basic functions such as clothing and feeding themselves and basic hygiene. It's not stubborn refusal; it is inability. The term for such people is now "profoundly mentally impaired", or PMI. Such people can perform no better as an adult than a 6-year-old child. 

"Imbecile" used to apply to people with IQ's between 30 and 50, or people now known as "Trainably Mentally Impaired". They can get little from formal schooling, but they can be trained to take care of such functions as clothing and washing oneself and perhaps some domestic chores. But they can be extremely reckless. The word has rarely entered the mass lexicon because unlike idiot and moron the word does not easily flow from the lips.

"Moron" used to apply to people with IQ's between  50 and the legal threshold of mental retardation, usually about 70, which corresponds to a mental age 14 for an adult, and now has the euphemism "Educably Mentally Impaired". They can at best achieve what a high-school freshman can achieve. At the top of this category one might even find suitable employment for them, but they must be watched. They are gullible, and they may have gaps in ethical reasoning. They are suited to highly routine, repetitive jobs "too small for the spirit" of people of average or above-average intelligence.  

OK, idiot and especially "Idiot!" applies often to people who do things that are obviously unwise. Maybe one does such things while drunk, on drugs, or involved in a cult or a totalitarian cause. People can be trained to do hurtful things to themselves and others. Moron has largely replaced the largely-obsolete dullard  and simpleton in mass use. OK, mass low culture, much advertising, political slogans, propaganda, much preaching is made for the dull-normal who can be induced to join a march, attend a religious service without help from others, or go to a shore and remember to buy (name of product).   

Intelligent people can do things that seem stupid, like getting drunk or using drugs, having reckless sex, getting involved in political extremism, joining cults, or doing crime. Go figure. Joseph Goebbels, John Gacy, and Ted Kaczynski weren't stupid.
Thanks for proving my point and showing everyone that I'm spot on and understand the Liberal way of thinking these days. All I can do or say at this point, I hope there's enough uppity blacks and uppity whites and uppity people of other races (male, female, male-female, gay and straight) who are living here to financially support you, provide for your defense and provide whatever basic services and so forth because the country is on the verge of splitting and parting ways with them and the bulk of the people (their supporters) like you at the same time as well.
(09-02-2020, 11:54 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: This incident bothers me because it happened to me. Sheriff's Deputies caught up with me right in front of my house after I rode my bike through a stop sign. There were no cars, so I just went. They demanded that I put my hands up in case I had a gun. It was ridiculous, but of course I didn't have a gun and I didn't resist. I wanted to have a talk with them, but deferred and just had a few words. I wonder what would have happened to me if I had been a black man.

It appears this guy, who lived in an area close to where Rodney King was beaten, not so long ago by my reckoning (since the 21st century is a nothingburger in all ways), apparently had a gun amidst a bundle he was carrying while running away from the deputies, but did not have it in his hand. I hope there's not another riot. But it seems to me that cops who favor Trump may be trying to provoke riots so they can get votes from fearful suburbanites like Classic Xer.

Black man stopped for allegedly riding bicycle unlawfully ends up shot and killed

From NY Times via Daily Los:

What started as a stop for unlawfully riding a bicycle ended with a 29-year-old Black man dead and protesters once again demanding justice, this time in South Los Angeles. Deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department shot and killed Dijon Kizzee Monday afternoon after he ran from deputies and a gun was later found on the scene, officials told the Los Angeles Times. ”During the contact, a fight ensued between the suspect and deputies. The suspect produced a handgun and a deputy-involved ‘hit’ shooting occurred,” the sheriff’s department said in a statement. “The suspect’s handgun was recovered. The suspect was pronounced deceased at the scene.”

His family, who is demanding the unidentified deputies be arrested, however, said there is more to the story than officials have revealed.

