05-21-2016, 10:42 PM
(05-21-2016, 06:39 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: Thread intended to expose the illicit import and release of dangerous and destructive life forms. A hint: unless you are an expert animal-keeper and you are to keep a large predator with power, speed, agility, strength, cunning, voracity, and a nasty bite, then make sure that it is a dog.
I have no idea why someone would like to have some sort of apex predator as a "pet". Predators by definition eat other animals and a lot would gladly put humans on the menu.
Dogs: -> Canis Lupus Familiaris . Dogs are just domesticated wolves. The key is domesticated, which means dogs, unlike their wild brethren Canis Lupus. The dog , like other domesticated animals has been adapted to live with humans. I wouldn't want a wolf as a pet! The above [power,speed,agility,strength,etc.] are why dogs make excellent deterrents to burglars/thieves. Shoot, my gentle black lab is plenty strong, but he's a gentle giant.
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