Kizzee’s aunt, who The New York Times identified as Fletcher Fair, said the shooting was “so dirty” of the sheriff’s department. She spoke Tuesday during a press conference held at the shooting site. No other race is targeted by police more than Black people, she said. “It’s just us, and we’re tired. We are absolutely tired,” she said of law enforcement officials. “Whatever they get they get because they damn deserve it (…) If you don’t like us, stay out of our neighborhoods. Don’t come here. We didn’t ask for you.”

Sheriff’s Lt. Brandon Dean told the Los Angeles Times he didn't know the vehicle codes Kizzee was accused of breaking when two deputies driving in the area spotted him at 3:15 PM, but when the deputies stopped Kizzee, he dropped his bike and ran. When authorities eventually caught up with Kizzee, he punched one of them in the face, and dropped a bundle of clothes he was carrying in the process, Dean said. Deputies spotted the gun in the bundle and shot Kizzee an unknown number of times, Dean said.
If you were black, you would have lived because you didn't resist arrest or do anything stupid or say anything to upset them or provoke them. Plus, you knew that you broke the law by ignoring the stop sign and only had a bogus excuse. You did what we were all taught by our parents and authority figures while growing up at the time. I've had run ins with the police too and some charges were bogus like carrying a bunch of empty beer bottles and cans to a garbage can when I was seventeen and being charged with minor possession of alcohol or crossing a double line while passing a car that was parked half way out in the road at a county park in located in Wisconsin which was an obvious set up and they knew it and the situation became very heated between me and the park cop (the same park cop that I had a run in with the bogus possession charge) who called the sheriff department for support.
(09-02-2020, 12:09 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Thanks for proving my point and showing everyone that I'm spot on and understand the Liberal  way of thinking these days. All I can do or  say at this point, I hope there's enough uppity blacks and uppity whites and uppity people of other races (male, female, male-female, gay and straight) who are living here to financially support you, provide for your defense  and provide whatever basic services and so forth  because the country is on the verge of splitting and parting ways with them and the bulk of the people (their supporters) like you at the same time as well.

Not really. It's just one ideolog's opinion that we have heard many a time. We are not near succession any more than we are close to all out violence. Yes, a few the right wing factions are fighting each other, but most of America is OK.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(09-02-2020, 01:10 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(09-02-2020, 12:09 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Thanks for proving my point and showing everyone that I'm spot on and understand the Liberal  way of thinking these days. All I can do or  say at this point, I hope there's enough uppity blacks and uppity whites and uppity people of other races (male, female, male-female, gay and straight) who are living here to financially support you, provide for your defense  and provide whatever basic services and so forth  because the country is on the verge of splitting and parting ways with them and the bulk of the people (their supporters) like you at the same time as well.

Not really.  It's just one ideolog's opinion that we have heard many a time.  We are not near succession any more than we are close to all out violence.  Yes, a few the right wing factions are fighting each other, but most of America is OK.
Dude, my neighbor (an uppity white Liberal) had a Liberal yard sign delivered to her home that she hasn't displayed because she lives in a Trump neighborhood and she probably knows that the words written on it would either upset or insult the entire neighborhood today. She also knows that the neighborhood are better people than they're portrayed by the media. She also knows that the adults have a much better grasp on life than her as well. The country could split and function as separate country's without succession today. We are on the verge of actually doing that right now. I think you'll find out that most Americans aren't ideologues like you guys these days.

I'm an American who has spent years battling (Braak, buck buck buck) with mainly Liberal ideologues and showing ideologues what Americans can (are free to) do and showing Americans what they can (are free to) say/do with ideologues and teaching/showing ideologues how small, irrelevant and relatively powerless they truly are compared to most Americans who live in American society today. I know that you'll never admit it or accept me knowing it about you but most people can read and understand the difference between the limited views of an ideologue like yourself and others here and the broader and more inclusive views of an American citizen these days.
(09-02-2020, 02:32 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: I'm an American who has spent years battling with ideologues and showing ideologues what Americans can do...

No, you are a yapper.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

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